Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

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If I remember correctly, the BBC site said it was first aired in 1993, so I assume that it was recorded around that time. I think her accentr sounds more British (almost Irish sometimes) in that than it does now.
Haha, yeah, when Eloise raided the fridge in the first episode, it sounded quite interesting. ;)
I got an email from David Rambo. :D

Thanks for writing and for asking about Louise Lombard. While Sophia is not a regular character on the show this season, the door is open to have her return as a guest star. We've loved working with Louise; she's a gifted, dedicated actress who brought a great deal to the role.
David Rambo

It's not 100% what I wanted to hear (door open sounds like they're not going to use her much, IMO :() But still... very cool of him to reply. :D
Huh, "the door is open to have her return as a guest star" sounds like it's not even decided if/when they'll bring her back. Doesn't sound too good. And damn him for spelling her name wrong. :p
You're right and don't let me get started with the fact that she was "demoted" too :mad: then why on earth put her in the credits as a "star" in season 7 at all? Sorry, I'm a little unhappy at the way they seem to screw (in my mind, anyway) up with good and strong (female) characters they were able to create in the beginnings. *Sighs deeply* I'll go sulking, see you, have a nice day or evening. But always hoping for good news, anyway.
On the plus side, if she isn't on CSI as much, perhaps she's doing a new show? I need a regular Louise fix otherwise I get cranky...
I do hope that's the case... think I'll give it a few days and email to see if he can tell me anything like that. Don't want to frighten the poor guy with constant emails and make him think he has a stalker *whistles*.

Though atfm, if bugged me about the spelling of the name too!

Just so y'all know what I asked, this was my email to him (With the GSR talking/praising cut for you guys!);

Though, I do write to you with one question. My favourite character, in all 3 CSI shows, is the lovely Sofia Curtis. So, my question is, will we ever see Louise Lombard in any of the promo shots? I mean, she's in the opening credits (I do hope she still is in S8!!) so it seems a little odd she's never in the promo shots. As a huge fan of both Louise, and the character of Sofia, I'd love nothing more than to see that. And to see another big Sofia storyline! Louise was fabulous in A Bullet Runs Through It (Infact, the two parter is my favourite out of each 3 shows again).

So, he at least, in a roundabout way answered whether she'd be in any promo shots, I guess. *sigh*
I haven't been around in awahile.

Yeah, I know shame on me. :eek:

But what is this '20th century vampire'?

I'm going to be quite upset if Louise doesn't get more time on the show. She and Marg are the only reason I still watch the show.
It's a six-episode radio programme from the early 90s starring Louise as a vampire. Quite amusing.
Oh yes. ;)

What bugged me about her not being in A La Cart was there was another random detective. And also that we didn't get to see her on the cart track. ;)
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