Joy22 said:
I actually know some gay men worse then the sterotype that is Jack so sometimes Will and Grace is not that overdone. I said sometimes though...I actually think the character of Will is done in a nice way. Yes, he is stereotype gay in some ways but that character helped a friend of me come out because he admired the confidence in which Will is gay and wanted to feel good about himself too after years of playing someone he was not. Will and Grace may be overdone but it also took guts to make that show and broke some boundaries for people who needed that.
I didn't say the show was bad. It's nice to hear it gives gay people the confidence to come out and be proud of who they are.
And I too know someone who is your typical stereotype fag (I'm not using that word as an offense here) He's cute, a very good friend and I love really love him. He's a bit like Jack, just not quite that self-centered.
The only negative criticism I wanted to voice was that by far not all gay men are the way they are shown on that show, yet people are led to believe they are.
obsession_360 said:
the stereotypes that ive found out about bisexual girls and gay girls, is that all of them are butch...or manly like. My ex girlfriend wasnt like that at all. She was just gothic, but still maintained her girly features. Some people got confused seeing 2 girls wearing all black, and looking really girly...but theres one thing that I like to say: If it doesn't bother us, it shouldnt bother them.
I totally know what you mean. I'm not really very girly, but far from what people call butch. My ex was the same and people would look at us and go like "So who's the butch of you?"
As if lesbian relationships were automatically defined by femme/butch. Of course they exist but I know couples where both girls are, well girls. As well as I know a couple where you'd call both butch.
I dislike those terms though because I don't believe in labels. I'm a girl who is attracted to women. I'm tough, a little tomboyish but still like to dress up on occasion and even wear make up. So technically I'm neither butch nor femme. I'd go and call myself average, but there seems to be no term like that for describing lesbians. People always expect shorthaired machodykes when they hear lesbian. (Ok, not all do, but many)
There's nothing wrong with them, I like them, but there's a million different types of lesbians, just like there are millions different types of women. Why does everyone seemingly need to label them?