Locker Room #15: Single White Male--We Can Fix That

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MrsGiovinazzo said:
^^ Yeah, I'm gonna have a super suck ass day Wednesday (it'll start around 5:30 am when my two year old wakes me up screaming for milk, then continue to suck while I entrust my kids to the care of my totally incompentent mother, then blow even harder as I spend 6 hours driving down the most god foresaken part of CA). Once I get settled and get online a Wednesday note geared toward the trip sure would make me smile. *bats eyelashes*

And thanks, Tsukuyomi! I'm sure we'll have a blast ... at least until the cops come. :lol:

Aww, but it's not a party until the cops show up, right? ;)
Springmoon said:
You're driving??!!??!! Woman, you're crazy!!!
I always drive to LA, unless I'm only going for one night. I'll confess the ugly truth. I'm a car snob. I want my own car. It's a two-prong snobbiness: 1) I can't face the pain of driving a Ford Festiva or whatever the hell Hertz is renting these days and 2) I'm never really comfortable driving a car I'm not familiar with. Truly makes no sense given that I'm a one hour and $100 round trip flight away. :lol:

I'm going to be in your neck of the woods again on Monday and Tuesday, but I guess you'll be very busy getting last minute stuff done, so I'll just see you next Thursday in LA!
I'm not in Sacramento anymore. Now you can call me whenever you're in San Francisco for work. Far better time to be had here. :D But if I were still in the shithole town I formerly called home, I'd always make time for you. ;)
Springmoon said:
HEy!!! I'm in San Francisco until Sunday!
Now this is info that might have been helpful to know earlier! ... Of course me moving to the Bay Area might also have been helpful info to you. ... Damn, damn, damn. Trying to figure something out because I have a weekend of family shit and not enough notice to try to work out a girl's night tonight (the downfall of being a mommy). But if you have time to grab breakfast on Sunday, I'm always game for that.
What a lovely coincidence. I'm right near Chinatown.
Dude, does your work intentionally put you up in the crappiest of places in all cities you visit, or is that just a Sacramento / San Francisco coincidental treat? :lol:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Truly makes no sense given that I'm a one hour and $100 round trip flight away. :lol:

Mrs G , I'd like to know where you get your $100 tix to LA. I'm in the SF/Bay Area too and actually paid over $150 for this one.. :rolleyes:, yea i know it's only $50 bucks, but $50 bucks i could have used for shopping instead... :p If it wasn't for freakin work, I would have taken that lovely drive with you to LALA land... did i hear someone say Coalinga?...hahaha :lol: Which reminds me, since you're closer now, why haven't we made a shopping date to neiman's?? or you wanna wait until barney's opens up..? ;)
Dude, does your work intentionally put you up in the crappiest of places in all cities you visit, or is that just a Sacramento / San Francisco coincidental treat?

Well, both times it wasn't my company paying for the hotel but the vendor that I was visiting. This hotel is actually pretty nice, all things considered.

This forum is kinda dead. :(

(No, I'm actually sober. :D)
Ass shot FTW? :devil:

Wow, I haven't been in this Photobucket in a while...

Mmm, nummy...(and make sure to notice the chest hair. *point point*)




You know, we never see him wearing THE HATS anymore...


I kinda miss the hats. :( They were fugly, but I loved to hate them... *sniff sniff*
Thanks Faylinn! That beautiful ass of his just made my day! :devil: And I noticed his chest hair too so don't worry, I always have time to look at his wonderful chest fluff. ;)
Thanks for the pics, Fay! I think the panties in the locker room have been far too dry as of late. It was about time the ass shot made another round. My personal fav is the one beneath that. The man's musculature was built for black and whites.
You're right Mrs. G, you can really see how developed his muscles are in that black and white pic and the lighting helps to accentuate them as well.
Thank you for the pic Fay!! Where has all the Carmine love gone????
Saw the finales for real last night! Hated the D/L stuff but he has such a gorgeous back - I couldn't not look!!
The ass shot--it's been a while since we've seen that around here! Sweet. :cool:

But, Fay----noooooo on the hats! That hat/turtleneck combo was the worst offender of them all... :eek:
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