Hello, dear
aha, soso, you want to brainwash me

? Thank you very much, but my brains are clean and don´t need any washing, so you won´t succeed :lol:
My loveliest
My beloved black sheep:lol:
You know what? In a
short time it sounds very promising

very...friendly tough:lol: Actually it would be very exciting if they shared such things. I was with Asprine in the MSN when she described me one of those 5.24 promos. Because of my connection it was too slow for me and she watched it first. Do you remember how 5.24 started? The threatre scene? well, my Asprine was bouncing:lol: And she was trying to describe me those scenes at the same time she tried to watch it again and dancing :lol: well the thing is i understood Mac and Stella were in the audience (in a date or something). I swear you my heart stopped so yeah, an unofficial date to the threatre would be great:drool:
(As i said just in the short time. In long time love is required:lol:
Very good friends do go out together sometimes, don´t they

? So I can see Mac and Stella doing all these things. And remember in S1 when Mac asked Stella when was the last time they went out for dinner and Stell replied something like "oh, ages ago" (it ended with the famous hot dog scene

). So there´s nothing suspicious if they go out for dinner or to the theater or cinema, it´s just a proof for their great friendship

Nein, nein mein liebling
Remember Stella told him what was bothering her as soon as he asked her. His look was a look of love and concern:drool: LOL if a tiny kiss happened in S6 i would pass out and i am sure i would miss the Smacked moment:lol:
Ja, ja, Schatz

, OK, look of concern, I agree with that, but look of love? He sometimes gives her quite odd and unscrutable looks, me thinks

Oh, dear, I´d fear for your health if Smacked would ever happen, so they better stay just friends :lol:.
OH GAWD! Geriatric Love comes back in full force:lol:
Oh, come on, what´s geriatric with non-explicit scenes

? It´s just tasteful.
Dear Melina, dear Gary, I know you prefer the Stella/Mac-friendship

, but just in case TPTB make them a couple, please insist on, erm, well, geriatric, quiet scenes :lol:.
But in any case you will always be my dear nut:bolian:
With love from your black nut(ter) sheep
I will admit that yes, there are different kinds of love, but I think Mac and Stella's love IS them in love, or very close too I think I'm joining Deb in trying to turn you SMACked
Wow, we agree on something

. But then we disagree again: Stella and Mac love each other in a special way, but they´re not in love

Happy trying to you and Deb :lol:.
Love and hugs from the stubborn one
PS: Sorry, I´m late with this, but Happy Independence Day to
Ghawazee and Catu