Locker Room #14 - Ride the Italian Stallion!!!

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MrsGiovinazzo said:
Sorry, girl, when a guy cheats on me multiple times( :rolleyes:), my capacity for foregiveness wears thin. After kicking his sorry ass to the curb, any tokens of his "love" must permanently rot in the back recesses of my jewelry box. It's just a matter of principle. Sure I could have those sparkly studs converted into something else, but they're too tainted by bad mojo. :lol:

Good for you. I hope you kicked his ass many, many times. :devil:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
tiara4carmine said:
Mrs.G :eek: :eek: :eek: you don't want to wear diamond studs :eek: :eek: :eek: if you don't like them how they are get them remodelled by a jeweller, you live in California girl, show some bling :lol: :lol:
Sorry, girl, when a guy cheats on me multiple times( :rolleyes:), my capacity for foregiveness wears thin. After kicking his sorry ass to the curb, any tokens of his "love" must permanently rot in the back recesses of my jewelry box. It's just a matter of principle. Sure I could have those sparkly studs converted into something else, but they're too tainted by bad mojo. :lol:

Well then you pawn the rocks and use the money to put personal ads in the most perverse of ad sites with his phone number. hehehehehe :devil:

Seriously though, I would pawn them and donate the money to a charity or something. Make something good out of something bad, ya know?
Getting back on topic a little, if the president takes over an hour telling us the same old bullshit...again, I'm going to lose it. I've had THE worst day ever and him going over and pre empting CSI:NY for like, the 8th time in his presidency, would be the icing on the shitty day cake.


Edit: Nevermind. I see they're already expecting him to be longwinded. :rolleyes:
CynRyn - You're an evil girl. :lol: :lol: The charity idea isn't bad though.

lookaboomerang said:
if the president takes over an hour telling us the same old bullshit...again, I'm going to lose it. I've had THE worst day ever and him going over and pre empting CSI:NY for like, the 8th time in his presidency, would be the icing on the shitty day cake.
:( :( :(
I heard horrid rumors tonight was a repeat, but didn't know why since the tv listings said "Obsession" was airing tonight. Ugh!!!! Bush can lick my ass. Who the hell wants to listen to him in lieu of watching fresh new Danny??? :confused:

Sorry your day sucks, lookaboomerang. :( Go check out some Danny/Flack pics in the naughty pic thread to give yourself a little pick-me-up.
The horrid rumors are true though. :( TV Guide says that they're airing Oedipus Hex at 10:30.

And I think I'm good now. :lol: I fell asleep for an hour after dinner and that seemed to take the edge off. I'll still look at Danny/Flack pics though. :D
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Sorry, girl, when a guy cheats on me multiple times( :rolleyes:), my capacity for foregiveness wears thin. After kicking his sorry ass to the curb, any tokens of his "love" must permanently rot in the back recesses of my jewelry box. It's just a matter of principle. Sure I could have those sparkly studs converted into something else, but they're too tainted by bad mojo. :lol:

:lol: It is the principle of the matter, isn't it? That makes sense, who knows what kind of bad karma is attached to those babies. I have a friend who was engaged and called off the engagement and the guy actually let her keep the ring. She turned it into a pendant that she wears as a necklace. I made the mistake of thowing my engagement ring at my ex, so needless to say I wasn't getting it back. :rolleyes: oh well, I will just have to wait for the right 10 carat diamond. :lol:

saw that there was a rerun tonight? That really bites. I had a long crappy day and I needed a new dose of Danny tonight. Damn. :mad:
ThumpyG said:
I have a friend who was engaged and called off the engagement and the guy actually let her keep the ring. She turned it into a pendant that she wears as a necklace.
Here's a funny story. I have a good friend who was engaged to the same guy more than once. After he broke off the engagement the first time, she had the diamond made into a pendant. After the second time the same guy broke off their subsequent engagement a couple years later, she had the second ring and the pendant made into earrings. They are now married, but before he proposed the third time, he made her give him back one of the diamonds to set into a third ring. :lol: :lol:

I made the mistake of thowing my engagement ring at my ex, so needless to say I wasn't getting it back. :rolleyes:
Little forethought next time, honey. :lol:

But back on topic -- seriously this lack of new CSI:NY tonight sucks. Just when we get all these great spoilers. Now episode 16 is that much further away.
ThumpyG said:
I made the mistake of thowing my engagement ring at my ex, so needless to say I wasn't getting it back. :rolleyes:

I handed mine back :( I didn't feel it was right to keep it because I was the one who broke it off. If it was the other way around I would have kept it. But DAMN I wish I had kept it now. It was beautiful. Extremely high quality, nice size, teardrop shape, would have made a stunning pendant. :)

Ah well live and learn. :D
They re-ran the CSI:Miami/NY crossover episode a couple of days ago here in the UK. My oh my Danny's come a long way style-wise hasn't he? he looks as though he got his Dad's clothes on here.

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Interesting that the decision to have him in glasses was made by the time they came to film the first series...
Good for you. I hope you kicked his ass many, many times.
I'm with you. :) My mom told me that "Once a cheater, always a cheater."... once someone has cheated on me, he'll never regain my trust again.

Hey, guys. I've read over at "You know you watch too much CSI when..." that Carmine as Danny got this Armani eyewear ad? Do we know anything about that??
Re:Locker Room #14 - Ride the Italian stallion !!!

hey guys! okay so this has been bothering me for like the past week..and I can't figure it out, so I need your help...
Okay, so I have been watching CSI:Ny ever since it came on, I'm a huge huge fan. The thing that has got me puzzled is, I could have sworn that in one episode someone (a det, or whomever) went to thier apartment after a rough day, and then sat in a chair for awhile, then took a shower! I can't for the life of me remember what show this is from, if any. I can see it in my head, but I can't picture who it is, I want to say it was Danny but I would think you all would remember that...So please, if you have any idea where this may be from please let me know, because it is driving me could be from a number of shows, seeing that I watch way to much television, or it could be a dream..a great dream! lol..thanks guys!
Re:Locker Room #14 - Ride the Italian stallion !!!

You're not nutty, it was Stella who took the shower. I don't remember if it she sat in a chair though. I know for sure it was her who took the shower.
Re: Re:Locker Room #14 - Ride the Italian stallion !!!

But I don't think she went home to have a shower.

Didn't she have a shower in the locker room?
kissmesweet said:
Hey, guys. I've read over at "You know you watch too much CSI when..." that Carmine as Danny got this Armani eyewear ad? Do we know anything about that??
I haven't heard anything about that. Danny could certainly model eyewear well though and I'd love to see my favorite NY hottie score some endorsement opportunities. I believe Gary Sinise has a Baume & Mercier watch campaign, so perhaps the show is a nice spring board for these opportunities.

And, yeah, it was Stella who got the shower scene. Believe me, if Danny ever sets foot in a shower, the uproar on this board will never die down.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Believe me, if Danny ever sets foot in a shower, the uproar on this board will never die down.

:lol: :lol: Yeah and that is about the time I'd have to leave for a while, for the sake of my sanity. The clamour would be too noisy :lol:
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