Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

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:D These 2 cause he looks cute when he makes those faces:

:lol: Check out his face in the next pics. Is the moment after he nearly ruined the take. :lol:

gah..i totally love the second pic of him up against the railings in just a tank... maybe i can get him to do that scene for me tonight seeing as its my turn to have him today ;) hehe Loving all the hot sexy pics girls!!!
Happy birthday, Chelliyah! Enjoy yourself. :devil:

I love how everyone scored so high on the physical compatibility with Carmine. Does this mean that everyone who shares his birthday is sweet in the sack regardless of their partner's merits?

Appears that not everyone is physically compatible with Carmine. :( Couldn't resist. I went and did the little birthday thing.

physical 46% (But ... but ... I'm the BJ queen and he's hot. Can it really be that bad?)
emotional 99%
intellectual 65%
total 70%

So we'd be deeply in love, but the sex would blow? Screw that. I'm outta here.
Oh what the hell . . . here's my results:

physical: 78%
emotional: 100%
intellectual: 93%
total: 90%

Great pics, too. The tripping sequence is always good for a giggle.
MrsG, that test has obviously never met you in person. ;) It's a silly thing anyway.

So! Any recent pictures of the man? :D
Okay, I just had to try it too:

Physical 85%
Emotional 78%
Intellectual 100%
Total: 88%

Mmmhhh, I like that 100% on intellectual... ;)
Watching Sweet 16, I had to make this caps. He looks so sweet with the pigeon. :D



Ha! This really blows:
Physical: 7%
Emotional: 71%
Intellectual: 14%
Total: 31%

It's *got* to be because I'm knocked up by another man, that's it!!
^ :eek: :eek: No, no. That thing just isn't right. You're one sexy mama. You could score higher than 7% with a fire hydrant. That stupid test obviously knows you're knocked up with another man's child. Yet oddly, the test failed to award credit for traveling with sex toys. :confused: You got robbed.
Okay, so I did the test too :lol: apparently I also won a laptop :lol:

physical - 68%
emotional - 43%
intellectual - 84% :D

Wellllll, apparently it looks like Carmine and I will be able to talk about all matter of things while in the sack.
:devil: :eek: :lol:

I saw the new promo pic - small version - since when does Danny Messer where hats and dress like Carmine?
He looked nothing like he should. A bit weird I thought.

Did anyone do the test with another celeb? I did Michael Weatherly :D

physical - 85%
emotional - 11% what the?
intellectual - 98% woo hoo :lol:

Ah yes, Michael and I will also be talking all things sexual while in the sack :devil: :eek: :lol:
Alright ladies, most of you finished watching the premiere hours before I did and there's not a peep in here about Carmine. This is the Locker Room for Christ's sake. Why am I in here alone? Thoughts? It looks to me like our beautiful baby is aging at the speed of light. Holy wrinkles, batman! Not complaining though. He's got such an expressive face that any maturing just adds to his allure. He's a million times better looking now than in his more baby-faced days. Although Botox is all the rage in Hollywood, I think deep creases actually work for him because he's fantastic with the character stuff and all the little expression lines allow him to say more with his face, at times negating the need for words.

Overall season opening impression - yep, I'd still do him. ;)
Sorry, I'd have been here sooner, but I tripped over my tongue on the way in after seeing the opening credits.

And that boy can straddle the statue with ease. Wonder what else he can handle...? And I'll leave it at that cause this is a PG-13ish lockeroom. :devil:
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