Let's Talk Gay

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CatherineWillows said:
Being straight is so over rated .Haha, just kidding. But yes, gay people are who they are, straight people are who they are. And yes, some people may not like gay people, but I'm not changing for them. I do not need to make someone else happy, this may sound selfish, but I have dedicated my life to making me happy, and hopefully the close people around me happy too. Not some government guy that said I was disgusting.

I totally agree with you on that. I like being gay.
I like who I am and wouldn't change to being straight.
CatherineWillows said:
Being straight is so over rated .Haha, just kidding. But yes, gay people are who they are, straight people are who they are. And yes, some people may not like gay people, but I'm not changing for them. I do not need to make someone else happy, this may sound selfish, but I have dedicated my life to making me happy, and hopefully the close people around me happy too. Not some government guy that said I was disgusting.

Amen :D
It's all about self-perception, as long as your comfortable with you sexuality, it doesn't matter how people see you. I mean as hard as that is sometimes, It's true. The gov't can't tell me who I am is wrong.
AshleyWillows said:
CatherineWillows said:
Being straight is so over rated .Haha, just kidding. But yes, gay people are who they are, straight people are who they are. And yes, some people may not like gay people, but I'm not changing for them. I do not need to make someone else happy, this may sound selfish, but I have dedicated my life to making me happy, and hopefully the close people around me happy too. Not some government guy that said I was disgusting.

Amen :D
It's all about self-perception, as long as your comfortable with you sexuality, it doesn't matter how people see you. I mean as hard as that is sometimes, It's true. The gov't can't tell me who I am is wrong.

I loooooooove my sexuality...

hmm.. did I just sound like Oprah?! :confused:

But anyways.. I am proud to be gay and I do not feel the need to hide it. If people ask, I'll tell them. If they don't, I still them them. And if they judge me.. they're wrong and I am not...
SaraSidle_girl said:
And if they judge me.. they're wrong and I am not...

If they judge you then they're soooo straight :rolleyes: :lol: :p

I think it's ridiculous how people will judge you just because of your sexuality. It's one thing to judge someone with a reason but just because someone's gay? :rolleyes: Come on now.

My brother and I were just having this conversation about my homophobic/racist cousin and he said, "Wouldn't it be hilarious if he turned out to be gay?"

It's a gay world after all... sing it with me!! :lol:
A lot of times super homophobic people turn out gay :lol: Turn out he can't turn out african american and gay, that would be a lot more interesting :lol:

Haha, to be honest, I used to be homophobic. Like dead seirous, and now I'm one of the gayest people I ever met :lol: I don't even know why I was, I was all like "gay people suck" but it was right around the time I started questioning myself. According to my thearapist that I once had (yes, I had a therapist) he thought it was because I was in denial...which was probably true :lol:
Well like people say, you are what you hate. Silly homophobics... :lol:

I question it at times, because I'm still so young and I want experiment still. I consider myself bi, most of the time. Otherwise I'm gay or straight, it all depends on the day. Sorry, that sounds really bad :(

BTW, quoth, love the icon :lol:
AshleyWillows said:
Well like people say, you are what you hate. Silly homophobics... :lol:

I question it at times, because I'm still so young and I want experiment still. I consider myself bi, most of the time. Otherwise I'm gay or straight, it all depends on the day. Sorry, that sounds really bad :(

BTW, quoth, love the icon :lol:

How old are you, Ashley?

I am definitly gay. I can't picture myself with a guy in any kind of way.. Been there, done that.. it didn't work out. It just wasn't my thing.
Yeah, I am totally gay :lol:
Ohh me too. I tried to convince myself I wasn't, it didn't work that welll. I am as gay as gay can be...okay not really, but still :p

Today I got called a cool lesbian. I do not know why, but I got called that by like, 5 people that don't like me called me taht. I rolled my eyes, cause I really don't like them, but meh, now I ain't jsut any lesbian, I'm a cool one :lol: Oh My.
^ :lol: Way to go, you're a cool lesbian!! :lol: :p

Haha, thanks Ashley! :D

I was talking to my sis last night in the car about the guys in my class and she was like, "Oh, Ann, all the guys in your class were totally in love with you. It was because you didn't go through all that girly-girl drama crap." Me: Well neither did my friend... Sis: Well she was just a bitch. :lol: Good to know!

I honestly think it's hard for my mom to think of me as being gay because no one in my entire family is gay except for my uncle, and we rarely see him. I haven't seen him for about eight years now. He's an awesome guy but we just don't have a lot of contact. I understand it's a lot for my mom to swallow, but she just keeps telling me I'm too young to know and that drives me absolutely insane :lol:
Well, I'm 15 but I'll be 16 in September.

Levon, Your a cool lesbian, not just a lesbian. Teach me your cool gay ways :)

Well I don't know, I just want to experiment with guys a little more first before I know it's official. That sounds terrible... but just to be sure.
AshleyWillows I completely understand where you are coming from. I feel like, I need to be sure because I don't want to be wrong, and it sounds horrible to me, like sometimes I can't believe that I think that, and I wish I could change it. I have many good friends that are gay and some of them knew right away with out question, others it took them being with guys/girls to know that that wasn't for them. I would say right about now I am just going with the flow of things. I know that sounds odd or even bad but thats where I am...
SarasGirl, I'm going with the flow too. I have fun with guys and girls. Usually more with girls, but guys can have fun too. I mean I'm confussed but I'm not. I know I like girls but I don't know if I like boys too. I'm in the grey area right now, but I think I need like a new enviornment, AKA away from high school.
I've spent months telling myself I'm not gay. Even liking a guy (which I don't know if it was for me to tell my self I was straight or if I actually liked him). I finally realised that even though I didn't like Levon anymore, I could still be gay. I think that I thought if I didn't like one girl, I wouldn't like any other that way. I've had long talks with Levon (tried to get back together with her twice even though we both don't want that) and have decided to say I'm gay. Mainly because I wrot it on my hane and put a dot after the word gay then sat debating whether or not to make the period a question mark until Levon made it an exclamation point. So that was basically how I decided to call my self gay :lol:.

AshleyWillows I totally get where you're coming from. It's like some days I wake up and know I'm gay and some days I question it. I don't know whether that's because I know it would take my mom a while to accept it or whether I'm bi or something. See I've realised that I'm not attracted to guy that I see walking down the street or something. But I got confused when I though Danny was hot in the finale and the Mac looked good wet. But I'm attracted to girls around me and on T.V.

I'm just very confused :p
^See, that's what my mom wants me to do, but it's still frustrating because she's sort of telling me I can't make my own decision about my sexuality. The fact is, it's my life and my sexuality. I know what I like :p It's like ice cream flavors-- I know I what I like and I don't like :lol: I've always had such better relationships with guys as just friends.
Agh! Tell me about parents and them being all like "hi, be straight" it's the most irratating thing. My mom was like "god, please don't be a lesbian" so I attempted to like a guy, didn't work...at all. I didn't like him, but tried to convince myself did, so I could be who my mom wanted. I was trying so hard because we haven't been on good terms for like, almost 7 years, and she got all excited when she found out this guy liked me. But it's just not who I am, as much as I want to be her perfect daughter. I'm not. I just am who I am.

But everybody who is trying to figure it out: Do whatever you need to if you want, it's your life, and I personally do not think it's horrible. If other people do them screw them, do what you gotta do!
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