Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

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I have to say that I really do like Sofia, though Sara and Gris are my favourite characters. I actually like the way Sara and Sofia work well together, apart from a little jealously over Grissom, Sara didn't see Sofia as a threat like Catherine did.
I love her in the episode Baby King.. her comments about
extended breast feeding was very funny and I loved her coversation with Brass about face to face riding on a Harley Davison. Sofia os an American but has that cool Britannia feel about her, that Louise gives very nicely.
I think her parents are from Ireland. She doesn't really sound Irish to me, though.

Great pics there. That first one definitely says, "Don't mess with me or else." The smile is adorable. In a way, it doesn't even look like her all that much but it's very cute. :)
I haven't, but her accent is hot anyway. The British one at least, though it's also nice when you hear it a little in the American accent, especially when she slips. ;)
So many gorgeous Louise pics.

Kristina, which episodes are those gorgeous pics from?

Haha, Muttmo, I love the smile she has in that pic. It's so smug. LOL. Is that one from My Kingdom?
no its from Gold in the Streets. I have caps qued to upload but it may take a day or so. The four movies files in front will take some time. If i do more than one at a time they tend to freeze and i have to start over. but I will surely let you all know when they are ready!!!!
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