Locker Room #14 - Ride the Italian Stallion!!!

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THANK YOU NIM!!! for posting that new pix of Carmine and making me drool...:D

And of course I must say while scrolling down through the thread--THANK YOU 1CSIMFAN for making me choke on my own drool with laughter for that unforgetable image of Carmine in a dress...:lol:

uh--that pix with Carmine at the he sporting a MULLET????:confused::eek::confused::eek:

Thank God, it was a small version!


Crap, I shouldn't have said that, should I?
hehehe...just for you. :devil:

uh--that pix with Carmine at the he sporting a MULLET????
Yep seeker, it sure is a mullet and it kinda freaks Kimmy out.

Wow Rhonda. You certainly keep an interesting selection of Carmine photos in your photobucket account.
Yes, I do. Fay just loves looking through my photobucket. :p
So I'm coming home from a coworker's going away party, and I see a big building front sign "CARMINE EYECARE" Started me giggling a bit hehe.

Trapped tonight, whooo

some of this


Sure ain't hard on the eyes :D
oh my gosh Nim! That new picture is Amazing!! Oh man, what a way to start the day off. My lil sister is going to love it...thanks again!
That pic is so hot! Thanks for posting, Nim!

I found a german portrait in a magazin about him which was published this month. They say something about an independent film which is called "the take". Does anyone know more about it?
1CSIMfan said:
Wasn't somebody looking for dress photos from Shasta McNasty? I found some. :p

*waves* It was me, thank-you 1CSIMfan! Dearie me, what does he look like?? I'm not sure whether I should have asked to be reminded :eek:

But talk about from one extreme to the other - wow that picture is so gorgeous Nim. Doesn't he look just utterly shaggable there? Why have I phrased that as a question, do I really need to ask? :devil:
crankyjules said:
Cross-dressing Carmine I can handle, no worries.

But that mullet... ... :eek: :eek: run away, run away!
I must concur. Carmine in a dress? No problem. I'll gladly reach right under that. A little role playing in the bedroom can be a good thing. :devil: But that mullet? :eek: Oh hell no! Not sure I can get with that. :lol:
^ Oh, I totally agree. It's all about easy access :devil:.

It just goes to show that even Carmine had a little bit of white trash in him back then. If I was there I would've taken a razor & shaved that god awful hair off his head. Then again, he is beautiful so I do forgive him :devil:.
Ooh thanks for those photos :devil:! Maybe my eyes are deceiving me, but does it say 'wonderbra' on the bag that Carmine is holding in the first photo? If so, I wonder who he's shopping for :lol:.
jorja_fan86 said:
Ooh thanks for those photos :devil:! Maybe my eyes are deceiving me, but does it say 'wonderbra' on the bag that Carmine is holding in the first photo? If so, I wonder who he's shopping for :lol:.

Oh yeah, it says wonderbra, barely there, and playtex. I know who I want to say he's shopping for but I'll refrain. :devil:

Outstanding photos ... thanks for sharing :D

Loving that simple black jumper with jeans, belt and shiny boots. Good look. Bloody good look ... emphasises that long, slender torso. Yes indeed ... lookin' more gorgeous than ever (sigh) :)

Golden Globes swag, huh? Lucky bugger :lol:
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