Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

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danny having a breakdown would be good.
or just show that danny is not as tough as he appears to be..

i sooo need a dictionary!!

please correkt me if my spelling is so wrong that u dont understand what i wright:(:eek:
My boyfriend started rewatching 'Buffy the vampire slayer' today. In the first episode the first person you see is Carmine. He immediately called me and said "Danny Messer plays in Buffy!" I was like :wtf:! It was really weird seeing him in another role. He was much younger there and had a weird haircut. Sadly te boy he played got bitten after only a few minutes of screen time and died. :lol:
I do hope we actually get to see some emotinal fallback with everything Danny has been through.
Yeah so do i.. I think that Danny needs it.
No one can go for so long and not have an outburst or something.
It will probably turn him in to a cold person like that dosent care.
So i hope they will give him a chance to let his emotion out.
I do hope we actually get to see some emotinal fallback with everything Danny has been through.

I want to see that, too. I really do love love the idea of Danny having an emotional breakdown. I think with all he's been through this year and in previous years, he's really due for one. And for someone as emotional as Danny, it's a lot to handle.

Yeah so do i.. I think that Danny needs it.
No one can go for so long and not have an outburst or something.
It will probably turn him in to a cold person like that dosent care.
So i hope they will give him a chance to let his emotion out.

That's actually the one thing I can't see happening. What I love best about Danny is how much he feels--he gets upset, mad, empathetic, concerned...he's so affected by his job. I can't really see him shutting that off--I don't think he knows how to. It's both his strength and his weakness.
I`m honestly suprised that he doesn`t have had that breakdown already with everything that happend.
maybe a case which hits too close for him,and then having him going out alone.
It is kinda been a long time he and mac had a conflict,and I really enjoyed watching that part.

And besides some people think better under a shower,I suspect Danny is one of them;)
I`m honestly suprised that he doesn`t have had that breakdown already with everything that happend.
maybe a case which hits too close for him,and then having him going out alone.
It is kinda been a long time he and mac had a conflict,and I really enjoyed watching that part.

And besides some people think better under a shower,I suspect Danny is one of them;)

It would be kind of interesting to see Danny close to a breakdown, but closely to the end of the season (why not in the season finale) that he needs help from a doctor to deal with his life, and maybe even him going a little bit crazy at the lab or on the job, it wouldn't surprise me at all.

And yes, I agree, Danny does seem like the type of person who thinks better under a shower, right?
I`m honestly suprised that he doesn`t have had that breakdown already with everything that happend.
maybe a case which hits too close for him,and then having him going out alone.
It is kinda been a long time he and mac had a conflict,and I really enjoyed watching that part.

And besides some people think better under a shower,I suspect Danny is one of them;)

It would be kind of interesting to see Danny close to a breakdown, but closely to the end of the season (why not in the season finale) that he needs help from a doctor to deal with his life, and maybe even him going a little bit crazy at the lab or on the job, it wouldn't surprise me at all.

And yes, I agree, Danny does seem like the type of person who thinks better under a shower, right?

Yes, you're right. It's possible that he is that type of person.

Danny having a breakdown... would be interesting but in my own opinion it would be too much. I mean in that season they (the writers) cared a lot with Danny and his character. The story Danny having a breakdown would take away the screentime from the others and we wouldn't know much about them. I mean Adam, Flack or Sheldon.

Don't get me wrong. I love Danny's character, he is my favourite but I'm very curious about the others.
Danny had a special story in S1 (On the job), in S2 (Tanglewood, Run Silent, Run Deep... etc.) and in S3 too with that whole D/L thing. In S4 he had is own storyline too. I think it's time to the others to bring us some new storylines and background info. :D
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Danny having a breakdown is something I really do not want to see. If for no reason other than I might have to witness this (again):


He has a very ugly (and hilarious) cry. :eek: :lol:
Awwww, I like Danny's crying. :lol: He could always have one of those breakdowns where he just shuts down completely, though. People would definitely know there was something wrong with Danny if he wasn't emotional at all. But I think the crying suits him. :lol:

As does the shower. :devil: Excellent suggestion, jolein. It's been too long since we've called for a shower scene. :devil: :D

As for Danny in season five...well, I'll openly and shamelessly admit to being selfish. I want more Danny. Yes, he got a great arc in season four, but he was in the background for a lot of season three (save for the silly romance stuff), and I thought the show suffered because of it. I'm not saying I wouldn't like to see more of Flack and Hawkes, but I don't want to see less of Danny.

A breakdown is a great way to sideline him for a few episodes while he gets treatment, though. :p And you know Flack would visit him, so we'd get to see him a bit.
Yeah,I missed the calls for a shower scene:devil:;)

I would love to see Danny lose it completly,that would be something.
Especially when it is something he is passionate about.

Awww,I don`t mind him crying but only when it really is needed:p
A breakdown is a great way to sideline him for a few episodes while he gets treatment, though. :p And you know Flack would visit him, so we'd get to see him a bit.

Oh, yes. You're right Top I probably forgot that. :rolleyes: :D
Danny and Flack together... :drool:
As for Danny in season five...well, I'll openly and shamelessly admit to being selfish. I want more Danny. Yes, he got a great arc in season four, but he was in the background for a lot of season three (save for the silly romance stuff), and I thought the show suffered because of it. I'm not saying I wouldn't like to see more of Flack and Hawkes, but I don't want to see less of Danny.

I'm with you there, Top. I'm greedy too, where Danny is concerned. If for no other reason except that he tackles all his storylines so well......... & the fact that he's easy on the eye is just the icing on the cake.

Tho' I gotta admit, I'd love me some Hawkes too. That man is way overdue for a juicy storyline without the added bonus of Danny stripping in the scene. :lol:
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