Let's Talk Gay

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quoth_the_raven said:
I would tell them that if they don't stop we're going to grab all of them, dance around a fire and mark a giant 'L' on their forehead with the blood of our ancestors :rolleyes:

This one is really funny :D Mark them all!!! :devil:

Nobody tells me who I can or cannot love. Its my decision. I won't let anybody tell me how to live my life. If my heart belongs to a woman (which it does!), than my heart belongs to a woman. My heart can never belong to someone I don't love.

I live in Holland and our papers are full with the gay bashing stories coming from Poland and Russia. There is still heavy discrimination there. Gay Pride Marches are held but the gays are beaten up by extremists... And the police just stand by and watch... And the European Comité is trying to make it better but it seems to me that Eastern European lands still have some things to learn. :rolleyes:
I'm sorry about the dicrimination there. I do indeed hope that it gets better. I think people in our generation (im 18) are more accepting and open-minded. I know people in my parents and grand-parents generations that are as well but I think our generation is the most accepting. When our generation kind of 'trumps' the other ones I believe stuff will even out more. There will always be those people who are stubborn and stupid, but I think things will get better. Maybe that is just me and wishful thinking. Who knows
I hope its not just you and wishfull thinking. I hope that in time, you're actually right.

I agree with what you write. Young people these days are more open minded and definitly have more knowlegde than the older generations, like our parents and grandparents. But, unfortunatly, here in Holland I do feel that certain etnic groups strongly disagree with homosexuality. Even the young people. In some cases, they are even worse than their parents. Some Muslim boys and girls of my age (I am 22) judge me just as hard and hate me even more than their parents do.
Usually, the Dutch youngsters deal way better with homosexuality than any other group of youngsters in Holland. Even the religious Dutch teens take it better.

I am thankfull and happy that homosexuality is an open subject. Its seen on tv, heard on the radio, read in books.. And wellknown Dutch people (actors and actresses, singers, politicians) come out for their sexuallity. And that makes it easier to deal with, I think. We have our Gay Pride.. and ofcourse people always object..

But what it is with humans.. they are just afraid of what they can't (don't) understand.. And they don't bother to understand so they will always be afraid. But how insecure must you be to be afraid of a gay man or woman? How insecure must you be to beat them up, or call them names? How insecure must you be to be so ignorant and most of all, are willing to stay that ignorant? How insecure must you be.. about yourself when you do all of the above?
I'm glad to hear that the Dutch kids take things better. It's like that in America. More and more teens and young adults are accepting but there are still a few in both groups who object.

I don't know how any one could hurt another person, especially on something like their sexuality. I hadn't thought about that; the insecurity thing but your're right. I wonder how those people feel when they come face to face with a gay person? I wonder what makes them see us as a threat? Just because we are not 'normal' if there even is such a thing. Maybe I'll never know but now I'm wondering.

You still see some hate crimes around here. Surprisingly enogugh my high school was pretty accepting. That's saying a lot for Nebraska, a rural, republican state.
My parents/grandparents were raised in a generation where the only way to be was white and straight, so I kind of understand their views, though I don't share them. I mean society has evolved so much since than.

We don't have many hate crimes NEAR my house. Of course if you go down the highway to Chicago, I think that's another story but I don't really keep up with it.

I don't understand what people see so wrong with being gay. I mean I don't really hate a person UNLESS they screw-up with me, NOT because they're gay. That's just stupid.
quoth_the_raven said:
I would tell them that if they don't stop we're going to grab all of them, dance around a fire and mark a giant 'L' on their forehead with the blood of our ancestors :rolleyes:

Haha, that made me laugh so hard :lol:

Thinking hate crimes, thinking. Well, I don't know of any here, (moved for university) but I know when I was in High School if you looked at someone the wrong way they would beat you up. It wasn't nearly as bad for gay girls, really bad for gay guys though. My friend (who is a guy...and gay) got a knife held to his throat. Oh, and some girl heard a rumour that I was gay (which was actually not true at the time, is now though :p) and twisted my wrist until it was like "SNAP" (ew, it was such a gross sound) and it hurt, well, kinda expected, generally when someone breaks your wrist it hurts :lol:

Hate crimes are stupid though, I mean, people are people, and to think that someone would threaten to kill someone, or hurt them, is horrible, I mean, someone being gay never hurt them, did it?
I really don't understand the 'logic' behind hate crimes. Okay well you really can't call it logic but you know what I mean. It's just so unreal to me that someone could feel
THAT threatened by someone just because of their sexual orientation.

I can understand the people who were raised in a world where bing gay was really, really frowned upon. I mean I can understand where they might not agree because that is what they were taught but when some of those people resort to violence to 'make their point' that is makes me mad. That is when I lose all respect for that person.
CSIdoglover54 said:
I really don't understand the 'logic' behind hate crimes. Okay well you really can't call it logic but you know what I mean. It's just so unreal to me that someone could feel THAT threatened by someone just because of their sexual orientation.

Same I mean What have gay people done to the people who dislike them. Be themselves. That doesn't really makes sense getting beat up becasue of being yourself. How would they like it if gay people had something against them and they would beat them up.

I haven't really heard of hate crimes in Massachusetts or highschool but them again i don't listen to the news and i've only been in highschool for one yea.
I have often thought about people comitting those hate crimes... I always think that they are afraid to be themselves, to be who they really are. And in some freaky way they are jealous of everyone that isn't afraid to hide who they are..
SaraSidle_girl said:
I have often thought about people comitting those hate crimes... I always think that they are afraid to be themselves, to be who they really are. And in some freaky way they are jealous of everyone that isn't afraid to hide who they are..

I never thought of it that way, that's awesome! :lol:, not really, but That's like good logic.

People who commit hate crimes have problems, like seriously. I mean they feel they're doing society a favor, but it's not helping anyone, not even themselves.
I'd say, hate crimes are probably the most pointless things I've seen. You are not fixing anything, if you're doing anything, you are making a problem worse. Not fixing one.

What bothers me is when people that are older talk about how disgusting gay people are. I mean, they did grow up in different times, but they talk about it so openly. I was downtown today and these two old ladies were just going off about gay people, not taking into account that gay people actually go downtown. It bothers me sometimes, other times I want to laugh because that's sad if you have a conversation about how gross gay people are, but it's just soo weird
^ My grandma does that a lot. She doesn't say gay people are disgusting, but she says things all the time like, "I don't get why these gay people feel the need to come out" :lol: She means the celebrities, but she sends lots of mixed messages :rolleyes:

I went to my cousin's high school graduation the other day and I saw someone's name scratched on the cement near the bleachers and under it the words 'is gay'.

...can't people find better things to do with their time?? Like study?? :lol: :p Apparently not ;)
Some people will stay stupid and childish for the rest of their lifes.. They are to ignorant to learn. Its a shame but undfortunatly it happens..
and usually by cruel trick of (whatever you believe in) they turn out to be the people in powerful posistions and then continue to screw everyone else over.
You guys make me feel netter about myself so I'm posting here. I told my mommy that I (thought) I'm gay.She started freaking out at me because she thought that I could only be gay if I'd had sex with many girls. Then she shouted at me. Then she was mad because she thought the world would judge me and limit me if I was gay. So I told her it was stupid of me to think like that and that I'd think about it more. I led her to believe that I gave into the name calling and that I had only kissed a girl once and that it was a dumb dare. Then she apologised for overreacting and said it was good i had talked to her. I cried so much, so now I'm on the phone with Levon because she's at work and she's making me feel better and veronica is getting me icecream :D. I think I'm doing better than I was 30 minuts ago. this has made me feel better. thanks. I love you all.
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