Locker Room #14 - Ride the Italian Stallion!!!

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Ooh, so it's on stands now? Do we know how long it'll be out? I'm not sure how soon I'll be able to go and get it, but I'd hate to miss out. :) However, if it'll be off of the shelves soon, I'll jump curbs and hit little old ladies in my pursuit of teh hawtness. :p

Back to the scene in the latest episode: You guys make very good points about the physical overshadowing the acting (and about the fact that Carmine's half-nekkidness overshadowed Hawkes in that scene). But I don't think I necessarily think of him only as a hottie--it's just the thing that we seem to talk about more. Danny's character hasn't really been given anything this season, which sucks, and I'm also curious as to why that is. I was really intrigued by the information we got about Hawkes in that scene as well as the rest of the episode. And I can and have discussed characters, backstories, etc a lot--I really enjoy getting other opinions and talking things out with other fans--but when it comes to just chatting on a message board, I think it's pretty common for the fangirl to come out in all of us. ;) :lol:

Carmine's acting is definitly a thousand times better on NY than in any of his other roles that I've seen, and he brings something amazing to Danny's character that makes him believable and intriguing. But we can't ignore that this is a superficial business he's in, and the sheer reaction they can get out of a shirtless scene proves the power of sex appeal on tv. Not to say that there's necessarily anything wrong with it, of course, that's just how it is.

However, that being said, once the fangirl in me calmed down enough to watch the scene without my pants exploding, Danny taking off his shirt was really not a big deal. He came in the locker room, and he had to have a reason for being in there to talk to Hawkes--you don't just hang out in the locker room, I'm sure ;).

So yes, we really should concentrate on the acting and performance and characterization for the actors and characters, but talking about him being totally friggin' hawt is generally more fun. ;) Oh, the power of hormones. :lol:
Ooh, so it's on stands now? Do we know how long it'll be out? I'm not sure how soon I'll be able to go and get it, but I'd hate to miss out. However, if it'll be off of the shelves soon, I'll jump curbs and hit little old ladies in my pursuit of teh hawtness.
Breathe Fay, breathe. :lol: I can just see you talking a mile a minute and the keyboard smoking. Damn, I wish I would have read the board before I went out to the store. :mad: I was looking at the magazines but I don't remember seeing People (although I wasn't exactly looking for it). I'll make sure to grab it tomorrow, if it's already out.

However, that being said, once the fangirl in me calmed down enough to watch the scene without my pants exploding, Danny taking off his shirt was really not a big deal. He came in the locker room, and he had to have a reason for being in there to talk to Hawkes--you don't just hang out in the locker room, I'm sure.
I had the same thought. If it had been some random person that did that, we wouldn't even have noticed. But yeah, I had to watch it again to catch the dialogue. BTW, a carpenter? He thought about being a carpenter?
That would have been hot too! :p
I thought it was 'construction worker.' Maybe I like that idea better because he'd work with a jackhammer. :devil: (Edit: But wait, can't 'construction' include carpentry? *headdesk* I'm so confuzzled. :lol: Honestly, I just want him to be my handyman and get all sweaty and...)

Breathe Fay, breathe. :lol: I can just see you talking a mile a minute and the keyboard smoking.
Be nice to me, I MUST HAVE THE HAWTNESS! :lol: I'll have to go out tomorrow. *maps out plan of attack* I'll try Food Lion first, and if they don't have it I'll go to Walgreens, and if they don't have it I'll go to Target, and if they don't have it I'll go to Books-A-Million, and if they don't have it I'll spaz out completely. :)
I thought it was 'construction worker.' Maybe I like that idea better because he'd work with a jackhammer.
Hey don't pick on me.
My brain gets clouded when Carmine's half nekkid. Carpenter or construction worker
..they both have the same benefits.

You're doing it again.
S-l-o-w d-o-w-n. You will find it. I'm surprised you haven't already ran out and bought it.
Hubby called about 5 minutes after I read Carmine was in People and asked if I needed him to pick up anything on his way home. If I'd known about it, I would have told him to stop and get a People. I'm sure he'd be scratching his head on that one.

It looks like he's cupping his ass cheek or something. :lol:

But seriously--OMG-SO-HAWT! :devil:

Ok, guys, admit it--you're going to want this CD he's making even if we have no clue how good he is. :lol: Can I preorder, like before he even records it? :lol:
wow Allstar!! did you find that from the net or the magazine?? i cannot find it on the net anywhere!! lol some one gimme a copy!!!! :lol:

i have to say, he looks like a god!!!! (doesnt he always?) hehe an the veins in his arms... MMMMM!!!! :devil:
Ladies, run (don't walk) to your closest news stand.
I received a tip from a kind reader of this site
that Carmine is one of People's Sexiest Men again
this year and his hotness can be found on page 122.
OH MY GOD! YAY! I'm screaming now. :) He looks AMAZING there. Today, I'm going out and I'll be getting the magazine.

Carmine's acting is definitly a thousand times better
on NY than in any of his other roles that I've seen,
and he brings something amazing to Danny's character
that makes him believable and intriguing.

He brings this natural charisma to the screen and he makes me so convinced and I can't tear myself from his scenes and that's not just because he looks amazing either, but he throws himself in his scenes all the time. During RSRD, I was crying at the end because the scene was so moving! Danny has grown as a character alot, ever since the 1st season. To me, he's the most complex characters and he has
made the character into something I never thought I'd ever see since S1.

I can't imagine ANYONE playing Danny other than Carmine. Not now, not ever. :)
I'm *SO* getting that magazine TOMORROW! Can you say H.O.T. :devil:

Can he act, SURE he can. But he SURE is fun to look at too...*SIGH* :rolleyes:

Thanks SOOOO much for sharing that, allstar12! Wooo.

That's one way to stay warm on a cold November night! :p
Faylinn said:
It looks like he's cupping his ass cheek or something. :lol:
For good reason. Stand in the mirror and mimic his pose. You'll be amazed at how flattering it is. Makes the definition pop.

Of course, an ass like that should be cupped anyway. When his hand gets tired, he can call me.

Ok, guys, admit it--you're going to want this CD he's making even if we have no clue how good he is. :lol: Can I preorder, like before he even records it? :lol:
Bingo. I already know I'm buying it. Haven't heard it -- don't have to. Could suck -- wouldn't matter.
Which issue of People is this? I was out an hour ago and the only one I could find was the November 20th issue and he was NOT in it. :eek: Please don't tell me it was the issue before that one. Or better yet, it's the next issue that we don't have yet.

Is it a coincidence that I am a big baseball fan, have been to a few major league games, and have worn hats to games? :p Well yeah, I guess it is. :rolleyes:

ETA: Dang it MrsG, you posted while I was typing. Count me in on buying the CD. Don't care what's on it, if it's good or not, but I gotta have it. Did you say pre-order Fay? Sounds like a good idea to me.

I agree that an ass that fine is just begging to be cupped, and groped, and squeezed :devil:..and..ummm maybe I better stop.
^ How could you forget spanked :devil:.

I looked at the new People magazine today & all I can say is that I practically had an orgasm when I saw Carmine in there. Not only did they put in a f*ck worthy worthy but I love the stuff he said. I'm glad he's not a big booty & boobs guy. He's so sweet.

Oh, and when I watched Casino Royale today I kept thinking what a kickass Bond Carmine would be. He would make the love scenes even hotter but just thinking of him in those action scenes makes my cookie jar all...yeah. I'd let him have a cookie anyday :devil:.
*wipes off keyboard from drool* *fans self due to extreme hotness, and it is 37 degrees outside*

I just pictured myself cupping his other butt cheek, as it was lonely and needed attention in that picture. of course, I can't tell you where my other hand would be :devil:

Must find People's Sexiest Man issue tomorrow. After class and evidence processing ;) He can process my DNA any damn day or night

BTW, as for the CD, that damn thing could be worse that K Fed *shudders* and I would buy up every copy just to boost sales. :lol:
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