Locker Room #14 - Ride the Italian Stallion!!!

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oops... that didn't finish. there was a picture of carmine posted about six months ago. He was wearing a hat and was pictured next to a brunette woman... Her name is mary Lynn Rajskub. She did a movie with him a few years ago, in case you were wondering. I know it's totally late, but i thought you all might still be interested. I would post the picture, but my computer is reaking out and won't let me do muh... sorry!!
:confused: Haha...someone already posted her name. Sorry guys... I've got a really big homework load so i only read parts at a time. I really only look at the pictures anyways! ;)
Thanks for answering me about his ex. Vanessa Marcil. I did a IMDB search for her and haven't seen her in anything though... but there's a thread on her and Carmine.

To be honest though, I love how private Carmine is. :) That's a pretty hot thing about a celebrity and he doesn't seem to be so self-absorbed... Like say Matthew McConaughthy or Eva Longoria ("I'm so beautiful and I get hurt because I'm so gorgeous... la dee da. Everybody loves me.).
kissmesweet said:
Like say Matthew McConaughthy or Eva Longoria ("I'm so beautiful and I get hurt because I'm so gorgeous... la dee da. Everybody loves me.).

Vanessa Marcil is currently on the tv show, Las Vegas. Engaged to a guy whose identity she won't confirmed, but it's not a big deal. She's notorious for dropping engagements on the fly. Rumor has it she has a son with a former ex-boyfriend actor, who's now dating a near underaged girl. Ouch. :p

As for Matthew McCounanaghey ... rumor has it that he has majorly bad BO. And I mean, the kind that keeps people away even when he's jogging outside in nothing but a pair of pants and sneakers. :lol: And Eva Longoria? It seems her vagina and sex life are more famous than she is. :p
:lol: I read somewhere that McConahey (I'm probably misspelling that :eek: ) doesn't wear deoderant and hasn't in years. I'm sorry, I don't care how hot you are--deoderant is a must! So is good breath. But I digress.

Would someone translate that second interview for us? The one with Rodriguez and Carmine? :D Many thanks to anyone who does... :)
Orison said:
Anyway, there's a lot of interesting things in that interview, but this is waht I liked the most:

I like scripts that tell about a man who doesn't belong to the place where he was born ... where he has friends and he has to eventually part from them, and love, too. I'd like my stories to have a universal message so that everyone can understand, and at the same time, I want to show why my character(s) did what they had to do.

Don't you just love a guy who can talk like that? :D

Technically speaking, I have no idea whether he actually said it that way. I wrote that out based on the translation of the answer, so, uh ... if you're refering to the written style of that paragraph, that's mostly me guessing the gist of things. :lol:

I may try translating the second interview, Top. I think ratt will do a much better job, though. :) I'm guessing Spanish is one of her fluent languages. It's definitely not one of mine, I had to use an online translator and then translate that into understandable english. :lol:
^Well, you guys are awesome for translating the first one! That was a cool interivew. :D
Kate Winslet? He wants to act with Kate Winslet??

Wooohoooo!! She's English! D'you think this means he likes English women? *crosses fingers*
Rumor has it she has a son with a former ex-boyfriend actor, who's now dating a near underaged girl. Ouch.
I went onto the threads on IMDB and it says that she has a son who is two right now. So she got pregnant in 2004... which makes me happy because she broke up with Carmine in 1999! :D That makes me insanely happy somehow.

Kate Winslet? He wants to act with Kate Winslet??
God. She's amazing! I just saw the Holiday and I cried at the end. She's so fantastic!

You guys are all good at Spanish. I've only learnt it for 3 years...
Kimmychu said:
Orison said:
Anyway, there's a lot of interesting things in that interview, but this is waht I liked the most:

I like scripts that tell about a man who doesn't belong to the place where he was born ... where he has friends and he has to eventually part from them, and love, too. I'd like my stories to have a universal message so that everyone can understand, and at the same time, I want to show why my character(s) did what they had to do.

Don't you just love a guy who can talk like that? :D

Technically speaking, I have no idea whether he actually said it that way. I wrote that out based on the translation of the answer, so, uh ... if you're refering to the written style of that paragraph, that's mostly me guessing the gist of things. :lol:

I have some knowledge of Spanish based on is similarities to Italian so I read the 'original' answer and it looks like that's mostly what he said. :)
Twinkletoes said:
Kate Winslet? He wants to act with Kate Winslet??

Wooohoooo!! She's English! D'you think this means he likes English women? *crosses fingers*

... you know. You've got an interesting point there. He also mentioned that he thought Jane Parsons from DNA in the show would be a nice love interest for Danny. And guess what? She's British, babe. (Not sure if she's English though) :lol: Maybe he's got a thing for British accents. Woo! :devil:

kissmesweet said:
I went onto the threads on IMDB and it says that she has a son who is two right now. So she got pregnant in 2004... which makes me happy because she broke up with Carmine in 1999! That makes me insanely happy somehow.

:lol: Sorry, I should have mentioned the father of the child is Brian Austin Green. I think they once acted together in an old tv series. Can't remember what it is though.
Kimmychu said:
Maybe he's got a thing for British accents. Woo! :devil:
Oh yes pleeeeease let that be true. I sound a bit like Kate Winslet...maybe if he shut his eyes he could imagine I was her..... :D
Hey girls,don't worry about the translation of the interview,Kimmychu did a great job,it's perfect.I'm going to translate the other interview, but give me time ;)
This is from an article on Ewan McGregor from the LJ site Ohnotheydidnt. Thought it might further illuminate our musings on the Giovinazzo chest hair debate:

The 'Miss Potter' actor regularly removes all the hair from his chest to make him look younger and more attractive, but his personal grooming has an unpleasant consequence
He said in an interview with Britain's Radio 1: "I shave my chest because having it hairy makes me look older. It's sexy when it's smooth. But when I shave it, I sometimes get a rash, which is a nightmare. And my wife gets it too. Having a shaved chest is cool for a day, until it starts growing back.
Ladys, ready for some new pics?

Talking about his hats, this fits:

And the other pic:
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