"Living Doll" Season Finale Discussion *Spoilers*

i like sara but i have to say agree... jorja is getting on my nerves. stop being so greedy and just... sign the contract!

i can't wait too see nick's reaction. i dont think greg likes sara anymore. just, i dunno... seems like he's moved on. to me it seems like nick has feelings for sara. i really want him to be mad and i want him to maybe get a tear in his eye. but yeah, i think greg kinda sees sara as a big sister now. but nick and sara... i think nick has feelings for her. i want him to be really mad

ok... i watched a promo of this episode and i saw that someone is like... trying to strangle grissom?? does anyone know what that's about?
csiemily please see you're private messages regarding you're signature. Thank you. :)

EVERYONE ELSE: about 9 (nine) posts up I posted a reminder about Contract talks in this thread please read it. Thank you. ;)
I've been looking forward to this episode for sooo long!!!
I can hardly wait to see how it will all happen?! :eek:
Only 1 day, 2 hours, and 20 minutes!! :lol:
Well Nick gets upset very easily when anyone is in trouble, so I can see him being upset about Sara too.
Ugh, I'm dreading tomorrow. I wanna shoot the TV! I'm tired of the whole "Sara's going to die." So I want it to come on! like now!

At school tomorrow, I'm going to be like totally unfocused. Oh man, I'm screwed.

But tomorrow looks good, and I can't wait.
The writers are playing with us. The real Natalie, is either not Jessica Collins, or a Different one. I think that the writers chose her for the luky day scene to fool us. They knew we'd put 2 and 2 together
Is that girl in the "Bleach" cold open video supposed to be the MSCK, Natalie? The one who walks out on the street and seems kinda confused... If so, that is not Jessica Collins! Or is it only me who doesn't see any resemblance?
The cold opens aren't really giving us much, are they. However, I do like how they have the shots of the different MCS, and then Vegas itself looks like a miniture. And when they are in the shop and we see all the different things going on, I expect something nasty to happen, but it doesn't. Good camerawork and editing there.

And I do think Greg will be upset if something happens to Sara. I still hold to the fact they would have worked together in San Francisco as their timelines in their backgrounds line up. Not to mention they do have a strong bond - good friends, and formely mentor/student.
Cliff hangers suck. Please tell me that we're not in for a cliff hanger. If we get a cliff hanger, I'll be pissed. Shall I paraphrase that for you?

I wish Thursday would hurry up and get here.
Well, since Jessica Collins was casted to play Natalie, I'm assuming it wasn't her in the beginning.

They also likely wouldn't show the MCSK within the first four minutes. :eek:

*squeeee* I just saw a CSI: Living Doll promo during "The Price is Rest" million dollar special segment thing within the first TEN minutes.. I'll be their going to be promoting CSI quite a bit during TPIR!
Not sure if we're allowed to talk about scripts so sorry in advance but am I the only one who noticed that the cold opens on CBS are different subtle but different than the script that has been floating around???