Love History?

He might not be my all-time favourite, but yesterday I gave a presentation on Willy Brandt, the 4th Bundeskanzler (Chancellor) of the Federal Republic of Germany (basically it was about his biography)
He had an amazing life before federal politics, and after, but never was apolitical.
If you read the part about his life 1933-45, some parts sound like a James Bond movie (he was in exile, so lots of writing with secret ink and escaping the Germans)
And he didn't cling to his office, but had a life after federal politics (e.g. helping establishing social democratic parties in Spain and Portugal, thus blocking communist influence there)

If you are interested in more, I could go on for about 25 minutes :lol:
I loved history when I was doing my GCSE's, all the WWI and WWII and the build-up to it really fascinated me. Unfortunately i didn't carry it on because at A-Level our school only did 'old' history all the ancient Britain, Kings and Queens stuff, which I hated!
I like all of it... except ancient.. oh god it's sooo boring :p

hee, im the opposite. i hated history class throughout grade school and into high school. was mostly the world wars and the founding of canada etc. maybe it was my teacher, but the only thing i remember from history in elementary school was the fur trade. so dull.

ancient history is amazing because it is so crazy, hard to believe it actually happened! my favourites are the egyptian, greek, and roman empires.
Now History is my thing :D I got 100% score at my history exam at the end of the high school. I was fascinated by ancient history, and especially about the people that were leaving in South America (The Maya civilization was my favourite)
Let's start with: Who are your favorite historical people (leaders, etc.) and why?

I am fasinated with the Romanovs, especially with the last imperial family. Nicholas II lived in a time where technology was advancing at such a rapid rate that we have so much from it. For instance, there are hundreds or even thousands of photographs of Nicholas, Alexandra, and their five children in the archives. We still have letters and diaries, and we get a intimate glimpse into their lives.

They also lived during WWI, and died as prisoners. It's interesting to see a monarch who ruled over 1/6th of of the globe be executed by a firing squad as a prisoner of war.

Then there are the classic Tudors, with Henry VIII's famous six wives. I find the first (Catherine of Aragon) to be particularily interesting, because of her family and her time in England. When her first husband - Henry's brother Arthur - died, Henry took her as his bride to keep her in England. She gave him a daughter and a son (who later died), and found herself ruling as a queen and more than just a consort. Amazing.

:lol: Nerd.
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I adore history, its fantastic, anyone who complains or says they "don't get it!" is either not studying it correctly, or they should learn a different sort of history. Personally I love reading about the second world war, and the plight of the Jewish people during that time... Schindlers list ( hope I spelled it correctly) is my alltime favourite movie. Seen the film like 8 or 9 times... Each time I watch it, i learn something else about myself and of society.

I really though, now, would love to study and learn Native American history... Any ideas?

History of course, is created and made by the victor. I wonder if it wasn't for the womens movement in England and around the world all those years ago, where would Womens movement and our power be now?

Yeah, I'm a history Geek/Nerd... I dont proclaim to know everything about History or the World but its very fascinating stuff.

My highest exam results was an A* in GCSE History a few years back.

(GCSEs' are the standard grade of education in the Uk for all none Uk people!)

I am infact, thinking about doing a small or a short course in History.
I enjoy History I think I am going to start studying it more. I would like to learn more about my family history. On my dads side of the family I'm related to Robert E. Lee and Samuel Clements. {Mark Twain} I would just love to chat with them about the times they lived in. There are others in my bloodline but I'm not to sure who they are yet. Then there is my husbands side...
I love History and grew up with my granddad talking about it and I've still got a facsination from old war planes etc

I gave up History when I had to choose my GCSEs however sometimes I wish i'd continued :D
My grandpa was in war as well, he was also prisoner, was sent to Siberia for 6 months in age of 23. Got back, skinny and total wreck. There's few books where is his stories, always nice to read again and again since he died 6 yrs ago.
How on earth did I forsake the history thread? :eek: I hope my fellow history lovers are still around!

Being it would have been Lincoln's 200th birthday on February 12th (my birthday too, heehee!) the History channel had some great stuff on. Did anyone see Stealing Lincoln? It was really good. I was unaware that all that stuff had happened to Lincoln's body. Poor guy! Those recreations of Lincoln walking and moving were amazing and freaky at the same time!
LOVE HISTORY!!!! So much so that I teach it. I've been all over the US to historical sites: Gettysburgh, Pearl Harbour, Fort Sumpter, Fort McHenry, Philadelphia (and all the good thing there) to name a few. And I've been to Washington DC three times. I'm actually taking my kids there over spring break. I can't wait to go again.
LOVE HISTORY!!!! So much so that I teach it. I've been all over the US to historical sites: Gettysburgh, Pearl Harbour, Fort Sumpter, Fort McHenry, Philadelphia (and all the good thing there) to name a few. And I've been to Washington DC three times. I'm actually taking my kids there over spring break. I can't wait to go again.

A History teacher, yay! History was my major in college. I really miss those classes. I went to Gettysburg in 5th grade when my teacher taught us the Civil War, it's a 6 1/2 hour drive from here. I've been all over Virginia too. DC is my favorite been there three times myself and am going back with my husband this June.
Haha, when I first read the title I thought it was about something else. :p But yes, I love history. I love the whole story about Henry VIII, the Tudors, the story about Alexander the Great and the World War 2! :)
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