Let's Talk Gay

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Go Levon!!! <3

Well i sat with my Friend and his boyfriend for like half an hour before they had to leave telling my friend that he isnt going to trip as he goes across the stage to graduate. And telling him and him boyfriend that they shouldnt be so worried tonight (the grad dance) because they should have fun, and not waster there time worrying about whos staring at them or talking about them, those people are pathetic. I mean there just people and if they happen to like someone of the same gender who really cares!I shouldnt matter and im sick of the world being so homophobic, it makes me sick.
The thing about going out with guys just to 'see' I feel totally the same way. It's such a relief to know it's not just me. :D Thanks.
I'm not going to tell my family yet though, I think I will wait until university or something, so I'm not living at home anymore. It still sounds scary and stuff though.
AshleyWillows said:
SarasGirl, I'm going with the flow too. I have fun with guys and girls. Usually more with girls, but guys can have fun too. I mean I'm confussed but I'm not. I know I like girls but I don't know if I like boys too. I'm in the grey area right now, but I think I need like a new enviornment, AKA away from high school.
Its the same with me except i don't need to get away from my school. Come to Shrewsbury MA. Its nice here and i'll be your first friend here :)
Okay, so, my stupid ex-friend just said some really mean things to me, and they were so hurtful. And it makes me mad. She like, started calling me a stupid lesbian whore, a c*** licker, dyke that should die, fag that should die and told me that I am a lesbian wannabe...how can you be a lesbian wannabe? That does not make sense to me! And agh, it just makes me so sad/really extremly mad that she'd use someones sexuality like that, when her herself, is bi!
Aww *hugs*

I don't see how she can say stuff like that if she was dating you once. Isn't that a bit hypocritical?
^^Those two weren't dating :p It was me and her. Ahaha, that's just her friend who had dated other girls.

a c*** licker

That makes me want to cry so hard, not only is that word a horrible word, but to use it like that is even more terrible. It disgusts me that she would do that.
OOOOoooh I get it :p
Still, if she's bi I still say it's hypocritical...

And it still makes me mad. Why do people have to be so rude? :(
CSI_Sidle2399 said:
AshleyWillows said:
SarasGirl, I'm going with the flow too. I have fun with guys and girls. Usually more with girls, but guys can have fun too. I mean I'm confussed but I'm not. I know I like girls but I don't know if I like boys too. I'm in the grey area right now, but I think I need like a new enviornment, AKA away from high school.
Its the same with me except i don't need to get away from my school. Come to Shrewsbury MA. Its nice here and i'll be your first friend here :)

I'll just go up to my parents, "Guys, I think I'm gay, but I don't know if I'm bi. So Can we move Shrewbury, MA so I can figure it out?" :lol: For some reason I doubt they'd go for that. But Great Idea :)

Imperfect, Your friend's a jerk. She isn't worth your time and for her to call you such immature and rude things, is totally uncalled for. Forget about her :)

Levon, You could be like that one guy from Ugly Betty who was gay but brought a girl home for holidays so his mom didn't know. hahaha :lol: I'm totally kidding, I think you should be who you are no matter what :D
Imperfect, I'm sorry that happened, that kind of stuff makes me really upset, even more so since the person who said it was bi. How much more hypocritical can you get? :rolleyes: Don't listen to them, though. You don't need her approval so long as you have your own. She's just immature and stupid ;)

I think Bob Dylan says it best, "don't criticize what you can't understand."
Right now I am confused as well. To an unbelievable amount. I have a boyfriend (mostly to put my parents at ease) he's a ncie guy but I don't like him. Okay that sounded bad, I don't feel anything for him. I always dread the time when he is leaving because I know he will want to kiss and the thought just disgusts me. How horrible is that? I wish I could just tell him, but I don't want to hurt him. Argh, this is all stressing me out so much. I am more attracted to girls and I have had a girlfriend and I never felt this way with her. I loved everything about her. (we agreed to put things on hold for a bit due to long distance) but I still think about her. I get so mad at myself for having a boyfriend. For not just being able to stand up and say, "Hey I'm Gay." I hate myself right now.

Well that became angsty, I needed somewhere to vent. Sorry guys.
a c*** licker

I forgot to add something... if you are gay and attracted to women, how is this possible...? Did this girl stop to think about that? :lol: Sorry, I just had to say :rolleyes: :p

CSIdoglover54, I know what you mean and I feel for you. The best advice I can give you is to not deny your feelings, we've had discussions about that and denying everything just makes things ten times worse. It's one thing for the people around you to be in denial, but who cares about them? It hurts more if you're denying yourself and who you are :)
Quoth I think you're thinking of the wrong C word... or I am... :p

doglover I had a boyfriend like that once, that I was just disgusted with (not because I'm gay, though) but I DO think I was more disgusted with him than I would have been a girl (well, it probably depends on the girl, but still) so that must mean I'm bi, right? (yes, yes, still confused...:rolleyes:)
Thanks guys.
It's so easy to read what everyone says online and how you shouldn't deny your feelings. Then I go out into the real world so to speak and my determination is replaced by fear. I would give anything to be able to just tell people that I like girls.

He knows that I like girls, and has told me that he would understand if I went the 'other way' The thing is I just told him a couple days ago that i didn't think things could work out becasue I am more attracted to girls. Of course I left out the part about not wanting to kiss him etc. He said that was okay and then the next day he asked me if we could try things again and because I SUCK with pressure I agreed. In comes the hate factor. I don't want to kinda throw him around like a basketball if that makes any sense. How do I manage to make such a mess of things? *sigh*

I know how hard the pressure thing can go, but eventually you have to do what will make you happy, and not everybody else. I know how the fear thing goes too. Only one person on Earth besides you guys knows that I like girls, and that's my ex best friend. I'm afraid to tell anyone else, my boyfriend especially, but that's mostly just because I'm afraid he might enjoy it a little too much :\
My boyfriend is like that, he is always asking me if I think some girl is hot which makes me angry. I'm horrible with stuff like this.

Well you're secrets' safe with me and it sounds like we are in the same boat. *hands you a paddle*
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