Let's Talk Gay

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I have a gay friend who I love to death, and he's a totally normal guy, most people don't know he's gay til he tells them. We even love to watch Love Actually and ogle Karl.

I love Will & Grace because it shows that gay people can lead totally normal lives, and that they are in fact, just like everyone else.

A lot of people think it's overdone, but it's really not. I know gay guys who make Jack MacFarland look like he-man of the north.

Case in point: the episode from season three, Will Works Out. It's an episode where Jack joins Will's gym. Jack gets a little too "out there" with some people, and it upsets Will, since a lot of his clients go there, and he hasn't told them all that he's gay. At one point, Will tells Grace that he wishes Jack would stop being such a fag. Jack overhears, and gets really mad at Will, thinking that Will is ashamed of him. Will feels bad, and in order to try and fix it, he grabs one of his clients who Jack thinks is hot, and tells him he wants to introduce him to a guy, the client says "I'm straight, Will." Will then says "I know. I'm not, but that's not what it's about. This is Jack. My best friend"

I like how they turn Will into a real person who, while he doesn't wear his sexuality on a sash and tiara the way Jack does, has no problem acknowledging it. The show showed that although gay people can be as outrageous and crazy as Jack, but that they are also still just regular people.
I always had difficulties not to laugh around my ex's uncle, because he is not gay...but I swear he sounded like Big Gay Al from South Park. :rolleyes:

I'm such a bad person.
I love Will & Grace because it shows that gay people can lead totally normal lives, and that they are in fact, just like everyone else.
You think their lives are normal? :lol:
I'm not saying they don't have realistic character traits, but normal? I wouldn't think so...or maybe everyone I know is weird and I have a completely wrong image of normal in my head.
But wait, that would be assuming that such things as 'normal' exist...
What I mean by normal is that they show that Will and Grace(and everyone else on the show) are in fact just people living their lives. As odd as their lives might be sometimes, because hey, it's TV, they're just going through the paces of trying to live a life that is as painless as possible, and trying to hold their heads high.

And besides, I don't think that normal really exists, I mean, look at it this way: (you might want to read this more then once to get it.)

All our lives we're brought up and told about how special each one of us is, and how we're all different. But at the same time we're expected to fit in and be "normal". However, if no one is the same and everyone is different, then only one person can ever really be normal, which means they're different from everyone else, which makes them weird.


<edit> As well, I have a gay teacher and he is actually very much in support of Will and Grace, since he says that it's a lot more realistic then people think, and he says that he, and many of his friends, can identify with the characters to a great degree. A few years ago, our teacher had an issue much like Will did in S3, where his boyfriend didn't want to go out in public with him because he didn't feel ready to admit he was gay. My teacher is also one of the most flamboyant people I know (think Jack, but MORE) and once ranted at all the prefects that if he was wearing a purple bracelet (to support child abuse) even though it clashed with his outfit, that we should all make the same sacrifice.

But in the end, he's just a gay man trying to live his life with his friends and family, and he comes to school to do his job every day, and is considered one of the best teachers at our school. People battle to get into his classes, because he teaches students about life, as well as just abut books.
I've never been told that each of us is special. It was more like "there's overpopulation, if you want to get somewhere you gotta work your ass off and stand out"

But you do make sense. Normal doesn't exist because, really, who wants to be the definition of normal? (Ok, I know a lot of people who think they are :lol:)
Anyways...I don't believe in that word...doesn't stop me from using it though.
I don't believe in normal either. You should hear some of the debates (if you can call them that, as we both have the same viewpoint) that my friend and I have about the issue. I'm a very difficult person to annoy or insult, but if you want to do it, calling me normal is a good way.
Normal just doesn't exist. Look at my friends-group. We're with 6, and we're all weirdo's. Everybody has it's weird things. Nobody is normal
Here's some interesting news- T.R. Knight (George O'Malley) from Grey's Anatomy has just publically come out. I read it in Yahoo news. Good for him to just be up front like that. I think a lot of TV actors feel they have to hide the truth for fear of losing popularity for their TV shows, which is just a shame.
Georgie? LOL...I knew it :D

It's indeed sad that many people (celebrities or not) feel the need to hide.
But I think it's an important issue, especially for celebrities to come out, because they serve as role models.
On the other hand I understand their need for privacy, while I'm not ashamed of my sexuality I personally wouldn't want it discussed in the media. And that is what's bound to happen when someone famous comes out.
It's so weird, when it comes to people that aren't in my family I don't care about that they know my sexuality. Infact the other day I came running up to a friend standing with like 10 people and scream "I'm lesbian levon!!" (my names levon, yes I'm a girl, but I'm sure you all know that by now) but when it comes to my family I'm like scared to tell them. The only people in my family that know are my little sister and my cousin. I've been meaning to tell my aunt, I just haven't yet.
I think you don't have to be scared to tell 'em. They are your parents, they will understand. If not, that would be ridiculous. Parents have to understand their children at least sometimes. But I know what you mean. Certain things are not easily told to your parents. But it should be possible.
Of course it shouldn't matter, but the thing is: it does.

I've always been annoyed with (famous) straight people who forcefully deny any upcoming rumors with the "I don't have anything against gays but I AM NOT, dont ever even think about it" routine.
I always felt a little offended by such strong denial. I thought there must be nicer ways to dispel rumors. That is until I relalized that I felt uncomfortable too when people assumed I was straight and constantly asked about boyfriends.
Sometimes you just need to speak up and make your point.
Now, when I read about a celebrity denying they are homosexual, I don't go screaming "homophobe" but instead just let it slide. I imagine it very annoying when people constantly try to find proof that your one way or the other and they just won't listen to what you say.
There are many celebrities who won't discuss their private life for just that reason, I think it would be simplifying the issue to say it doesn't matter either way.
BabaOReilly already mentioned that a few posts up. I think it's really cute. I had a suspicion, and all I can say is way to go. I'm glad he's brave and proud enough to come out publically.
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