I was never one to get really naughty, but I think with Danny/Carmine it's a combination of things. The people who don't like Lindsay and DL have mentioned that Danny being neutered to try and make her character more palatable is a big part of the reason as is Carmine having scenes with Anna that are just hard to take because of her vortex of suckage.
Now that we know the Ruben/Rikki story line has fallen into the dreaded BHC for good and he's going to be eternally tied to Lindsay it's hard to get excited about anything Danny related. Carmine is still a great actor, but when the material isn't there it's hard to get excited and talk about his performances and the character development because it's always prefaced or followed up with something negative (the story line, the dialogue, Anna Belknap's acting, Danny acting ridiculously OOC, etc).
Agreed--the stories just haven't been as interesting lately. The Rikki/Ruben storyline was a great one and got people fired up again for a while...but it's been ditched now (which, to be fair, is only because Anna got pregnant; prior to that, there were plan for Rikki to return for a significant amount of time) and even Carmine said Danny's development coming up is tied in with Lindsay and the baby.
As for his looks I still think Carmine's hot but there's only so many times I can say it or squee - or in a few cases recoil in horror - over the same 10 pictures. That got old pretty fast for me.
Same here. The pics are pretty, but there are only so many different ways to say, "He's hot!" And really, what made Danny hot to me was his fire and passion and emotional reactions to everything around him...and there's been a lot less of that lately.
No kidding. I don't object to Danny having some sort of relationship and, unlike some people who are purists and think the CSI shows shouldn't show any part of the characters' personal lives, I do have a bit of interest in the characters outside their jobs. But Danny's relationship, no matter who it's with, should definitely have more scope than the relationship he has with Lindsay. Take Det. Maka for instance, he had an enormous amount of chemistry with her and there was an added *zing* to their interactions that made those scenes interesting on several levels, not just the level of whatever case they're working on.
He had chemistry with Maka and there was a little sizzle with Angell, too. He and Rikki had a definite connection. There's no
passion between Danny and Lindsay; I can understand how people think they're cute, but there's absolutely no heat between them. And Danny needs to be with someone he generates some heat with, otherwise, it just strips away that appealing sexuality he has.
I've lost some interest in Danny as his character seemed more and more tied down to a single, not-very-interesting (IMO) storyline (Lindsay and the baby). Meanwhile, other characters (specifically Adam, in my case) became far more interesting because it seems like they're getting more options as time goes on rather than less. I don't know what's coming up for Adam (although they did give him a pretty juicy longterm story arc with this budget situation - albeit a story they forget about for weeks at a time), but I can pretty much guess everything Danny ever does is going to come right back to Lindsay. *yawn* It doesn't make me very excited about the character.
Ultimately, the storyline with Lindsay doesn't offer any surprises or unique challenges really...it's all playing out pretty much like you'd expect. And that's not really interesting to watch.
Danny Messer has become a very dull boy as of late. The last time I was really, truly excited about him was probably around the Run Silent, Run Deep era. And I might have enjoyed Snow Day a little bit...
Since then though, it's been a giant snooze fest. He's still got his little one line zingers and appears to be tight with Flack and they have their moments, but Danny alone is BOOORRRRING.
Flack just needs to spirit him away to their own spin-off. Just the two of them, solving cases. And perhaps exploring some extracurricular activities... :devil:
I've been noticing the lack of love Danny's been getting lately too. I'm finding myself only watching the show for other things now. I feel for Carmine and his great acting, but I'm so not interested in this baby storyline.
One other thing that I've noticed-- I know that it takes a lot of time and effort to run a fan site, but I've found that a few of the Carmine Giovinazzo sites that I used to visit are either gone or not up to date. So, I think maybe the guy is just waning a little bit.
Interesting...so I guess it's not just us losing a little interest. That's too bad--I really feel like it's the writing and the lame ass storyline more than anything Carmine himself is or isn't doing.