My dear Lori--->
It seems people were complaining in the rating thread that Stellas age is in a discrepency.They said they have made her younger then previously thought. I wonder if they are working here down towards "Child bearing" years! And they are planning a little mackey smack for us:lol:
*Debbie thinks carefully* Everyone is convinced Melina was who made Stella younger. Even myself, but what if she
was asked to include that
tiny detail just to give
Stella mou the chance to become a mommy?:drool: (Please God, make it happens:thumbsup
Deb did you see the finale yet? Stella was so sweet and protective of Don when Sid and others were remembering Angel in the bar before Mac came. Sid made a sad comment in referance to Jess and Stella went to Flack and put her hand on his arm to comfort him. And I'm telling you what Mac and Stella were acting as if they were getting ready to go home together when he waited as she got her sweater. And noticed how Mac knew Stellas address right away.O.K. so my "Living together theory" seems to be a bit off the mark but there is no doubt that Mac has been to Stellas place I guess her "Rules for no guys at her place" is no longer in effect!:lol:
yes, i did:shifty: I need to watch it for the third time because i feel i wouldn't make justice if i comment the episode now. I only need to say i felt the episode was a little off balance. There were great scenes (the scene with Flack crying was perfect because it was short. There is something too private when a man cries. The camera was on him just the perfect time to see his despair but not enough to be an ugly intruder in his pain:bolian: Another memorable scene was when Mac talked to all cops reunited and he informed about the loss of Jessica. It was great, it was emotional and it made it very clear why Mac Taylor is who he is. He made them very concious about the not written rule of not stopping until they get the responsible of her death. Also i like the scene between Jessica's father and Flack and of course i like the intimate moment between Mac and Stella at the office and the final scene at the coffee bar and Adam and Stella scene
But something wasn't there and i don't know what was, probably the surprise.I wish we didn't have those silly spoilers where it was said Jessica was going the one to be shot:shifty:On the other hand, knowing that fact allowed us to focus on the cliffhanger and to mourn the character beforehand.
Again, i expected more.More precisely more of Stella. Being so emotional and so connected to Jessica i was expecting more. I know she was deeply affected. At the bar her face was as sad as Flack's. And probably that one was of the most wonderful scene i could remember:bolian: because he feels comfortable with other guys (you know alpha male looking for his same groups of pairs) and he allowed himself to show vulnerability in front of them but Stella mou is a woman and she didn't say anything but she made him sure she was there. it was simply PERFECT:bolian:. Don knows she was there and she didn't use words because she does know as well as Don, they don't need words to understand each other. Stella is Don's sister by heart and that won't change hopefully:thumbsup:
regarding the hug/kissing scene I did notice he seemed to be waiting for her to leave. But he opened up in front of her and then he needed to be alone again:drool: And meanwhile i love every detail of their hugs and kisses i must say the look they shared once the hug finished was PRICELESS:drool:It was so emotional and so full of words never said that won completely my heart. There is a movie called "The secret life of words" with Tim Robbins and Sarah Polley (I can't believe it! Little Sarah is a married woman now and a director too!
). In Mac and Stella's case is "The secret life of
unspoken words" They don't need to say anything to express everything that lives in their hearts. We know what they are feeling even without words. That amazing is Melina and Gary's chemistry on screen:thumbsup: (if i were billoinaire i would give lost of money just to put them together in a movie. i would jump of joy having them together in a Big Movie:drool:
I am glad they are not there yet because even though the had seperate hotel rooms in Greece they were close, and call me Old fashioned but I like that and the fact that they are just getting started to open up and to reveal to each there feelings THE BEST PART of the "Dating game"!!
LOL! Right before 5.24 i was willing to have a debate on that matter
But after 5.24 i think something completely different. It's like to be a whitness of how they realize they are falling in love. So every second is worth of watching. If we had a kiss right now we would loose the anticipation, the emotion od something that could happen between them. of course, the day they kiss each other i will cry of joy. And much better if we have a shower scene:lol::lol::lol: But right now i think is perfect like it is. Probably we could use a "holding hands" scene just to make it more intimate but in S5 we have had everything any Smacked fan could have to be happy. All Smacked symbols:
*An unofficial date
*A kiss (on the cheek)
Also i am thinking in another of my fav movies: "Falling in love" with De Niro and Meryl Streep (amazing the two of them!). Their character never made love but the beauty and reasons of their relationship were their meetings at the train
one of my fav scenes is when Molly confesses to her friend she loves Frank and she made it sound so simple.A lot of like Mac and Stella here. So the thruth is now i love the baby steps in their relationship. I wish more obvious from Mac but he is very in character considering he is shy:lol: (BTW Falling is love have lovers
and haters:lol
I watched
Season 1 Episode 21 On The Job. That was a great episode for SMacked. I mean, even though they did not work together on the same case, they approach each other somewhere, somewhen and talked about the case. It gave us a perfect view on their friendship in this episode. Stella's compassion towards the child where she was so concern about those child and she wants to fix it. Sadly, it's not their job to fix it. In this episode, Mac steps a step forward and says, "You're the strongest person I know, Stella. A child needs anyone right now, it's you." Aww... *
If only he would say, "
our child".
It was an incredible episode for Stella because she felt to frustrated! Baby Daniella had her parents but it was as if she didn't have no one. Great scene at the end when she had to wait until meeting Baby Daniella's parents just to recover the composure. And Mac was just incredible. his words talked a lot about how close they were because we didn't know much on Stella then so it explained more and more about their relationship.
So I watched Snow Day today, twice and oh yeah SMACKed goodness all around. But "Grounds for Deception" is totally my number 1 fav. SMACked episode now. I re-watched that final office scene so many times in the past day it's not funny and I sigh happily each time.
i will watch it tomorrow in the cibercaffee. It's just too memorable not to watch it at least once per day:lol: Do you know why i love so much the last scene? Because i feel Melina was very realistic. i remember i have seen her in some AXN special dedicated to CSI last year and she used the same tiny and quiet voice Stella had in that scene so i felt a lot of Melina was present there with all that sweetness. Both of them, Stella and Mac, were completely in character and they were completely amazing for my peace of mind. I will need to record the episode several times once AXN airs it because i feel i will watch it every day:lol:
Where do you think they'll have their first kiss? I'd love to see it happen on the roof.
mmm don't know but they have to be alone (maybe in her apartment). The lab, as familiar as it is, doesn't help to have privacy:guffaw: and we need a lot of close ups with that sweet music used in Pay Up:drool:it would be like a dream:drool:
Deb, using my complete name? Am i in trouble? *giving Debbie a confused look* Mom and Oma always call me that when i'm in trouble...
No way, since you arrived i have adored you so now way you are in trouble :lol:
Gio! You should've never asked... *try not to look at Debbie's avvie or siggie to prevent bad mental images* You and Debbie are quite a pair!
Moi? Nope, you might be wrong! I am an innocent lamb as i always say. No way! It must be a Gio's thing! :lol:
Could be... But, it's a total for Stella's age. If she's 34, how about the rest of the team? But, hey! Angell is 27... So, well, that could probably be the right age. *shrug* If the reason is for us to have little taylors, then, bring it on!
Miss Gabriela, may i remember you said you like the idea of MT planting his seed withing SB? :lol:
Thanks God, I have an opportunity to spend this evening on party on-line "Happy Birthday, Hill Harper!" - four girls, ICQ, episodes 2.02 and 2.04 and spesial guest stars - two toy bears named Hawks.
***EDITING Fiuuuuuuuuu i thought we have forgotten! And we arein the early hours of his birthday!:bolian:
BTW My love to you and
Sasha and say Hi to your friends
Love y'a all (Gezzz i haven't written this way in a while!
ps: GAls!!!!!!!! Keep voting Gorunds for Deception PLEASE