Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

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Twinkletoes said:
Faylinn said:
The second one looks like he's thinking "geez, go easy with the teeth!" :eek:

I was thinking more along the line of "Sh*t, I don't know if this is gonna fit..."

Don't think it's gonna fit either.. :lol: Easy there..

The white shirt

Mmmmm, lovely pics Lorelai - particularly the third one with those beautiful baby blues and that lovely pouty lower lip :p

Thanks, as ever :D
Lorelai said:
Enough banana talk. Let's talk about Danny and the pickle. :lol:

Ooooh, I could talk about Danny and the pickle all day long. :devil:

Is it just me or has Danny looked tired and worn out lately? I know people noticed it in the first episode, but I noticed it here, too--a distinct lack of energy. I know it's a long shot, but could they be setting the character up for someting--either an illness or a nervous break down??? Or is Carmine just tired of getting up at 6am?
Danny looks to me like he aged a lot over the hiatus. He just looks so tired. I want to hand him a pillow and tell him to take a nap ... so I can shoot a short film just like that creepy one of David Beckham sleeping for like 20 minutes that some freak did a few years back. :lol: So, uh, I guess although he looks tired, I'm still interested.

I do hope that's related to the show in some way. An intentional demeanor for Danny to have. Otherwise, I'd say our baby needs more beauty rest. Perhaps years of 6am mornings are wearing on him.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Danny looks to me like he aged a lot over the hiatus. He just looks so tired. I want to hand him a pillow and tell him to take a nap ... so I can shoot a short film just like that creepy one of David Beckham sleeping for like 20 minutes that some freak did a few years back. :lol: So, uh, I guess although he looks tired, I'm still interested.

:lol: LMAO that is so creepy! (but I'm sure if you could somehow pull that off I'd probably watch it, and hey it would definately be a hit on YouTube). :lol: :p

Yeah, Danny does look like he's aged over the hiatus. He just continually looks exhausted, poor baby.
Thank you for the pics Elsie and Lorelai, I have to say I really like the ‘crumpled’ look. :D

MrsGiovinazzo said:
I do hope that's related to the show in some way. An intentional demeanor for Danny to have. Otherwise, I'd say our baby needs more beauty rest. Perhaps years of 6am mornings are wearing on him.
He better becomes fit soon. My birthday is coming up next week and I’m not going to pass on my stallion ride just because Mr. Giovinazzo doesn’t get enough rest. I’ll be in top shape and he’ll better be too… :devil: :lol:
Top41 said:
^He's so pretty! Is it just me or has Danny looked tired and worn out lately? I know people noticed it in the first episode, but I noticed it here, too--a distinct lack of energy. I know it's a long shot, but could they be setting the character up for someting--either an illness or a nervous break down??? Or is Carmine just tired of getting up at 6am? :p
It wouldn't surprise me if they set him up with a storyline about not sleeping due to nightmares from being a hostage. That way he could do the whole Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Honestly, outside of the rehab ball he was squeezing for his hand in ep 1, they haven't really continued the "injury" storyline.

He did make a fine-looking hostage, though. :devil:
Danny was a sexy hostage. :devil: I really do think the Damsel in Distress thing works well for Danny. :lol:

I like the idea of PTSD. Danny's been through so much in the past few years, and we know he's emotionally would be nice to see some dramatic storyline play out with that.
:lol: I love the faces! He looks adorable when he's focused.

Perhaps years of 6am mornings are wearing on him.

Well, we know for a fact Carmine is not a morning person. Poor baby! :(
Lorelai said:
Well, we know for a fact Carmine is not a morning person. Poor baby! :(
Yeah, I guess the fact that we all know what time he wakes up, as he mentions it every time it might possibly be relevant, is some indication of what he thinks about getting up at 6am. :lol:
Lorelai said:
:lol: I love the faces! He looks adorable when he's focused.

Perhaps years of 6am mornings are wearing on him.

Well, we know for a fact Carmine is not a morning person. Poor baby! :(

Is it me, or does he look as though he has lost weight in the face? :)
^^^^^ I thought that too when I saw the pics, but then he has been working out at the ymca - as mentioned in my story on the last page - so it looks like he's really burning the fat from his body.

Good to see his hair growing back too :D
It's my birthday and all I want is some Carmine ladies so hand him over! I promise to give him back but what state his in is anyone's guesse he could be damaged goods after I'm done with him! Oh and I have to add this South Africa won the rugby world cup so I'm extra happy!
Happy birthday !

Yes, I think he lost some weight, and it makes him looks kinda sweet. :D

And the rest of the 404 caps :


Happy birthday, althea! :D And congrats to South Africa on winning the Rugby World Cup!!!

Thank you for the caps, Lorelai! I love how expressive Danny's mouth is. He has beautiful, full lips that somehow avoid being too thick. And the smile is just cute!
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