Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

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I agree about the shotgun, it's definitely up there. Other than that, the origami rose, Sofia with the little boy...oh, and "Wake up, sugar" of course! I loved her in that episode, she seemed absolutely radiant in it.
When I saw her with that shotgun, I realized that Sofia Curtis is a woman of my dreams. Also, the "Sir, are you rsisting?" line and the way she delivered it? I was scared and all hot at the same time. I still have half season to go through so I'm hoping for many many lovely scenes with Sofia in them.

And, of course, every time she flashes a smile? I swoon. :D
I realised the same thing way before that episode but that made it even better. Damn, that was hot. ;) Oh yes, "Sir, are you resisting?" was definitely a winner, too. And the smiles...too few of them but when they do happen, they are very aww. ;)
Ooh, the "Sir, are you resisting" line! That's a definite favourite.

Oh yeah, can't forget each time the toothpick made an appearence.
I just got 6 episodes that I haven't watched yet and I finally got to hear that "Wake up, sugar." line. Ah, you just gotta love how that woman is so bad ass and how she cracks me up all the time.
Welcome to the thread s0ph1a

Man, that’s a hard question. From the episodes I’ve seen I think I’ll have to go with the shotgun...very hot. And then the origami thing, actually, any scene where she smiles, cause she’s got an adorable smile, and that scene with the little boy too, that was nice.
yyyyyaaaaawwwwwnnnnnn!!!! Good Morning!


I don't remember the wake up sugar?
can you point me in the right direction so i can watch it again.
No problem, nobody should have to miss that. ;)

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