Mein lieb Schraubenmutter 
(LOL correct this. My dictionary is a fiasco:lol
aha, soso, you want to brainwash me

? Thank you very much, but my brains are clean and don´t need any washing, so you won´t succeed :lol:
wanna bet?:angel:
Very good friends do go out together sometimes, don´t they

? So I can see Mac and Stella doing all these things. And remember in S1 when Mac asked Stella when was the last time they went out for dinner and Stell replied something like "oh, ages ago" (it ended with the famous hot dog scene

). So there´s nothing suspicious if they go out for dinner or to the theater or cinema, it´s just a proof for their great friendship

of course, also great friends can do that (And more:angel

But and we would enjoy if that happened

but how are they going to explain the silences betweem them, the secret pleasure of being with each other, the loving stares, the shyness? Because we had all that before but those scenes remained unexplained (4.20,4.01, 1.10,etc,etc,etc

Ja, ja, Schatz

, OK, look of concern, I agree with that, but look of love? He sometimes gives her quite odd and unscrutable looks, me thinks

Oh, dear, I´d fear for your health if Smacked would ever happen, so they better stay just friends :lol:.
Unscrutable looks in the past maybe because he was closed to love, yes. But not now. His dancing with death at the beginning of S5 helped him to open. Now he is open to everything (especially to
a relationship with a co worker :angel

. He showed he does want to give that step. His eyes say things he cannot say with his voice yet :adore: and his actions (the trip to Plastic Greece!

) also talked for him

And i am a Nurse. I can manage a Smacked scene. I can handle many Smacked scenes actually:lol:
Oh, come on, what´s geriatric with non-explicit scenes

? It´s just tasteful.
Dear Melina, dear Gary, I know you prefer the Stella/Mac-friendship

, but just in case TPTB make them a couple, please insist on, erm, well, geriatric, quiet scenes :lol:.
Nein, nein, nein!
Dear Melina and Gary: don't pay attention to our funny Nut. She is a just a Nut after all:lol:
Think about it, dearest Nut, Mac and Stella are young. They would want to express their love in many ways:angel: They are a healthy man and a healthy woman. I refuse to believe they are Tutankamon's reincarnation:lol: Because even Mummies made love passionately (before being mummies of course:lol
Ein Umarmung
ps: Thank you for your wishes:thumbsup:
So I been reading a lot of comments about Virus haha and just found this cool video where Mac is dating her but dumped her to be with Stella the song is lovely and fits them perfectly hope you like it as much as I did!
My poor soul! I bet you are still looking for the Melina's vid with her singing. If someone can make it's you!:bolian: Awww love the vid. It includes the scene we have talked about this afternoon. And when a total winner-song
Love it!
So I been reading a lot of comments about Virus haha and just found this cool video where Mac is dating her but dumped her to be with Stella the song is lovely and fits them perfectly hope you like it as much as I did!
If he did that i would jump. My dream is Stella could sing for him but music is something they can make together as a hobby:drool:In "House" the most appreciated scenes (besides Huddy scenes) are those scenes where my beloved Hugh Laurie plays the piano. He composed a song this year and "House" played it thinking about Cuddy (that's we thought at least) and late i found out he called it "Cuddy's serenade". It was the most emotional little original piece i have heard
Aw sweetie. I liked very much when you have told us. Especially because i know you are great with kids

and I am glad you got the job. I stil i am expecting my Number as Nurse just to start looking for a job (without it we cannot work at all)
I can't remember who it was but somebody before was complaining about Cold Reveal? I completely agree with what you were saying. Mac should have been there for her more. He wasn't there at all! But I (like you) tried to attribute it to him being preoccupied about the Dobson situation. Because that was a pretty big thing. I know putting Danny on the case with ehr was nowhere near good enough, but I've gotta say I really enjoyed the Stella/Danny moments in that ep. Not romantically of course, but usually Stella is the maternal, strong one out of them. This time, she was pretty upset and scared and he turned into a man and was defending her and trying to help her out and everything. It was sweet.
I agree

They work well together even tough it wasn't the most intelligent move. Maybe there is this sort of blind faith among them that makes them behave so relax when one of them is in trouble. Only i remember this behaviour a little different in Raising Shane. But that was because they all worked under the premise Sheldon was guilty and they all tried to prove all the contrary just to save him
And it especially showed the contrast between Stella and the virus. The virus couldn't help him at all, with giving advice or comfort or anything, whereas Stella knew exactly what to say and what to do and where to find him. Loved it.
Now i feel terrible for the Virus

She tried. I can tell, she really tried. But the thing is she chose the wrong way to reach to him.
Mistake #1: she wanted to make it very public their affair (I refuse to say "relationship").
WRONG: Because he is a very private man
Mistake #2: She tried to make him guilty "you are not ready for usssss"
WRONG: Because the poor man doesn't need to know she was jealous to death because he pushed her hand away from her facewhen he saw Stell and she used the excuse of being called "Claire" instead
Mistake #3: Finally she got what she wanted and he told everyone they were together. Now what do i do with this man?
WRONG: She did not know what to do with him. She thought keeping him apart from NYC she could change it what he felt.
Many hugs to all. Hopefully Asprine and Kikii will stay and Dylan will turn up too

(I am looking for Lilou in the French Forum. I need other 40 messages to be able to read juicy spoilers:scream: darn it! when did they have to change rules?)
Debbie :hugegrin:
ps: If you can PLEASE buy "Into the fire" soundtrack . It's beyond INCREDIBLE. Melina's movie is wonderful and music is superlative (and it was filmed in NYC

) (sample in streaming)