Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

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*waves* Hi everyone. I'm a Danny fan that has final crawled my way out of lurking. I have a request though. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in helping me with something. The more input that I have the better.

I've been a CSI-Vegas fan since the begining and a Fanfiction author for about 3 years now. I've only very recently discovered the wonderful world of CSI NY though and I'm doing a Fanfiction challenge that mandates that I try writing someone/something I've never tried before (while still being one of the CSI franchise) so I decided to try my hand at Danny.

I was wondering if anyone would be willing to work with me this week on my fic (I finished the first draft a few hours ag) to help me write a believable Danny?

Thanks for taking the time to consider it.

If this post is out of place I apologize in advanced and please just let me know and I won't post something like this here again. I can't go to the "fanfiction" part of these forums because the challenge is being run out of Talk CSI and another rule is that we keep these on the down low until the debut date.

Thank You.

Elsie said:
Ooh, congrats sherry and ericisacutie. :D It's lovely that you both got a response from Carmine, out of all the CSI actors he does seem to be one of the best at responding to his fans. :)

He certainly does and its great to see that he's using this unexpected hiatus to catch up with his paperwork :D
I think ericisacutie and sherry probably sent e-mails or went through the contact sheet on his website, but they'll have to confirm that. Congrats on getting pics, guys! :D

New ep tonight! :D I'm curious as to whether Danny will be back to normal or still obviously be suffering.
My thoughts and hopes are that even if the writers did not continue with the storyline, Carmine himself will still be portraying Danny as still trying to deal with the Ruben situation, without needing the words.
I wrote to the address on one of the CBS sites. It was early november when I wrote, and I did include international reply coupons ( only seemed polite!!), so it has taken about 3 months for a reply... I'd have gladly waited longer!
I also used the CBS address from the cbs website. Good \Luck, it really was thrilling to see that when I got home from my vacation! :)
I got my third autographed picture from Carmine a few months ago and all I did was sign that Staten Island thing. I wasn't expecting anything in return but what a nice surprise. :)

Also, he called me 'so sweet' on one of them. :p
1CSIMfan said:
I got my third autographed picture from Carmine a few months ago and all I did was sign that Staten Island thing. I wasn't expecting anything in return but what a nice surprise. :)

Also, he called me 'so sweet' on one of them. :p

OK, stupid question of the day . . . what was "that Staten Island thing?" :confused: :lol:
heh..OOPS. :eek:

I meant that Ellis Island thing. You guys are supposed to be mind readers. :p

*it's also sad that Ellis is my maiden name :rolleyes:*
Was there an Ellis Island petition or something, or did you donate? :confused:
No, I didn't donate but there was something on LJ a while back (I'll have to search my F-list for it) and it wasn't long after that I got an autographed picture (October 2007) that said: Please view my story and consider supporting Ellis Island. He'd written my name on it and signed it just like the other two autographs I already had. I kept racking my brain trying to figure out why he'd sent me another one. :lol: and that was the only thing I'd done.
That's cute. :cool: I think everyone would support Ellis Island if he did a naked campaign for it. I mean Arrow or whoever they are makes nice clothing, but come on. Playgirl spread and we're all in! :cool:
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