Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

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Regarding the picture of Danny with his knuckels scraped in an attempt of continuity that no one actually noticed until now it would seem that we are all going to have to work really hard to find the continuity in the up coming episodes.
To be honest I think Carmine may have just scraped his knuckles. I think we're giving TPTB far too much credit here...
Holy christ, that pics are damn hot ... i mean... great :D
Look how much opened he wear his shirts. Not that I hate that, but compare that with his dressing style in season 1!

I wonder what happened to his glasses. Doesn't he need them anymore?
^He does. He just took them off for the one scene. Danny had better never lose the glasses! :p They're kind of essential to the character.

The open shirts are okay though. :D
^We won't be happy until we get him completely naked. At least we have some of Carmine's movies to know what *that* looks like ;)
^ Excuse me, are you aware of any flicks I haven't seen? I don't know what *that* looks like. :confused: Came close in "The Big Brass Ring," but the chick who was :devil::eek::devil: him tragically blocked the 'money shot' from view with her nappy head.
^Yes, he should! :D

He certainly did look tired in the finale. Poor Danny--I hope he gets his energy back because he sure did look worn down in the premiere.
If Danny had Flack there to give him a long, sensuous massage, then he would be ready for any kind of *cough* action.
I really want to see that episode. :devil: :D

I wonder if it was just Carmine trying to convey that Danny is still worn down by the events of "Snow Day" or not. I guess we'll find out tonight...if Danny is still looking bedraggled, then we know it wasn't just "Snow Day."
^ I'm curious too. Danny looked far too damn haggard for a character portrayed by someone who just returned from a 10 week hiatus. Not complaining. He's always yummy, but looked really tired.
^ I'm curious too. Can't wait for you guys to see it and tell! :D

Made some caps from the "Why do we do what we do,huh?" scene in CA.
^That was one of the best scenes in the whole show. I love how Danny relies on Flack when he's down in the dumps or feeling uncertain about life. Their friendship is one of the deepest on the show, if not the deepest.
Yes, the in my darkest moment when all seems lost, you are at my side kind of friendship. I love that about them. Danny always turns to Flack.
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