Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

*joins in the group hug*

Haha, nice one GuelphGal! Hmm, I don't believe I've eaten a Big Mac since...I can't remember! :eek:

is suddenly hankering for one right now
Am I too late for the Group Hug? {{{Hugs all her fellow Mac Fans}}}

GuelphGal, that was great! And I agree ranma, I haven't eaten a Big Mac for ages, but why am I suddenly craving one? (Hmmm, just imagining his reaction on the show if Danny or someone suddenly starting calling him "Big Mac"... :lol: It would definitely earn one of those famous Eyebrow Raises)
I think Stella should call him "Hey, big Mac, wanna go back to your place for some hardwood n olive oil?" hehehehe
Heheeh. sMacked action is always hot :D

This talk of Mac and food makes me hungry. Hmm. Big Mac, mac and cheese, macaroons, macaroni salad. We should invent a Pissed!Mac drink.

*will look into bar drinks and their mixes later*
Do you wanna icons of Gary? :D
Yesterday I was learning how to use Photshop, and he was my victim...took me a lot of time, but only because everytime I found myself staring at him...LOL :lol:

Hope you like them...

16 Gary Sinise Icons
Did somebody say Macadamia Nuts?!!!! :lol: *Mmmmmmm...*

Nim, love the icons, you're very talented! I hope you don't mind, I snagged one for me wee little self... :D
How 'bout Macaroni Salad or Mac n Cheese? I'd love him covered in cheese, next to chocolate anyway <g>