Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

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Haha! I'd love to see that though. That'd be so adorable. Or maybe he might help his dad make her breakfast in bed. I bet that'd be hilarious.
Aww, that would be so cute!

*imagines little Alejandro*

True, it's Louise's birthday soon! I won't even be here for the party but I'll be sure to pop in soon afterwards.
Be sure to, we'll save some drinks for you ;)
Yes, do save me a drink. ;)

Love the idea of the self-portrait. And a smooch!

What are WE getting her? Pack of toothpicks? :D
YES! We need more toothpicks. She hasn't used them for a while in the show. It's been too long and I demand more toothpicks!

Actually, I just demand more Louise, period :D
I get to see Louise every day except for the weekend cus here in Holland they are airing The House of Elliot. I like her as a brunette! :D Though she looks soooo young and I found it hard to recognise her at first :D


I get to see Louise every day except for the weekend cus here in Holland they are airing The House of Elliot.
Wow, that's great! I'm jealous :D

Yeah, she does look way younger there.
Haha, she looks so chubby. ;)

Drumchik, it's Louise's birthday, YOU don't get to demand things. ;)
.......And I will be lucky to see next week, on the Italian TV, "Heaven Must Wait" and on Wiki was the info

Currently she is filming for a pilot television show for CBS in the United States called Wanted.[1]

linking to her webpage, that is notoriously NOT updated, but it seems to me that the Wiki page is listing it as a new info. Does someone know if it's really a new info? It seems to me it's old.
As far as I know, that's old news. Hope you get to see Heaven Must Wait, it's such a sweet movie. :)

Season 7 starts on TV here next Thursday.
Wow I feel lucky to be here is the US. I should look into finding WANTED.

She did that one years ago. I still have to take Metropolis to get it converted so I can watch it. Unless anyone wants to send me a pal to ntsc converter and vhs player to use for a week?

She didn't actually get credited for Wanted, But I try to find it just to see, But it doesn't look like shes in it.
thanks for confirming it :) and acctually it's not that bad anymore; we have more and more DVDs coming on the European market because she has a good success on CSI and people recognize her. The show is a huge success all around the old contintet and I hope that will produce more DVDS, old and new movies :D
"Second nature" was published last week :D
I wait for the others too ;)
Lucky one :D !!! But sometimes it's often a p*bib*.. in the ..*bib*.. when you have to wait so long for a movie or you see it isn't or won't be published. But although I love to see her in other roles, Sofia rules and I find it odd, in some strange way, when Louise takes over other roles, if she doesn't have the same strenght that Sofias character displays, but she is a great actress and the more she works better for us and our DVDs compilations :D
I have seen many of the TV/movie roles that Louise has been in, and she made no impression on me (maybe that Viggo Mortensen movie about Arabia). Isn't it strange how the right role makes all the difference?
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