"Living Doll" Season Finale Discussion *Spoilers*

yea, i guess that's true. i didn't know about the cliffhanger being spoiled early, i don't like looking at spoilers. i hope that by leaving the cliffhanger, that means that they'll find her in time tho. b/c how could they start off the season with finding her dead, and then having to go through the rest of the motions. in the oc (any melinda clarke fans out there know what im talking about) marissa died at the end of the season 3 finale, so that the 4th season could open w/ grieving. if they have sara die in the first episode of the 8th season, i think that would really throw things, b/c it would start out with a whole bunch of action, and then the rest of the season would be very sorrowful and depressing w/ grissom moping around. they need to keep her alive just to keep the show good.
dirtylabrat said:
And what ever happened to that damn cocoon? You think they could have squeezed a big hatching in before the finale.

haha, o yea i forgot about that. i think it was maybe supposed to be symbolic somehow, and maybe the symbolism didn't fit w/ the finale? idk. but good question.
Sorry I'm late... real life sucks.

MacsGirlMel said:
Has anyone read the new TV Guide article? Any comments? They think we'll see the killer again (the PTBs...forgot who talked) and didn't say much about Sara.
Yes, I read the TVG article. GSR on the cover, and they get two paragraphs. Ptsh. Naren Shankar was the one they spoke to, and she didn't actually give any real information, just went on about how they knew they were going to do this from the beginning of the season just to torture us all, etc. and how they were in a contract dispute, etc.

sensa_moi said:I don't think Sara is under the car, but in it. It was raining and it was muddy under it, the upper frame of the car (the roof) would have sunk in the mud, leaving sara trying to climb out through the windshield or the side window.
I don't know... TPTB didn't exactly show us that much of the car, did they? I didn't notice any kind of metal framing or anything under the mud, but I was probably too busy trying not to cry (and failing miserably). That does, however, seem likely. I can totally see poor Sara's leg tied up in a seat belt or trapped under the seat, to keep her from escaping.
Another possibility, as CSIdoglover was saying, is that she's simply been trapped under, like, the roof, which is enough to keep her there but not enough to kill her. As for the mud, let me just say something.
Vegas, as everybody here likely knows, is smack-dab in the middle of the desert. I once lived in Albuquerque, New Mexico, which is also desert, and not all that far away from Vegas. In Albuquerque, the sand was so hard you could fall over and get scrapes on your elbows and palms like you'd just been attacked by a giant steel nail file. This is not soft sand, folks. In previous episodes (Viva Las Vegas, for instance) they said that the dirt was packed in tight, and that's exactly what it is. It will not be that much softer if you pour a little water on it. If I know anything, desert sand is not going to be soft enough to sink much of any distance into, let alone enough to be cushioned from the weight of a car.

csicathwillows said:
i heard on another board here that she refused to show up to film her own death, but idk. they didn't show a face, all you see is a hand and you hear a groan. but you do see some brown hair- marg could've been wearing a wig tho.
No, I saw an article in a magazine (my mom got it from a friend). It said something about Jorja not showing up to a crucial shooting day on April 20th, but the mag thought she was in a car crash. Then it mentioned that the scene was shot by a "blood-covered stand-in", and went on to talk about how Jorja's contract has run out, and how they're in disputes. I also seem to remember them mentioning the "incident" in the 5th season where JF and GE were fired from the set for something.

As for the cocoon... TPTB, what's wrong with you? Just as we start thinking that you've finally left a window open for the Continuity Fairy to pay regular visits, you slam it shut on our beloved cocoon. What was in this cocoon? Why was Sara going to be surprised when it hatches? WHY THE BLOODY HELL HASN'T IT HATCHED YET?!

And Sara? We luv you. Come back, please. :) See banner for details.
oh yea, that's right, grissom specifically said that she would be surprised when it hatched...i want to know whats inside!!! grrrrr.

btw, this is probably a really stupid auestion, but what does TPTB stand for?
Kay, so I JUST watched the final for the first time. (I'm a little behind)

When Natalie "cut" Gil's throat I literally jumped and gasped and scared the dog. That was so scary.
I have a creep factor with puppets to begin with so it took some nevere to watch the episode.

Also...what if Natalie dug a hole under the car and then placed Sarah in the hole (Not like a hole hole but like a ditch hole.) You know? I mean they never did pick the car up to see how she was under it. So to me it was either that or Natalie took a section of the roof of the car off and placed her under that part. But then if she did that she would of had to modify the car to look the same, but again they didn't lift the car up so we don't know what the top looks like.

I don't want Sarah to die, I'm not a fan of her or the whole GSR thing but I want Gil to be happy, he deserves it, even if that means that my ship doesn't come true. :lol:
Kerosene said:

I don't want Sarah to die, I'm not a fan of her or the whole GSR thing but I want Gil to be happy, he deserves it, even if that means that my ship doesn't come true. :lol:

yea, i really don't want her to die either, I want grissom to be happy too!

what's your ship, kerosene?
I am glad they dropped that whole coccon thing, it was pretty lame for CSI...it wouldn't fit in that finale at all. I am still ticked off that they mixed the GSR with the MCSK...and pretty much made it the main focus, which took away from the end of the MCSK storyline.
I am glad they dropped that whole coccon thing, it was pretty lame for CSI...it wouldn't fit in that finale at all. I am still ticked off that they mixed the GSR with the MCSK...and pretty much made it the main focus, which took away from the end of the MCSK storyline.

How was it made the main focus? Most of the episode was spent on Natalie's backstory, and Sara wasn't taken until about three-quarters of the way through. Maybe the last 10 minutes - if that - was devoted to trying to figure out why Natalie took Sara. Grissom telling the team had a minor reaction, then he left. He spent most of the interrogation heaping praise on Natalie, and not until the very end did he start asking about Sara.

Jorja was in the episode for about 3 seconds.

Look, I get being pissed about GSR in general, but let's be honest: the finale had almost nothing to do with Sara until the very last 10 minutes.

As for the cocoon, who knows? But again - what, like, 5 entire minutes of screentime in total was devoted to a gift he sent her over his sabattical, and that's a lame storyline?

Again - I understand being mad about the relationship, but when all is said and done, the media, and these and other boards made more of a fuss about GSR than the show ever did.

The fact that the media only seems to talk about GSR when talking about CSI, or that Jorja's contract and Sara being taken was talked to death before the episode aired was not the fault of the show. And you can't pretend as though that's a part of the episodes.

If you honestly take a look at the scenes themselves, you'll see that GSR didn't really get a very big stage at all. It was just so hyped by everyone and everything surrounding it, that every time there WAS a scene, people would take more notice than normal.
i totally agree with sarah here. i think the boards and people in general made a bigger deal out of it than the actual show. i mean, seriously. they were shown touching once in a flashback in the season finale. and he only touched her arm for that matter.

basically the GSR had been very subtle through the whole season if you take into consideration how serious of a relationship they're in and how popular of a show CSI is. it's the most watched show on TV for a number of years and they handle GSR with great taste, somehow managing it to be very hot.

this was also repeated to be their best season yet, and the finale didn't fail the expectations. as for GSR taking over Living Doll, i can see how it could affect your watching pleasure xfcanadian if you're strongly anti-GSR. but you know, there is nothing really you can do about it. i guess you just need to learn to live with it, cuz it was easy to predict that if GSR became canon TPTB would use it in the episodes. i don't think TPTB can back away from GSR anymore, so if i were you i would chill out a bit and enjoy the rest of the show that you like :)
Sara rarely on it much, she was on what 2 second before she was taken and 4 second under the car. This is about Natalie backstory. The teams tried to figure it out who does the killing and why this person hate bleach.

Natalie is way gone after her mother died then she push her sister to get her father attention and didn't work. I sometime I feel sorry for Natalie don't get no attention from her father. I don't feel sorry for her for killing innocence people. Natalie see Grissom as her father and Sara as her sister. She said, "her, her, her, it all about her."

Almost like Jan said in the Brady Bunch, Marcia, Marcia, Marcia.
I as well am in total agreement with sarah and Adzix there was nothing about the "COCOON" and why would there be?, it was about the MSCK killer, and getting to the bottom of what her trip was :( but NO Sara, she was barely in it! and the revelation scene to his co-worker was paramount..& the only scene pertaining to them!" the only one I've ever loved and he stated in his video, it's been coming for a long time, and I was suprised that they were surprised, how they couldn't notice if beyond me, except Brass, who was suspiciously absent from that scene :eek: he knows... and probably always has ;)
