Locker Room #14 - Ride the Italian Stallion!!!

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MrsGiovinazzo said:
I know some of you are critical of the Hollywood swag fiestas, but really, if someone offered to let you come shopping for free, would you say "no"? Not likely.

Hell no. I've already said taht my hypocritcal arse would most likely not be knocking that stuff back. :lol: At least I'm honest about it ;)
Bahahah, I do believe those huge giveaways at the ... Oscars? I think that's right. Those freebie giveaways to celebrities at the Oscars got under IRS scrutiny thanks to Edward Norton. :lol: He complained so much about the amount of expensive stuff given out to celebrities who don't even use them, the IRS heard about it and started taxing the sh*t out of them. :p This is the one time I'm gonna say, way to go, IRS!

Ya know, Twinkletoes, you're not the only one who thought it felt a little off too. Doesn't quite jive with what's been said and shown about the man, right? I'm going with the theory TPTB makes their stars attend these things in the hopes of promoting their shows and stuff. I dunno about you, but in those pictures, Carmine sure didn't look like he was enjoying himself much. Like his facial expression was mostly," Ah, geez, I have to do more Hollywoody promotional crap when I could be sittin' round at home drinkin' tea and playin' with my guitar." :p

:lol: You so funny, Top. Perhaps I will ask him just that in the near future! "Hi, Carmine, what's it feel like wearing a wonderbra? ... Ah, I see it's working quite nicely for you."

MrsGiovinazzo said:
Hell yes, they work. My, um, "petite build" (read: I'm flat as a freakin' board :lol:), benefits greatly from a little padded push-up action.

Ohhh, then I must go look for one! Pretty underwear and lingerie are friggin' expensive in my part of the world. :( Wonderbras aren't worn much here, for the sole reason most Asian women are normally small, uh, up there. :lol: A pretty face seems to be much more prioritized than big boobs. Not sure if that's the case in the West too.
:lol: ^ definately an added bonus

Haven't worn the wonderbra, my genetics took care of that area, now if they had a wonderbutt, butt lifter, then count me in- I have zero arse.

and perhaps AJ needed a date to the swag party and that is why Carmine went with him... ;)
Cute photos. In the first post, there's a bag that reads "playtex, bali" and "wonderbra". :lol: and SHOES? :lol:

Gotta love the guy.
Sure did get around yesterday. This one's from the Primary Action Golden Globes Suite.

LOL Wonderbutt :grin:

Yep he does look kinda bored, especially that third pic...think we can volunteer to cheer him up? <g>
The underwear and undershirt both sticking out is sooooo classy. :lol: Thank goodness there's a wardrobe department on CSI: NY to dress Danny. :lol:
Kimmychu said:

Ya know, Twinkletoes, you're not the only one who thought it felt a little off too. Doesn't quite jive with what's been said and shown about the man, right? I'm going with the theory TPTB makes their stars attend these things in the hopes of promoting their shows and stuff.

Yeah, okay I'll try and buy that theory too... :rolleyes:

But blimey, after that Primary Action pic with all his underwear hanging out I'll forgive the man anything :lol:
Twinkletoes said:
Yeah, okay I'll try and buy that theory too... :rolleyes:

Well, hey, it's either that or, based on those items in the pictures, we've just been given a major clue as to what Carmine likes to wear during his off-days. :devil: :lol: :p I'm tryin' to keep a clean mind here!
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