Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

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Lovely pictures WhosLaughingNow, thanks for posting them and no, I hadn't seen the before either. He looks mighty fine doesn't he, but what the hell is he wearing on his feet?? :lol:

And as for the dorky walk - personnally I'm going for the massive bollocks theory....
This is probably just me but his walk has always made me think "Ballet dancer with a horrible yeast infection" :lol::lol::lol: Because his toes kind of turn out when he's walking like a lot of my dancer friends but he legs are far apart.:lol:


Despite the fact that I used to ballet dance, I don't walk like that. It always amuses me that so many dancers pick up that habit...

Any ways I just thought I would post these pictures. They're from TV Guide's Sexiest stars party 08'. I didn't see them posted before.

Very nice. Thanks for sharing. :)

Oh dear! I always wondered what is wrong with his walk :lol: After looking at the third picture you can fit a train between his legs :lol:

Yup - a train or several hundred fangirls...but who gets to pull the 'emergency cord'? :devil:

Oooh-errr missus! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Survival of the fittest? Which is me pretty screwed then... :p

Lovely pictures WhosLaughingNow, thanks for posting them and no, I hadn't seen the before either. He looks mighty fine doesn't he, but what the hell is he wearing on his feet?? :lol:

Oh, he's worn those before at some other event, where he was pictured with Hill and AJ.

And as for the dorky walk - personnally I'm going for the massive bollocks theory....

Hahahahahaha! :lol: Seconded.
Ummm...those pics are very nice. Loving the facial fuzz he's got going on. I prefer him with designer stubble but he's still absolutely gorgeous without it.

So we know he doesn't wax his chest (just look at it) but does he wax anywhere else I wonder...

This really isn't going to get my work done!
Ummm...those pics are very nice. Loving the facial fuzz he's got going on. I prefer him with designer stubble but he's still absolutely gorgeous without it.

So we know he doesn't wax his chest (just look at it) but does he wax anywhere else I wonder...

My only thought to that is: OUCH! :eek:

This really isn't going to get my work done!

No, but it's fun... :p :lol:
I really think that this season showed Danny much more vulnerable then he ever was.
Especially in the Ruben storyline,he showed that raw emotion much more.

Danny is such a vulnerable character and I love seeing that side of him played up. Of all the characters on the show, I think he's by far the most emotional and the one who is the most affected on a regular basis by the work they do. I love how personal this storyline was for him, and how sad.

As for the relationship stuff,I agree with Top on this one.
Danny seems like a guy who just wants to please everyone and I love to see that collide one way or another

It was interesting seeing it collide, and I hope next season that the writers explore how unhealthy that is for Danny, and what lead him to be that way. I'm really curious about what happened to Danny to make him so insecure and so desperate to please.
It was interesting seeing it collide, and I hope next season that the writers explore how unhealthy that is for Danny, and what lead him to be that way. I'm really curious about what happened to Danny to make him so insecure and so desperate to please.

Can this be part of the 'Danny Checks into the Asylum' episode??? :p
^Heh, that would be great if it was. I know Carmine was just joking when he said that, but it would be cool to see Danny have a breakdown just because I think the character is close to that. He's been through so much, and I do think it would just take one more thing to push him over the edge.
^ It's always fun to run with the jokes, though Danny having a breakdown is definitely a storyline within the realms of belief. And there are plenty of ways in which is could be woven in there. As you said, it probably wouldn't take much more than one single extra event to be the straw that breaks the camel's back. And it could bring about the backstory that tells us why he is the way he is.
^ It's always fun to run with the jokes, though Danny having a breakdown is definitely a storyline within the realms of belief. And there are plenty of ways in which is could be woven in there. As you said, it probably wouldn't take much more than one single extra event to be the straw that breaks the camel's back. And it could bring about the backstory that tells us why he is the way he is.

Why is Danny the way he is? Like a bizarre cross between John 'Die Hard' McClane (the vest) and Marilyn Monroe (the wiggling arse)? Gotta be the parents...see 'This be the Verse' by Philip Larkin. The Arts...? In the Locker Room..!! :eek: :eek: :lol:
Why is Danny the way he is? Like a bizarre cross between John 'Die Hard' McClane (the vest) and Marilyn Monroe (the wiggling arse)?

*chokes on Cola*


Gotta be the parents...see 'This be the Verse' by Philip Larkin.

Is that the one that begins 'They fuck you up, your mum and dad...'? That poem speaks the truth...

The Arts...? In the Locker Room..!! :eek: :eek: :lol:

You wouldn't be complainin' if Carmine brought his talents to the Locker Room.. :p
There's something familiar to me about the pics that WhosLaughingNow posted and what it is just dawned on me now.


Carmine is a 51st Century Time Agent! :eek: The proof is in the pictures. He has a Vortex Manipulator! :eek: [/random bizarreness]
^ I believe there is but one response to that - FANFIC!

Though I did read a pretty hawt slash x-over once...involving Danny, Capt. Jack and Ianto...
That is just amazing...would be one twisted fanfic if it was one.

All the descriptions people have given of Danny have given me some seriously twisted mental images and it does nothing to help my mind think clean thoughts.

A Danny breakdown would be amazing to watch but i kind of thing it would take up a show to itself almost, well i know i wouldnt focus on cases if that was going on behind.
^ I believe there is but one response to that - FANFIC!

Though I did read a pretty hawt slash x-over once...involving Danny, Capt. Jack and Ianto...

Yeah, that fic was courtesy of our own Faylinn. C'Mon Fay you know you wanna write some more Danny/Jack/Ianto fic. :D
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