Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

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That was hysterical. I think the best part was Louise at the end, humming the theme tune. I love her.

Thanks so much for uploading the full version!

And just incase anyone had any doubts or forgot...

Louise is HOT!
Welcome s0ph1a :)

Wow, those sure seem amazing scenes of her :rolleyes: I'm so looking forward to it, like if you didn't know already :lol: But seriously, it seems like season 7 is never going to start. Whatever, better late than never, right?

QuirkyKoala, you were very nice to post the links to the videos, but if I remember correctly for the board rules (I may be confusing or something, so please correct me if I am wrong), I'm afarid you can't post videos in here, nor links to them. :rolleyes: I think the only way is really PMing. So, if this is right information, I would say that it would be better not to post anything else. Afterall, we don't want to be warned by mods. Unless our mod was Det. Sofia Curtis...Can I say that way we would do anything bad to hear her voice again? :p
Regarding videos, its in the "Help Guide" at the top of this forum.

Fan Video's:
The admins have decided that Fan Video's will no longer be allowed to be posted any where on the TalkCSI Site, this includes links to them, under any circumstances, including the fair use act protection. There are copywrite issues regarding the use of clips from eps, and there is also the music issues as well, this is to be considered a General Rule just like the all the other rules of TalkCSI. This does not affect any of the pictures or screen caps, this is strictly again regarding "Fan Video's". We would also like to remind you of the "Intellectual Property" rule in which it states that you can not discuss, request or link to any material that is downloaded. If you have any Questions or would like further information on this please do not hesitate to ask in the "QSF" (Questions, Suggestions, Feedback) Forum.

Also there is a rule about using Episode video's there as well. Just so the two don't get mixed up.
Thanks for clearing that up for us!
For those of you who were waiting for "goodies" from me I have found an alternate site to host them. PM me for the links. It is the same thing as before, I will add a new one on Thursday.


I need help..............anyone speak and read dutch?
Destiny said:
Regarding videos, its in the "Help Guide" at the top of this forum.

Fan Video's:
The admins have decided that Fan Video's will no longer be allowed to be posted any where on the TalkCSI Site, this includes links to them, under any circumstances, including the fair use act protection. There are copywrite issues regarding the use of clips from eps, and there is also the music issues as well, this is to be considered a General Rule just like the all the other rules of TalkCSI. This does not affect any of the pictures or screen caps, this is strictly again regarding "Fan Video's". We would also like to remind you of the "Intellectual Property" rule in which it states that you can not discuss, request or link to any material that is downloaded. If you have any Questions or would like further information on this please do not hesitate to ask in the "QSF" (Questions, Suggestions, Feedback) Forum.

Also there is a rule about using Episode video's there as well. Just so the two don't get mixed up.

:eek: Sorry Destiny. Didn't mean to break any rules. I was going to edit my posts and take the link but can't anymore. If you want to edit go right ahead.

Drumchik - I think my favourite but is when they are leaving and Jennifer mouths 'She worships you' to Louise while pointing at Dawn. Don't know why I find it funny though.
QuirkyKoala said:
I think my favourite but is when they are leaving and Jennifer mouths 'She worships you' to Louise while pointing at Dawn.
Oh, yeah, I liked that too and when the Eliott cast comes in and Dawn French tries to cover for them with ”goodness, you found us right in the middle of our upstairs/downstairs sketch;” that was a good one.
QuirkyKoala said: :eek: Sorry Destiny. Didn't mean to break any rules. I was going to edit my posts and take the link but can't anymore. If you want to edit go right ahead.
No harm done, its good that you all requested the info better to ask then sit there going "hmm what if". Tally edited the post for you so no problems. ;)
Hey Destiny :) You should hang in here more often - other than helping us with mod queries. Can't beat the Louise love :D

I also love in that sketch how the one playing Tilly goes "Goodness me, I've gone a bit posh..."

And was it just me, but during the whole Dawn/Jennifer/Tilly coverup, Louise looked like she was trying not to laugh? LOL
I like all the characters on the show, I tend to post occassionally when I am not doing mod duty. :lol: the problem comes when I do post people tend to get spooked off thinking they are in trouble, so I keep it short and sweet and as unthreatening as possible. :p
Destiny said:
I like all the characters on the show, I tend to post occassionally when I am not doing mod duty. :lol: the problem comes when I do post people tend to get spooked off thinking they are in trouble, so I keep it short and sweet and as unthreatening as possible. :p

Oh, the downfalls of power :D
LOL, it's true, I'm always close to a heart attack whenever I see Destiny. But still, it'd be nice to see you here more often. ;)

Since we're speaking of fave parts of the House of Idiot clip, I loved when Fake Evie said, "Well, it's like looking in a mirror for me. What's it like for you?" and Real Evie goes, "It's my worst nightmare." Love the way she says it. And at some points, Louise definitely looks like she's about to start laughing. ;)
She does. Out of all of them, Louise looks like she's the closes to cracking up. LOL

ETA: I have to share this. I'm putting Heaven Must Wait on a DVD - and OMG, Louise has pigtails. It's completely adorable!
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