Locker Room #15: Single White Male--We Can Fix That

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But, Fay----noooooo on the hats! That hat/turtleneck combo was the worst offender of them all...
Did you forget about the mullet?? MrsG will kill me for bringing it up again. Maybe we need to see it again before LA.

At least Fay didn't post that horrid purple hat. If there ever was a Carmine picture I hated...that was it.

I'll leave you with a nice one:
1CSIMfan said:
Did you forget about the mullet?? MrsG will kill me for bringing it up again. Maybe we need to see it again before LA.
"Maybe we need to see it again before LA"??? :eek: Step away from that crack pipe, sister! ... On second thought, perhaps it should be posted before LA just as an anti-stalking measure. :lol:

At least Fay didn't post that horrid purple hat. If there ever was a Carmine picture I hated...that was it.
Another quick way to kill a Carmine crush. :lol:

I'll leave you with a nice one:
How is that a nice one? He looks like a beaver. I fear him might gnaw my arm off and use it to build a dam. :lol:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
I'll leave you with a nice one:
How is that a nice one? He looks like a beaver. I fear him might gnaw my arm off and use it to build a dam. :lol:

But a cute beaver, no? ;) Don't lie, if that beaver came swimming up to you one day, you'd take him home, arm-gnawing or no. :devil: Personally, I love that picture loads. Makes me wanna knight him and call him Sir Chipmunk and pinch those cheeks of his. :lol:
Kimmychu said:
But a cute beaver, no? ;) Don't lie, if that beaver came swimming up to you one day, you'd take him home, arm-gnawing or no. :devil:
That is one beaver I'd gladly offer up some beaver to. :devil: :lol:

Whew! At least someone around here has good taste in pics. Nice one, lookaboomerang! That's one of my favs. It's so nonchalantly sexy, as if he just looks over his shoulder like, "Who me? Are you girls whistling at me? Huh?"
How is that a nice one? He looks like a beaver. I fear him might gnaw my arm off and use it to build a dam.
You are a cruel woman. :p How can you not like that picture? He's so yummy there.

Just for that...this is for you :p :

And to make up for's a good one..well, I think it is.

^ I was about to throw things at you when I caught sight of that first autrocity you just posted, but the last two more than make up for some early '90s Kurt Cobain crush he may have been harboring.
Dear Carmine,
Please to be never rocking teh Hanson hairz again.

I love the delicious chest hair in the second pic. And in the third one: 1.) Why has that last button not been banished?, and 2.) He wouldn't be standing in the doorway if I was there. *leap, tackle, smoosh* :devil:
Faylinn said:
Dear Carmine,
Please to be never rocking teh Hanson hairz again.

I love the delicious chest hair in the second pic. And in the third one: 1.) Why has that last button not been banished?, and 2.) He wouldn't be standing in the doorway if I was there. *leap, tackle, smoosh* :devil:

Maybe he likes to tease us. I dunno, but I'm with you on the chest hair in the second pic and just look at how gorgeous his eyes look.

The mullet scares me... :eek:
Yeah, the mullet is quite scaring. :eek: Just wanted to go to bed now. But with that (mullet) image in my head - let the bad dreams come.

So I think I just have to stare at the other 2 pics - and the black and white one lookaboomerang posted - for a while. So that I can get that one particular pic out of my head before I go to sleep :D
Faylinn said:
Dear Carmine,
Please to be never rocking teh Hanson hairz again.
:lol: Awesome!

Dear Carmine,
Thank God for that sweet bod of yours or the early '90s would have been awefully dry for you. ;)
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