Locker Room #14 - Ride the Italian Stallion!!!

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Nice pic, Nim! Mentally running my tongue across the top of that little glimpse of underwear peeking out of his jeans. :devil: ... But I thought he said he didn't wear any? :confused: :lol:
What a way to end the day

Thanks Nim for sharing

MrsG Wasn't it something like "None at the moment". So maybe he changed his mind for the photo shoot
Wouldn't it have been absolutely hysterical if he had been doing that interview completely in the buff while eating his dinner? :drool:

Gorgeous pic, nim
Lonia said:
MrsG Wasn't it something like "None at the moment".
That's exactly what he said. In my mind, I just prefer to convert that to, "None ever." :lol: :lol:

Wouldn't it have been absolutely hysterical if he had been doing that interview completely in the buff while eating his dinner? :drool:
Like sitting there naked with a big 'ol bowl of Fruit Loops resting on his ... :devil: ? That would be outstanding.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Like sitting there naked with a big 'ol bowl of Fruit Loops resting on his ... :devil: ? That would be outstanding.

Fruit Loops. For dinner.

Now I fully understand the joys of the pretty-coloured sugar hit first thing in the morning. But for dinner??

MrsG I'm shocked at you. Now that's just gross. bluck. :lol:
Thanks for the hot picture, Nim!

That man needs no invitatation to come to my door. :devil: Come right on in, Giovinazzo. ;)
crankyjules said:
Fruit Loops. For dinner.

Now I fully understand the joys of the pretty-coloured sugar hit first thing in the morning. But for dinner??
A man preparing to answer questions from 50 women regarding his undergarments is in need of some kind of high. :lol:

MrsG I'm shocked at you. Now that's just gross. bluck. :lol:
I beg to differ. As long as he's sitting there naked, it's all good. Doesn't matter what else gets thrown into the equation. Naked and eatting Fruit Loops? Not gross. Naked and picking lint out of his belly button? Still not gross. Naked and ... well, I could go on forever. As long as he's naked, I'm interested and it's not gross. :lol:
y couldnt the person taking the pic just unbutton the one button left so we c some six pac :devil: :D


he's teasing you but making it very easy to rip the shirt off before dragging him to the bedroom. oh hell who would make it to the bedroom! personally i want to know why he's not shirtless walking down the beach with some suntan oil on those beautiful abs. then afterwards he would need some help removing the sand.... :devil:

mrs g. thanks for the naked and .... train of thought. i plan on having some very naughty dreams to night.
He is so catering to the fangirls with that picture. See my smile? I'm not complaining. :D

It must be the artist in me, because I was staring more at the design on his shirt than his exposed bit of belly. :lol: And heeeey, I eat sweet stuff for dinner ... sometimes. And Carmine in the buff? Please to be giving that to me. :devil:

CK underwear? Ooo, yes, they do show the model's faces! :D Then again, I thought they always did. Maybe just the really hot ones.
Dear God,

Thank you for Carmine, & thank you for smex. I plan to share the abilites you have bestowed upon me in bed. It's my way of thanking you...and Carmine :devil:.

Nim, that photo did unspeakable things to me & I mean that in a positive way :devil:. I would definitely hit that. Oh yes, I definitely would...
MrsGiovinazzo said:
A man preparing to answer questions from 50 women regarding his undergarments is in need of some kind of high. :lol:
ROFLMAO!! Very good point.

I beg to differ. As long as he's sitting there naked, it's all good. Doesn't matter what else gets thrown into the equation. Naked and eatting Fruit Loops? Not gross. Naked and picking lint out of his belly button? Still not gross. Naked and ... well, I could go on forever. As long as he's naked, I'm interested and it's not gross. :lol:
oooo don't get me wrong. It wasn't the picture in my head that was grossing me out. And I love Fruit Loops. It was purely the thought of eating them at dinner time that made me grimace. Totally divorced from anything to do with Carmine. NOTHING gross about that picture. On no *shakes head* :p
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Faylinn said:
No, here's the quote from the "You Know You Watch Too Much CSI:NY When..." thread. PrettyEyes was the poster:

You asked your optometrist for the new Giorgio Armani full-length poster hanging in his front office window. Why? The model is Carmine as Danny Messer, sporting Armani glasses.

He said I can have the poster after the campaign's over.
Maybe PrettyEyes could be so cool as to take a pic of this poster and post it for us. *bats eyelashes*

Uh yeah. Someone needs to get on this, pronto. :lol: PrettyEyes, I'm lookin' at you! At least give us some details about it! I lie. I don't want some details, I want to know everything. :lol: And this reminds me that I need to go visit my optometrist soon too. :rolleyes:
OMG Nim, that picture of Carmine in the doorway *ded*. Can I nibble on him? He seriously looks good enough to eat in that pic and I'm with Fay...**yanks him in door** :devil:

Kimmy, somebody told me you just loved this pic:


Wasn't somebody looking for dress photos from Shasta McNasty? I found some. :p



Here's a Shasta promo pic.

Wow Rhonda. You certainly keep an interesting selection of Carmine photos in your photobucket account :p.

I never though I would ever say this but wow, he kinda looks good in a dress. That doesn't mean I want him to ever wear a dress again :lol:. If he dresses like he does in that photo that Nim posted I would die & go to hell a very, very happy woman. I mean, that tan & that shirt & those eyes...Oooh yeah :devil:.
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