Let's Talk Gay

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Well, I think I actually found my soulmate over the internet. Mia and I met completely by accident, I liked her Cath/Sara manips and told her so, and she wrote me a message telling me about her website, and when I read her poems I think I already fell a little bit in love with her. We ended up talking on msn for hours on end, for about a month...thankfully (actually we both found it rather scary ;) ) we lived only a couple miles away from each other. So then we finally met in person and we'ver been together for almost 6 months now :D

Anyways, I totally agree that the internet is a good way to get to know someone's personality first, and I also think perosnality is key to any relationship. It was her character, our almost uncanny similarities, that made me fall in love with her.

So yes, I do believe in soulmates now, and I do believe that true love can happen/be found over the internet.
Hmm, I don't know who I'd like. Basically someone who loves me for me. All my little flaws, my feebleness, my blonde moments, everything about me. Someone who is caring, understanding, loving, sweet, and has that power to make me feel amazing.

The internet does sound like a good place to meet people, but to be honest, I kinda like being single right now :lol: I really don't know why, but I am enjoying it right now. But maybe, when I feel like I want someone again, and can't find anyone, I will just have to use the internet!
:eek: *delurkes* No way Jorja_rain! That's incredible, you're so lucky! So there's hope for all of us peeps. :D
Also what website is it? :rolleyes:

*continues lurking*
Haha, someone who loves dogs would be a must for me too. And someone who likes video games. I hardly ever meet girls that play video games, and when I do I squee and say I love them, lol.
eggbe4thechicken said:
Also what website is it?

I's mine =) Just click on my signature to find it.

The internet is definitely a great recource when you look for people with the same interests but generally I don't like meeting people in person that I only know online, I've never been into internet-dating and usually kept online contacts strictly apart from real life. But then someone made me change my mind and since she lived so close to me I figured "why not".
It didn't even feel as strange as I thought it would, still I'm reluctant to tell the story when people ask where we met. "On the internet" usually gets you strange looks... and I totally understand, I always had prejudices against people who meet their partners online :rolleyes:
gregslabmouse said:
Haha, someone who loves dogs would be a must for me too. And someone who likes video games. I hardly ever meet girls that play video games, and when I do I squee and say I love them, lol.

I grew up on video games, I had it all :lol: I'm a total Nintendo whore.

Tonight at my graduation party everyone was talking about how since I'm being homeschooled again this year, how I'm not going to be able to see any 'cute guys at home' :rolleyes: I was sitting there thinking, "Um, hello, still gay!" :rolleyes: :lol: I just have to take one look at a picture of Jorja on my computer (I have many :p) and all my suspicions are confirmed :devil:
gregslabmouse said:
Haha, someone who loves dogs would be a must for me too. And someone who likes video games. I hardly ever meet girls that play video games, and when I do I squee and say I love them, lol.

I love playing video games!! Unfortunantly my dog stuff takes up all our money so we only have an N64 (yeah pathetic I know) but when I go over to friends' I play games on their stuff. :D
I love video games! But I only have super old school Nintendo (like the first one) and a Gamecube :lol: But yeah, I'm pretty sure if I ever had a girlfriend they'd have to not mind that I love playing video games all night :lol:

Oh, also she would really have to realize my schedules revolve around TV, so I refuse to do things are certain times if my TV show is on (isn't that horrible?) it's probably so unhealthy :lol:
I love playing video games too. :D

I actually met a few girls online the past few days and I'll see to what it may lead. I am not looking for a relationshiop. I like my life the way it is though I feel kinda lonely. Probably because I've been with someone for nearly 2,5 years.

Levon, about that tv thing.. I sooo recognise that! My ex liked CSI but not as much as I did. Cause I wanted to watch every rerun and that freaked her out. The new girl in my life should accept my CSI obsession and also accept the other shows I wanna watch!
I basically like use MySpace to meet people around my hometown. (I mean people like from my school.) Nothing unsafe.

Well in boyfriends, I've always gone for the ones who treated me poorly. Like, I'm more of a promiscuous heterosexual. Like I'm more comfortable with that. But in guys, I've always like kind of feminine features and extremly rude personalities, but never possesive. Boyfriends have most always cheated on me.

In girls, I like natural looking, like little make-up. Athletic, like not prissy if we were to play softball or something. Low-maintanence and independent, I don't like girls who need me to call and check up on them. Loyal, nice, accepting, and mellow.
Hi, Sorry to but in. But im new, my name is Melissa. And well im a lesbian. Haha. This feels weird! Well thats all I'll say for now, i hope you guys dont think im too weird!
Nope you fit right in!

*waves Hi*

to ashleywillows: I never thought about the calling thing but yeah that would go for me too. My last ex was calling me CONSTANTLY and I would get so angry at him.

I would also need someone who would understand that I need some alone-time every now and then and that it doesn't mean that something is wrong, just that I want some space.

When I was younger my friends and I would stay up all night playing video games. Oh wait I still do that :D.

I just got done grooming a shih tzu for a friends boyfriend. It turned out pretty good. It took four hours though. The dog was a mess of matts and I don't like to cut mats out, I work them out with combs, rakes etc. He wasn't afraid of the blow-dryer or the clippers either.
Haha, don't worry guys, I have every game system invented from Nintendo to X-Box, and planning on getting the new 3 this summer... Yeah, I play a lot :rolleyes:

I think it would be really hard to meet someone on the internet, because I don't show a lot of my personality online, and tend not to mention things I like that other people aren't into... like pokemon, lol... so I'd be afraid they would actually meet me and be largely disappointed :lol:
I've met many people online (even thought I had an internet "boyfriend" for a while) and I'm actually a lot more open about myself online than in reality. I of course don't give out really personal information but I can talk about a lot of things more openly online (like my sexuality, for instance). I find online really is the only place I can really speak openly about it and feel comfortable doing so because my family feels so uncomfortable discussing it and when I mention it they bombard me with numerous, "You're too young to know! Wait until you're older to make that decision!" :p

My problem with meeting people online would be that my town is so out-there and small that I doubt anyone else my age in my town would be online like this :lol:

I don't care who I meet, as long as they don't treat me poorly or try to take advantage of me. I've stood for humiliation before, be it from friends or "boyfriends" and I don't want that again. The girls my age here aren't that mature but the guys.. :rolleyes: Don't get me started :lol: :p
gregslabmouse i love video games. yea i would want a girl who liked videogames, dogs, and csi. I would want her to be kind, loving and caring.

quoth_the_raven i'm the same way. I'm more open on the internet then in real life. You guys are the only ones who know that i'm a lesbian.
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