"Lying Down with Dogs" Discussion *SPOILERS*

i think this is the first eppy that has actually made me want to cry. Its sad that this is actually happening in reality though:(
on the other hand im glad that CSI is covering this subject
Well, I hope that in future episodes we see that mob guy again.

The dogfighting case was very sad, and honestly I can't blame the kid... Although I do agree that he should be convicted, I can't say that the lady's life was a big loss.

Billy's public announcement, though, was good.
It was the cop. Brass told Grissom, it could be inside job with the police. I think Brass and Grissom are working together to find out who is inside job. Gedda hired this guy to keep an eyes out, but we won't find out when CSI come back on Jan. 10, Bull, if they show it.

It made me sad to see the dogs fight.
okay, i never say this but this episode was ... bad. so far this season i loved all the eps, but this one was boring and predictable. Warrick's case hasn't been resolved but it barely moved. the dogs case wasn't extremely exciting and i almost fell asleep. Boom all those years ago was so much better.

i really hope this was a one time thing, and we'll get better episodes. or episode. cuz there is only one more filmed so far.
^Sorry, but I really thought this was one of the best episodes and I think even the Warrick storyline was weak compared to the dog fighting one.

The best scene was when the kid was telling Nick about the fights and such and it was really well done by both the young actor and George Eads-who I think is ready to take over this show.
I really liked this episode. It reminded me of the good old days of CSIs actually taking time to investigate and get evidence on the case. The dog fighting scene brought me to tears nearly. Nick was right, two things juries hate most...abuse to a child and abuse to an animal.

Warrick's case was good too, but I was sort of glad it did not take over the episode, since last week it was all about him. I wonder who the cop was too, who told Getta.
I have a feeling this might have been an ongoing story for Warrick for this season but now with the writers strike, that is basically ruined.

Hodges comment about "nobody liking a kiss ass" made me laugh too, Of all the people to say that. :lol:
everybody knows that i hardly ever not like a CSI episode. but i feel that if from now on they are going to look like this, i'll lose interest in the show whatsoever. i really, really hope this is not case, but i'm still a little worried.

i think it's the lack of Sara, and barely any Grissom without anything but cases that made it so boring to me. and even those cases lacked a twist, a shocker. i thought Warrick is going to do something outragous, and he just screamed a little. Grissom was supposed to get very angry and they didn't show anything beyond what was in the promo. i have to say that for the first time since Spellbound, i'm disappointed.

on the other hand i can see that the writers strike took its toll on the script; i didn't see any spark between the characters, and the dialoques were monotonous and almost all of them - pure business. yawn.
I thought it was good, anyway.

Poor doggies. :( I can understand why the kid killed that woman. Nick was great tonight, too. He a did good job running the case. George Eads was really good showing his character's sympathy for the dogs. Greggo kinda disappeared for a while, but I wasn't expecting to see a whole lot of him this week anyway. Cath was just kinda there. Nick's definately stepping up as the real leader of the team, especially since Gil was trying to help Warrick this week.

And it looks like the Warrick drama continues, I know this is a long shot, but I almost wonder if McKean's involved with the mob, and Gil and his team bring down with it. Not likely, but I really really hate McKean anyhow. :p
Pretty good episode. Kinda boring in some spots. The kind where I could stop watching for five mintues, then come back to it and not be confused about anything. But good, nonetheless.

I think this is the beginning of Nick's 'takeover'. He's starting to step up front and center now, which is good to see. Grissom looks tired, worn down; but it was interesting to see the interaction between him and Warrick. Speaking of which, poor 'Rick.

Loved the "Nobody likes a kiss ass" comment. :lol: That made me laugh out loud. Wendy and Hodges are too cute together! And of course, loved the couple of scenes between Nick and Greg. :) I, for one, think the show is doing well without Sara. *shrug*