Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

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ok so I now have the software, but I dont know how to use it!! LMAO. Give me a week to play with it and figure it out and all will be good! In the meantime if anyone has anything to contribute(pics, interveiws, video) email them to me at
I'm willing to help, too, I know a bit about Photoshop, so if there's anything I can do, let me know. I'll look through my stuff later to see if I can contribute anything. I think the problem will be to keep it legal...we don't want anyone breathing down our neck for putting something up we're not allowed to put up.

And to keep up the random picture posting:

It was a snippet from the Early Show...I viewed it online (but you can also download it), I'll PM you the link. However, the site asks you to not post the clip anywhere else.
Um, yeah, apparently that was the wrong clip...it was definitely from the Early Show, though. Maybe I can find the right one. ;)
Muhaha, I've seen it before :p (thanks to atfm though, who gave me the link back then ;))

I know I've seen the other one too but I couldn't find it on my pc, guess I didn't download it... but I also don't have the link saved which has me a little confused...

Anyways, I remember that she looked incredibly cute in the interview... but you can also tell that by the picture :p
Yeah, exactly, I think it was the scene in the Cirque du Soleil when Nick asks Sofia if she would like to give him a hand. I also definitely watched it on that same site, and I looked at all clips which might have that snippet but to no avail. I'm a little stumped.

MUTTMO, did you email me yet? Because I got an email that didn't go to my spam folder but looks odd in the subject line and sender, so I didn't open it.

EDIT: Found it. :D
The snippet was really cute, I just wish it had been longer, I've only ever seen one interview with her that had an acceptable length. I find everything interesting that Louise has to say (even if she's just saying she got nausea from a scene ;)) Why can't the TV folks see that too and start interviewing her more?

*sits back to protest*
Well, there's the Five US interview and the House of Eliott one, both of which are lovely.

Oh, and for us Germans - ProSieben is showing Talos the Mummy on August 11. :)
Yeah, those interviews were lovely, still, only those 2. I need more Louise!

And yay for Pro7. I'm starting not to hate them so much anymore ;)

*needs to write at least a hundred post-it notes in order not to forget August 11*

Aww, I never hated them. They always had the best shows. ;)

I set my cell to remind me. :lol: It's on in the very early morning of the 11th, basically just a little past midnight of the 10th, so it'll probably be in the listings for that day.
Thanks for saying that, the shortly after midnight movies are usually listed the day before tehy actually show. I already missed movies because the stupid online guide told me the wrong day. (well actually the right day but saturday night at 3 is still saturday not sunday to me...)

And P7 used to cut most of the shows and movies in the end so the commercial breaks could be even longer (like 10 minutes or something)

Anyways, back to topic: Louise is one hot woman who we can never see enough of, so heads up for every movie that is being shown on TV... even though I'm sure the german synchro will suck.
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