Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

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I was joking about the gayness. ;)

Ideas...I don't even know what a love spot involves. Anyone care to enlighten me? ;) Oh, and I'm not myspaced.
Hmm, I'd love to enlighten you, but I think Destiny would modslap me so hard my head would spin.

*sticks tongue out at Destiny* ;-)

We could use a program to make the Myspace Background have a Louise image. That would look cool!
I wouldn't wanna be responsible for that. ;)

There's a news item at CSI Files about the season premiere...not a real spoiler, but I'll hide it just to be safe.

"She is adamant that nothing prevent Natalie from going to jail for what she's done." That sounds so much like her. Always one for justice and protecting those around her.
I might be jumping on this one a bit late but thanks for the clips Drumchik.

Did I miss the gay conversation, seriously? Oh well, I think I’ll keep my head out of that one for once, but still, she’s such a cowboy. ;)

So Sofia gets some good screen time in the season 8 return; colour me exited. :D
lets hope so.

atfm I'd like to put together a place where you can get info on her w/o spending 4hours on the web. like a fan page, with pics and goodies. but still respecting her privacy and supporting her.

and keep it updated. I know there are a few out there.
Don't know about good screentime, but she'll be there.

Ah, I see. Yeah, there are two or three fanpages out there but another one can't hurt, especially if it's regularly updated. Count me in. :)
Woohoo. Sofia in Season opener. That's so cool :D

I'm all for a good fanpage. We sure need a regularly updated one :D
Hey everybody! How are you doing today?

I'm so hoping to have good scenes for Sofia and maybe a personal storyline. Afterall, it's her 4th year on the show and the second in the main credits, she is a regular and needs development :rolleyes:

I'm not in myspace either, but that love spot idea seems cool ;) I would help if I knew anything of how to put up something like that, but I really don't :p

I haven't seen any of those clips yet, but you got me interested *prepares herself to a youtube search*

Oh, and I love Bev's icon ;) Lovely!
*thud* Louise on the beach :eek: . Louise in a bikini :eek: :eek:. *tries to stand up*....*fails miserably*

Btw, please stop showing me your manips while I'm on the phone with my mom!
LOL! That's a funny manip :)

Yay for the Louise Fanpage! She deserves a great one :D

I shall endeavor to make more clips this weekend - had trouble *cough-dling* something, but it should be done by this afternoon.
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