Heya Family!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hopefully this time will work because this is the THIRD time i reply to your posts and as usual one of those horrendous blue screens appeared:shifty:
So i have just one question to you
MAY I SHOOT MY PC IN COLD BLOOD?:scream::scream::scream

next Monday i will throw this machine from H straight to the technician's head because the system is now as stable as GELA:scream

and the MSN is not working

, i can't not even open hotmail:wtf:
So i will try to answer the best i could now
Dear Lori---->
thanks for the pics I was able to get to them on the other thread using a different search engine. It does not always come up though, so thank you for posting them in here they are easier to access this way.
I heard Adam talkng about the new girl...Better not tell Steph!
your welcome my dear

In this way we can talk about it here too and The Family can see them. Hopefully
Shamila will be back soon and she will see them too

BTW I am worried for
Steph's reaction

. The BABY seems to be interested!!!!!!!!!!
Which must explain your delirium about "Her"!...SHIPPY,SHIPPY,SHIPPY,what to do with you what to do!!!
Have you seen American dreamers yet?Rewatched it the other day I think that was the first "unofficial" date in the end when she loosens his tie and invites him for Irish coffee.OOOLLLAAALLLAAA
Oh and about "Her" have you seen snow day yet when "She" tells Mac how wonderful she is and how much he adores her? Yuck
It was proven Virus' can also invade Family's brain:lol: AHHHHH American Dreamers is one of my fav. Actually the first 3 episodes are the key of their relationship. The first one showed Mac's ordeal, the second one showed Stella's inner reactions to some wild and horrendous criminal act and the third one it showed how both of them dealt with a case had affected both of them and what they really meant to each other, the way they understood their mutual feelings, the yin and yang thing:thumbsup:
Dear Axel--->
I know. I mean I've always dreamed of a New York/Vegas crossover and now it's happening so maybe our other impossible dream isn't so impossible
I don't watch other CSIs except some episode time to time but it will be great because i was dreaming with a CSI movie just with all members of the franchise:thumbsup: However i still hope a CSI NY movie:drool: (have you imagined "Snow Day" in the Big Screen?:drool
I know right??? Maybe they are together secretly and we don't know

I had that thought come across my mind yesterday. I hope it's not the case 'cause I want to see their relationship in the intimate form from the beginning
But, aren't they yet? (I mean at the beginning?) Me thinks they are so it makes me more difult to me waiting until Season 6 starts because even if those rumours about a possible kiss are not true we still could watch the beginning of "the akward moments", those special stares, those special touchings:drool: I CAN'T WAIT!
I was watching the episode and squealing :adore: I love that convo more than words can say

Anyway, did you also notice how Sid has was of predicting that people are meant for each other? You know, when he said that Marty and his wife were perfect for each other? Well, didn't he invite both Mac and Stella to the Subway? Maybe Sid's trying to set them up :adore: I mean, I already knew he was an undercover fan. They all are :lol:
After months of speculation i think we can be almost sure It's our beloved Sid Hammerback who discovered Mac and Stella's feelings

Neither Donnie nor Sheldon, SID! He saw them at the end of 5.12 walking togetehr qand he knew quite well (IMHO) why he asked them "You two have plans?" He didn't make any joke either so it means he does consider their feelings are serious and they are ready for something important, not just quick night stand:thumbsup:
Oh my gosh, love the convo

A little OOC, but cute. Anyway, them learning to live together sounds amazing to me
I'm just hoping the writers don't take a Huddy route. Apparently, they're "stepping back a bit" from it Dear TPTB, Please do not go back with our Mac and Stella. The only way is forward. Back will result in loss of fans and severe claw marks from our pet lions
Anyway, that's all I've got to say for now. Talk to you soon. Love ya.
Poor cats! They are starving:lol: Hopefully they will be kept in that way to avoid a massive migraine considering if they are release it would mean there were reasons for it

Especially if they go for the "hallucination" route:angryrazz: If they didn't want to put House and Cuddy together i don't know why they have started that game since 2 seasons ago. Truly dissapointed last couple seasons!
Send Amanda a hug on my behalf, my dear and take care
Jeezzz Mac looks hot!!!! He gets better in every season!
Stella looks great too! Nice style, I wonder how Mac could keep his eyes off her now! :lol: Thanks for those pics!
Now let's just wait that Smacked will get together!
"Fingers crossed"
great to have you here again Sammy!

His eyes are not the important thing but whre he will put his hands:lol: She is STUNNING! And Mac:drool: well if she doesn't jump towards him it's because she really has a HUGE self control!
i disagree, i was thinking it would make sense if these scenes were right after the shooting - something like maybe what they were wearing in the bar was (a) covered in blood/debris and (b) evidence so they had to change into spare clothes that maybe they keep in their lockers just in case? that would make sense i think (see also mac changes into a different t shirt in what you see is what you see just because he happens to have one handy - he must've been a scout!). because hawkes is only in a t shirt in those pics too and he's often quite smartly dressed as well. adam looks casual whatever the situation and i guess lindsey and stella being in jeans and a shirt/jumper is hardly unusual. also i can't picture any of them going home to change - it's the kind of case they'd stay until it was done even if it meant wearing different clothes!
mac really does look good in civvies though - what you see is what you see is one of my favourite eps *just* because you get to see mac dressed down - yum
It could be however their priority would be send Danny to the hospital. I don't know how their own blood marks would be used as evidence ùnless fragments of the bullets remained in their clothes but they don't seem wounded so we can guess they weren't reached by any bullet so their clothes wouldn't need to be changed.

Even Lindsay wouldn't leave the hospital if Danny is under surgery

So yeap, it could be they are working in the case but it must be hours later or days later IMHO
And yeah, i totally agree Mac in civvies:drool::drool::drool::drool:
****Expected to be more edited