Locker Room #14 - Ride the Italian Stallion!!!

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hello!!!!! man i have been away from here for wat seems like... forever!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
Nim ... hey huni!!!! those photos.... :eek: :eek: **drools at the thought of Carmine** dam!!!! hehe those pics are jus waaaaayyy to hot! i especially love the orange Tshirt ones :D Me like!!!!! :devil:

Tiff!!!! huni where are you?! i hope you havent eloped to get ya hands on that Wonderbra carmine has in that bag!!!!! :lol: msg me!!!! :D


Twinkletoes said: Hang on, hang on....what about gasping over the gorgeous-looking man in the foreground???
Oh I did that first .. believe me when I say I have my priorities right. :lol:

Did anyone of you ever listen´to the music Carmine likes ("The Pixies" and "Velvet Underground")?
I did yesterday and I don't find it terrible but it's not the kind of music I listen to usually.
The guy has bloody awesome taste in music, IMO. Both the Pixies and Velvet Underground are two of THE most influential bands ever in the alternative scene. I quite like Velvet Underground, being a retro girl at heart and a lover of psychadelia, have a few of their albums, but I worship the Pixies. Turn on any alternative radio station and have a listen - won't take long and you'll be hearing stuff that is obviously 'influenced' by them.

I like "This Monkey's gone to heaven" but the others are - to say it with your words - weird...
The lyrics can sound really strange until you understand a little more about where Black Francis was coming from. Some of his music is based on Old Testatement stories, one is about a plane that dropped a bomb in Japan, Monkey Gone to Heaven is about the environment ... the guy writes about interesting things, and the songs make much more sense when taken in that context. :)

Of course, both the Pixies and Velvet Underground were around before a lot of you were even born, so I don't expect that they would be on your list of faves :lol: But me being an 'old bugger' (isn't everyone over 25?) ...
^ Indeed, anyone on this board over 25 is "old." :lol:

And I agree with crankyjules's remarks. With a lot of music, but particularly alternative music, it helps to have a context for the songs. Whereas pop music tends to be generated with the Billboard charts in mind and may not say anything, alternative genres tend to be more about having a voice. To understand that voice or appreciate the music, you need to know what they're trying to convey. Just for kicks, find one of those songs that may not appeal to you and research it. Find out what it's about, then listen to it a few more times. Suddenly, it'll become genius to you.
Thank you Golden Globes for giving rise to all these tasty new pics and thanks to all who have been posting them. Looks like our boy has been out on the town a lot recently and he looks happy in this recent batch of pics. :D
^^I was just gonna say... that's a verry nice pic. And a white rose in his lapel?? (Or at least it looks...) :)

And yeah I agree, Mrs. G, songs tend to sound better in everyway once you know why the artist wrote them or what they are really about...
Twinkletoes said:
I hope this isn't too OT, given that it's about freebies 'n stuff. Here's part of Hugh Laurie's Golden Globes acceptance speech...

"People are falling all over themselves to send you free shoes and free cufflinks and colonic irrigations for two. Nobody ever offers you a free acceptance speech. There just seems to be a gap in the market. I would love to be able to pull out a speech by Dolce & Gabbana."

Gotta love him, I'm so very proud...*sniffs*

Quote courtesy of Ohnotheydidn't.

I freakin' love Hugh Laurie! :lol: He's hot, hilarious and a class act. :D My roommate told me about seeing the speech, and I can't wait to watch it on the Golden Globes page when I get home. It sounds like it was so funny! :lol:

The shoe picture with AJ and Carmine is pretty hilarious. They should have tried some on for the cameras! :lol:
^ I got a kick out of Hugh Laurie's speech too :) As I did Meryl Streep's - loved the comments about not being able to see movies in local cinemas. I have friends who are majorly pissed they've been unable to see Children of Men.

And doesn't Sacha Cohen have some class :rolleyes: (but I was laughing very loudly I must say hehehe!)
I heard about Sasha Cohen's speech--when I called to ask my mother about the Globes last night (as a die hard 24 fan, my eyes were glued to Kiefer :D ) practically the first words out of her mouth were about how disgusting Sasha Cohen's speech was. :lol:

What did Meryl Streep say about not being able to see movies in local theaters? I loved The Devil Wears Prada! Haven't seen Children of Men yet, but adored the book.

And so this isn't completely off topic, Danny's really freakin' hot. :lol:
Top41 said:
What did Meryl Streep say about not being able to see movies in local theaters? I loved The Devil Wears Prada! Haven't seen Children of Men yet, but adored the book.
She suggested that if people can't see the movie they want to see at their cinema, they go and ask the theatre owner WHY NOT?? Demand to have it. Sort of implying maybe the public need to be more proactive to get whoever's responsible arse's back in line or some such :D That's the way I remember it anyway.

And so this isn't completely off topic, Danny's really freakin' hot. :lol:
Yes indeed :lol: And we have a new episode this week - thank God. It's been a long wait :(
^I know, at long last! I'm kind of hoping Carmine will grow his hair out a little bit. I'm not a fan of the short haircut on Danny. I thought he looked so cute when it was a little shaggier (mid-second season).
^^ Same! That's what I think too! So glad someone has mentioned it. :) I loved it when it was a bit longer, I want more hair to play with when I kiss him... :D

I'd rather UNdress him...
Ahh. Don't we all?
Top41 said:
The shoe picture with AJ and Carmine is pretty hilarious. They should have tried some on for the cameras! :lol:

Ah, I believe we have a psychic link of so- I mean, you naughty woman! You don't want poor AJ and Carmine to end up having extreme veiny feet like Sarah Jessica Parker, do you! :p :lol:

And about the rose in the lapel ... I just hope the Go Fug Yourself gals don't get a copy of his picture, 'cause boy, those women can make even Angelina Jolie cry with their fashion snark. :lol:
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