Let's Talk Gay #3

So today is mine and Andy's three month and we're about to go out tot eat, but I had to sneak on here before hand.

Did anyone watch A Shot At Love yet?
I for one was disappointed, and happy with the result (I don't want to put it on here and spoil it for anyone).

Well, off to dinner than back to Andy's :D

Levon, I'm sorry you're girlfriend is sick :(
Yeah, watched Tila. No surprise there.

Congrats on your 3 months, have a good time ;)

I have an aniversary dinner coming up, too. 2 days and it will be a full years, that's so crazy how time can pass so quickly.
I missed Tila! :( I was highly dissapointed that I did too. My two roommates hate the show, and it was on when they were watching some awful movie, and they owuld not let me change it!

I couldn't tell you how long me and my girlfriend have been dating, it's been almost four months I think. I'm really bad with dates :p

Speaking of my girlfriend, she's not allowed to leave the house according to the doctor. Which obviously sucks being that it's almost Christmas. I think we might just actually stick around here with all the roommates this year. We were going to go back together...but seeing as she can't leave the house it might be pretty hard.
You can watch Tila on mtv.com. It might not be very exicting anymore if you know who won, but it'll still be fun ;)

And I think I only remember the date we got together because it was 2 days before Christmas. :p
I remember the date because it's my sister's birthday. Not to mention, dates are my thing.

Andy took me to this really nice resturant by where I work. We ended up just drinking and talking all night at the resturant. It was really nice. Than we went back to dorm and yeah. She's flying away Saturday morning, so tomorrow's our last night together til next Wedensday. :(
^^Awe, that's depressing.

I had an awful day today. I came into my girlfriends room and just pretty much cried. She listened, as sick as she was, she listened and talked to me, as much as it hurt her to talk. It meant so much to me.

I don't know when it is! Awe, I suck. I'd go ask Allie but shes very busy dying in her bedroom right now :p
Hmm i would like to participate in this discussion, although not gay i am pansexual, bicurious, pangenderd individuals who likes women as well as men.

I guess this is the right place to say that? I'm single by the way.

From reading all your blogs? this thread i've been mostly quiet and reading things, seems a very cheerfull thread indeed.
It's ironic that the last post before mine is MC's welcome to everybody. I'm not gay, but my cousin is. This is a bit of a rant, but I need some advice.

My cousin's a lesbian, and usually people out here in southern Cali don't give any hassles. The other day she and her partner were out for dinner celebrating their 25-year partnership, and someone made an extremely derogatory and bigoted statement directed to them.

I love them, and my Mom and I told them we loved them and to ignore the small-minded idiot. I even went off on the guy a little, but they didn't want me to go off too much. They honestly didn't know if he'd be capable of physically hurting someone, or if he was just "all talk."

My question: Is there anything more I can say, or is there something I can do, to make my cousin and her partner realize that this idiot is not speaking for everyone?
^^ I want though something similar the other week. My friend, her girlfriend and I were out to dinner and, like above, a man at another table made a comment.

So I basically told him he was a jerk with no sense of self, no concept of human empathy and that he should go to hell :lol:

I don't think there is ever a 'right way' to handle it. Idiots like that exist, always have and, unfortunatly, always will.

It's a sad thing.
Thanks, adorelo. Sadly, I know bigoted, discriminatory moronic nimrods like the two we've discussed exist. I just wish there was a way I could convey to my cousin that the whole world isn't that way.

She's a lot older than me (20+ years), so she's been through it. I mentioned in one of the prior threads that when I was growing up I thought a lesbian was a green, one-eyed alien. Yes, it's true. My Dad told me to avoid my cousin when I was three because she was a lesbian. When I was three, that's what I envisioned. It's sad, but what can I say.

My Dad died years ago. They reconciled, as he did love his niece. She and her partner are just astounded that Mom and I have accepted them in to our family. Honestly, there was no question or hesitation. They're blood. That's all that matters.
True. It's a sad fact that people think of homosexual people as 'different'. It's sad we need to classify people as 'gay' or 'straight'; it really shouldn't matter.

And there are people who encourage their children/family/friends to follow on the prejudice views, I think mainly out of fear. Fear of the unknown and of change.

But, luckily, it's generaly the people who matter who don't care. The ones we love are often the most accepting of our views, and that's a good thing. :)

Sorry, I'm getting carried away with my moral crusade :lol: I'll go.

Jodie x
adorelo said:
True. It's a sad fact that people think of homosexual people as 'different'. It's sad we need to classify people as 'gay' or 'straight'; it really shouldn't matter.

But we are different, that's the point of being gay. And most people feel the need to label themselves. I am proud to be gay, I don't want to be part of huge group of beings of the same kind. People are different and it's not a crime to label them by their differences, as long as every group of people is accepted and recognized.
^^ I'm just one of these people who dilikes lables in general :lol: I don't see you as 'different' because you're gay, I see you juat as... well, you.

I also don't like the word different... unique is better :D teheh.

I know it's a bad analogy but...when I was a kid, I was bullied for being 'differnt'. I grew up in a Spanish neighborhood and I didn't look the same as everyone else. Since then I don't see the 'differences' in people, I don't know, maybe I'm being naive, or even rude perhapse. But I don't see things like orientation/race/hair color/etc as 'differences'... I also have no idea what I'm trying to say... I'll come back later hen I've woken up some more. ;)

Hmmm...I've always had a problem with being 'different'. I insist I turned out as a lesbian because of my name (I mean, come on, who names their little girl Levon?) but well, what can you do. I like who I am :p

Latley my parents have been making me quite irritated. They htink I'm going around doing drugs and having sex with random guys. It's getting a little tad bit annoying...okay, it's making me want to be like "IM GAY!" but, that wouldn't go over so well either :p I can't win :p