LOST # 2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

As sad as it was, I'm still glad Jin stayed with Sun to the end.

Bernard! :)

Still...I don't think we learned much tonight, did we?
Well, that was incredibly sad.
Such an emotionally charged episode.

I don't know that I learned much new tonight.
A lot of subtext between Jack and Locke.
Desmond is still alive.
And Sayid did redeem himself in the end.
Hurley and Jack breaking down at the end was just :(.

R.I.P. Sayid, Jin and Sun.
A lovely, poetic ending.
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Well, we knew they couldn't all make it in the end, I think. Still, I was surprised when it happened. I kept waiting for Sun to tell Jin to go because their child needed at least one parent...?

So what, like 2 more episodes to go? Holy moley. :eek:
Wow, what a great episode this week! So much revealed (and again, more questions! :lol: ) Anyway, a friend was saying she thought maybe that ep should have been aired closer to the beginning of the season, but... I'm not so sure about that. I think it would have changed the way we viewd this season too much if we have more sympathy for the man in black... What do you think?
Wow, what a great episode this week! So much revealed (and again, more questions! :lol: ) Anyway, a friend was saying she thought maybe that ep should have been aired closer to the beginning of the season, but... I'm not so sure about that. I think it would have changed the way we viewd this season too much if we have more sympathy for the man in black... What do you think?

I'm really not sure I learned anything! Well, I guess that Jacob and "he who has no name" (and just why is that?) are brothers.

I did like seeing that these two bodies were their "own Adam and Eve"...that little flashback. That was neat.

But it just didn't seem like enough information for me for an episode so close to the finale.
Well well! Jack! Not like I didn't see that one coming, but I still somehow think he needs to die and that Hurley may not be off the hook like he thinks. Or... I could be completely wrong! :lol: The more I learn, the less I know as far as this show goes! :p

My friend has a theory that Desmond's "sacrifice" will be that he has to become a smoke monster to fight off the other smoke monster. I think maybe he can just reverse the other guy somehow... like he can go into the light without being affected, and can pull him back in?

Ahhhh, I don't know! I guess we'll finally find out on Sunday! :)
Tonight's the night! The end is near.
I'm completely stoked for a full night of LOST.
I admit to being a little nervous. I don't know if the finale can possibly live up to its hype. But I hope to be at least moderately satisfied, and less confused, by the end of it all. I'm excited for the Jimmy Kimmell segment as well.

Happy viewing, Losties!
What a ride it has been!
Tonight's the night! The end is near.
I'm completely stoked for a full night of LOST.
I admit to being a little nervous. I don't know if the finale can possibly live up to its hype. But I hope to be at least moderately satisfied, and less confused, by the end of it all. I'm excited for the Jimmy Kimmell segment as well.

Happy viewing, Losties!
What a ride it has been!

I know! This is going to be a full night, that's for sure!

One thing that they've kind of ruined for me tho...I won't be surprised/shocked/whatever if/when someone/everyone dies. :lol: As soon as they showed that main characters could never be safe (killed Charlie), after that it wasn't so much a shocker.

But I think this is going to be awesome!
I feel the same way. I am watching the retrospect show right now and it is actually making me more upset that the show will end soon. :(
I feel the same way. I am watching the retrospect show right now and it is actually making me more upset that the show will end soon. :(

Me too! It's just reminding me of how GOOD it was, right from the beginning! And making me miss everyone who's gone now.
I promised Damon Lindelof yesterday on Twitter that I wouldn't listen to any "leaks" that came out in the last 24 hours before the show! :lol:

Man, the anticipation is building!
It's so good right now but I'm still rather confused. Hopefully I will be less confused by the time the show ends in an hour.
It's so good right now but I'm still rather confused. Hopefully I will be less confused by the time the show ends in an hour.

I think I'm finally getting it, lol! Maybe.....:confused: Who's watching Jimmy Kimmel tonight? Did you see his unnecessarily censored version of Lost? LOL!