Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

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Nice icons. :)

Not that we needed any but here's another proof that Sofia is the correct spelling.

Ok, finally saw those My Kingdome pics, thanks atfm for loading them up for me and MUTTMO for getting them in the first place. Let me just say how appreciative I am of that red dress, yikes!!! It’s kinda strange seeing her done up with all that makeup, I definitely like the more natural look better. But she did look gorgeous.

MUTTMO said:
after the rain-- region 1.....not the topless one(sorry guys)
There’s a topless one???

MUTTMO said:
if you have any request let me know I will try to get it!
Of the ones you listed I wouldn’t mind seeing The Black Velvet Gown, War Stories, Second Nature, and Metropolis (I should just say all of them, shouldn’t I) but whenever you get the time.

Now, that shotgun pic, that’s cute.

*Edited* ok, just watched the final over at Youtube, Sofia totally rocked those 21 seconds of them raiding that house, I love it how she just sort of swoops straight in, very cool. And also the part where she walks into the work area, seemed very poignant.
Wow, she looked so different in the pictures posted in the post above mine :eek: Different but good anyway. As in every other screencaps posted from her movies. Thank you everybody :) I have never seen any of them. But I can always stare at the pictures you post for a while :rolleyes:

About the screencaps from CSI, she looks amazing, and I believe you so much, I am sure those are great scenes, even though the only ones. Better a few than nothing. And at least they seem powerful and good (aren't they always?). And there's the ponytail ;) So yeah, she isn't there much, probably because of the pilot, but hopefully she'll be back next week with some great storylines, and maybe a Sofia centric episode. What do you think of it? :rolleyes:
88Blackbirds said:
Ok, finally saw those My Kingdome pics, thanks atfm for loading them up for me and MUTTMO for getting them in the first place. Let me just say how appreciative I am of that red dress, yikes!!! It’s kinda strange seeing her done up with all that makeup, I definitely like the more natural look better. But she did look gorgeous.
She reminded me of another fine-looking gal, Gillian Anderson
I read somewhere that after the rain was edited before it was released here last year. It an old movie.....but in the PAL version the shower scene is uncut.I don't remember where I read it but there is a site that documents appearances(like that) in films and rates them.They have screen clips.

I'm not sure if she in the salsa tape or not.It would be nice to know.

And I will try to get some more pics up today for you guys!!!
much luv................

oh umbrello...thanks do you have that movie?
LOL, the first picture is such a 90s look. Thanks for sharing. ;)

What's this salsa video? I never heard about that.

88Blackbirds said:
I definitely like the more natural look better.

Me too, but I agree that she did look gorgeous.

she just sort of swoops straight in
Straight? Excuse me? ;)
Good day to you all. Here's a newbie. Don't be too hard on moi. I am here to spread the Sofia love. Been lurking around here for a while but now I decided to join in the fun. Can I play, too? *puppy eyes*
Hey, welcome here. :) You're so_wicked at LJ, right?

Can't wait for more screencaps. Definitely something to get us over the summer.
Good question...there've been a lot of screencaps from various Louise movies floating around for the past few days. Not sure which movie to expect next but I'll take whatever I'm given. ;) Other than that, we basically gush over Louise most of the time or discuss in how many ways Sofia rocks.
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