Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

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^ Adorable! Thanks for sharing. I love all the wrinkles in his face. Very expressive. I never realized that I might find him hot because I love wrinkley dogs too. :lol:
It kinda reminded me of the episode when he walked into the lab with a dog.....

Not What It Looks Like

Danny walks in with a scruffy puppy under his arm, Hawkes sees and laughs

Danny: What?

Hawkes: Well, you know what they say about dogs and, and their owners?
(Danny looks over at him)

The resemblance is uncanny.

(Hawkes cracks up, Danny does not look amused.)

Danny: Yeah, that's funny, that's real funny.

Hawkes: (still laughing)You know Messer, I always imagined you with something a little…a little meatier.

Danny: He's a loaner!

Hawkes:I bet he is… (patting Danny on the back and leaving)

Danny: I'll be in reconstruction, you clown.

I think the caption undr that pic i found should be - Two of a Kind.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I love Danny and dogs! PA had a cute avatar with Danny looking into a dog's eyes from "Obsession." There's something about a guy with a dog that's just adorable! :D
I guess we could say that Danny is kinda like a dog himself.

I always imagined you with something a little meatier.

Danny: He's a loaner!

That sounds like a familliar description. LOL :lol: :lol: :lol:
Somebody warned me about the sailor suit so I scrolled down fast. :eek: :lol: But major LOL at the suggestion of adding the purple trainers onto the picture! Very funny, that.

CSINYMIA000 said:
I guess we could say that Danny is kinda like a dog himself.

Yeah. Like a kinka-poodle.

1CSIMfan said:


I just have to tell you that I think my hubs has fallen in love with Danny :eek: We were watching this episode and when this scene came up hubs said "Wow, that guy really works out doesn't he?". As casually as I could I said, "Oh really? What makes you think that?". "Well he's got a great body" came the reply.

If only he knew..... :lol: :devil:
^ :lol: Your hubby is wise! :lol: Danny really does have a great body.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Twinkletoes - Your hubby is a wise, wise man with stellar taste in men. ;) My hubby would rather have a piece of Hawkes.

Probably best that their taste differs. We wouldn't want them getting into a catfight over Danny now would we?? :D
I think Danny likes it when people fight over him. :lol:
Anyone got any other favorite Danny outfits? I really liked the red shirt in...the episode where he and Stella went to the Festival of San Gennaro. I can't remember the name at the moment. :lol: And the one he wore in "YoungBlood."

He also looked pretty good in the blue shirt in "Summer in the City."
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