Locker Room #14 - Ride the Italian Stallion!!!

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Hee. Where is AJ's hand? :devil: I know where mine would be. ;)

And you can see the outline of a wifebeater under that sweater. Sexy. :p

And yes, I was definitely trying to work out how to quickly undo that belt--but I'd have to be kneeling on AJ's chest at the time so he couldn't escape. It's, like, two for the price of one! :lol:

I'm loving the picture with the shoes, though. :lol:
i think im in heaven :) great pic 1csi just great
and the tight jeans :devil: wat can i say about thoes lol :) :devil:
just that thy look tight and great jusst the way we like him in :devil: :D

:devil: y r thy taking a pic by the high heels who r thy 4 :D :lol: :devil:

goes and looks for her eyes i thnk they fell out :D
And more:





Enjoy :)
This must be a stupid question but, are these pictures for one of them entertainment behind-the-scenes kinda shows? Access Hollywood? 'Cause, I think it's hilarious they made Carmine and AJ stand around perfumes and high heels and holding all kinds of shopping bags. :lol: What's the deal with that? Some subtle gimmick to make people buy those things? :p

I bet Fay passed out when she saw those Carmine-AJ photos. :lol: AJ looks a lot more mature out of the show, interestingly. He's younger than Carmine, right? Gosh, I just saw this awful sci-fi movie he was in, something about some flying lion-like monster terrorizing some city in the Middle East or something. :p Thank God AJ's got a much better role in CSI:NY.

Oh, and I always wanted to know what the deal is about wonderbras too. Do they actually work? :lol:
Wonderbras totally work for a girl like me. They totally eliminate the uniboob look :lol:. But yeah, men love wonderbras & I bet Carmine is no expection :devil:.

He doesn't look too pleased in that last photo posted. He's like, "Lemme eat my frigging popcorn!" :lol:
That's the Access Hollywood "Stuff You Must..." Lounge. During the week leading up to the Golden Globes there's these events. The lounges (there's a few of them) give you swags. You know, as in 'swags of free stuff'. Of course, you have to be a celebrity :lol:

I guess all the posing for cameras (which in essence is the companies giving out the free shit and using the celebrities they're giving it to for 'free' advertising) is the price the celebrities have to pay for getting all of that free shit. God it's a pimpy industry. :rolleyes: Walk the walk, talk the talk, get lots of free shit. Colour me a cynical b*tch who would probably, hypocritically, not pass up on some swag herself given the chance :D

Cate Blanchette (Chez) says to Cate Blanchette (Cate) in "Coffee & Cigarettes" (when Cate gives Chez a gift which is really a swag bag) .. "it's funny that when you can't afford something it's really expensive but when you can afford it, it's free. Kind of backwards don't you think?"

Sucks for us mere mortals :D

ETA: Wonderbras are great. Fantastic for those not blessed with a good rack because they lift, pad and give cleavage (ie they make you look a size or two bigger).

Great for those of us already naturally endowed with big boobs because you can take out the padding and it pushes everything up and in, showing off the already decent cleavage to good advantage :lol:
:lol:^ It really sucks to be a hollywood star, huh? They have these events for all of the awards shows for the stars and even the nominees. These companies want to give their items to the stars to use and then if the 'stars' are using them, then it is purely a promotional thing for the company- and then those of us who are non-hollywood stars will see what that the stars are wearing, using (blackberries), etc then we will want to keep up with the stars and buy their products. (like we can afford them!) :lol:

The swag that the hollywood stars get can range up into 6-7 digits. (these include trips and what not)

Love the pics, and poor Carmine, does he need one of us to dress him ? :devil: I see his boxers in about half of the pictures! Uh, not that I was looking down under..... :devil:
But I will give up my day job to become his personal dresser! :lol:
ThumpyG said:
Love the pics, and poor Carmine, does he need one of us to dress him ? :devil: I see his boxers in about half of the pictures!

Yeah, I noticed that too. I also noticed the ring on his pinky in real Italian mob style... :lol:

I'll gladly accept the playtex bag and whatever's inside, I might not need a wonderbra but I do appreciate guys who come bearing gifts. :D
crankyjules said:

I guess all the posing for cameras (which in essence is the companies giving out the free shit and using the celebrities they're giving it to for 'free' advertising) is the price the celebrities have to pay for getting all of that free shit. God it's a pimpy industry. :rolleyes: Walk the walk, talk the talk, get lots of free shit. Colour me a cynical b*tch who would probably, hypocritically, not pass up on some swag herself given the chance :D

*sighs* I dunno. I think you might all hate me for what I'm going to say but I just don't get it....

From what I've read Carmine is a fairly private man who doesn't do parties, doesn't do nightclubs and works long and hard at his job. His tastes seem to be outside the Hollywood mainstream and he seems to have little enthusiasm for the Californian lifestyle.

So why the freebie jaunt? Okay, I understand the need to be photographed, to keep himself in the public eye, but posing with shopping bags? He doesn't need the stuff or this sort of publicity does he? Just smacks a little too much of unnecessary greed for my liking....

*hides under table to avoid tomatoes*
Twinkletoes said:

So why the freebie jaunt? Okay, I understand the need to be photographed, to keep himself in the public eye, but posing with shopping bags? He doesn't need the stuff or this sort of publicity does he? Just smacks a little too much of unnecessary greed for my liking....
*hides under table to avoid tomatoes*

Have you been talking to George Clooney lately? He takes a similar position on the tens of thousands of dollars of freebies that are just handed out to celebs at these events.

Of course, the whole point of the giveaways is to have a celebrity pose holding or wearing your product - so I guess Wonderbra will have a sales spike this week :lol:

The freebie jaunt, I guess, serves a similar purpose and the celeb gets a little extra exposure. I know we've talked about this someplace else, but it may be that CBS kicks its stars in the butt and makes them go out in public. We don't really see them do it that often, but it is awards show season, so I think we're going to see lots more of this kind of publicity.

Now if only CBS would publicize their shows in this way as well :rolleyes:
OMG!!!! AJ and Carmine had the cutest date ever!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Kimmychu said:
Oh, and I always wanted to know what the deal is about wonderbras too. Do they actually work? :lol:

Ask Carmine... :lol:

Springmoon said:
Twinkletoes said:

So why the freebie jaunt? Okay, I understand the need to be photographed, to keep himself in the public eye, but posing with shopping bags? He doesn't need the stuff or this sort of publicity does he? Just smacks a little too much of unnecessary greed for my liking....
*hides under table to avoid tomatoes*

Have you been talking to George Clooney lately? He takes a similar position on the tens of thousands of dollars of freebies that are just handed out to celebs at these events.

There is something decidedly unsexy and a bit tacky about seeing stars who earn millions a year getting thousands or tens of thousands of dollars worth of freebies. Most of them do it, but I'm with Clooney on this one.
OMG!!!! AJ and Carmine had the cutest date ever!!!!!!

I agree that seeing rich people getting freebies (and getting their picture taken with them) is tacky. However, it's also publicity for the products, and you can't deny that it works. Why he was there is anybody's guess...

However, I have the most hilarious mental image of certain men wearing Wonderbras and cute heels. :lol:
Kimmychu said:
Oh, and I always wanted to know what the deal is about wonderbras too. Do they actually work? :lol:
Hell yes, they work. My, um, "petite build" (read: I'm flat as a freakin' board :lol:), benefits greatly from a little padded push-up action.

I know some of you are critical of the Hollywood swag fiestas, but really, if someone offered to let you come shopping for free, would you say "no"? Not likely. For those who still think those things represent the epitomy of excess and shouldn't exist, the future of swag is uncertain. The IRS cracked down hard on those way extravegant presenters baskets given at the award ceremonies. The baskets are now optional because the full retail value of the basket is reported to the IRS and is taxable as income. I imagine at some point that will filter down to the smaller give aways as well.
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