Let's Talk Gay #3

I'd feel so disgusted if I knew someone thought about me sleeping around with random guys... Then again, I don't want people tp think of me having sex with girls either. It's a private thing.
I agree. It's a private thing and it's no one's business besides yours. Of course, being a high school student, I hear those rumors on a near daily basis.

Andy and I got into our first MAJOR fight. Like shouting, throwing things, crying, the whole nine yards. I don't even remember what started it but at the end it was really intense and harsh. I won't repeat what we said but it was pretty brutal. We're still not talking, but it's only been like 4 days.
Aw, I'm sorry to hear that Ashley. 4 days not talking and you don't know what the origin of it all was? Sounds like you should talk to her. I don't think I could spend such a long time without talking to my girlfriend, especially after a fight. The longest we have stayed angry at each other was about an hour I think.
My advise: swallow your pride. The longer you don't talk the more damage it can do to your relationship.
Awe, Ashley that's super harsh! I hope everything works out!

So me and Allie broke up New Years Day. She just didn't feel like there was anything there anymore, so well, I was just pretty much like "well...what are we doing then?..." We're not on the best terms right now, not because we broke up, but because I moved on so fast. Which I kind of feel like a bitch for doing, but you can never control the way you feel, it would be a lot easier if you could.

Basically I was talking to this girl who was making me feel better, and we kept talking and well, like fliritng, then it just led up to "Do you want to go out with me?" so me and this girl are dating...and I feel like a bitch for moving on so fast, but this girl is amazing. I really hope things work out with her.
I'm sorry Levon, but than I'm not! I'm happy you found someone new. Allie'll get over it in time. She couldn't expect you to remain hung up forever.

I hate fighting because you never know if the other person is still amd. It's kind of all blown over for me, like I'm not mad but Andy may still be. I think I'll just go over there with my season of 'The L Word' and talk to her. (It's kind of an inside thing we always do)
AshleyFirst223 said:
I'm sorry Levon, but than I'm not! I'm happy you found someone new. Allie'll get over it in time. She couldn't expect you to remain hung up forever.

I was going to post the same.

Anyway, good luck Ashley, hope things will work out with the two of you, fighting is just a waste of time. (well actually, sometime's it's neccessary, it's the staying mad for days/not talking that sucks)
We made up! We talked about it and I was like I didn't mean for it to get that intense and she's like I really didn't mean eighty percent of what I said. So we kissed and made up =)
That's so good to hear Ashley

Things with me and Allie have gotten better, as in we are on talking terms again. Actaully, today she had to sit with me for 10 minutes (I'm sick or dying or something...I almost passed out today) so things have been getting better. I mean, you can't expect to be like "OMG, BFF" but well, for what it is, it's good.

As for my current girlfriend...everytime I look at her I smile. Even when I feel like passing out :)
Awww that's so cute Levon! :)

Yeah, things aren't going to just go to best friends again and if it did, it would kind of say 'Hi, our relationship meant nothing'. Like you can't be best friends with your ex so soon. That may just be my opinion.

Anyhow, so the other day in my history class. We were talking about slavery and how the change didn't immediatley take place and our teacher goes 'It's kind of like... certain people's lifestyle choices. For so many generations people were against life like that.'
And I was just sitting there shouting inside 'GAY PEOPLE!' like, she was making it like the word was going to turn her gay. I was pretty ticked off.
People can be so damn ignorant. Why can't they just mind their own business and shut up about things they don't know about. "For so many generations people were against life like that", seriously? I think there are still a lot of people who are against it nowadays.

As for staying friends: It's said to happen more often between girls, like a lesbian phenomenon. :p
However, while I think it would be sad to part and never talk again, especially when you have mutual friends, I can't imagine a friendship would work without any complications. After a break-up both sides usually need some time to clear their minds. Depending on the reasons for the break-up a friendship might have a chance some day, but I wouldn't really want to be reminded of what went wrong right after the end of a relationship.

I'm not friends with my ex, even after 2 + something years and a new girlfriend. When I meet her by accident I talk to her and I don't have any hard feelings towards her (we parted by mutual consent) but I don't desire a friendship with her. What's done is done.
So, I read all your posts about Tila Tequila and I got kinda curious. And you know what? I just saw a commercial and Tila will be airing here from 19 January! :] I'm so gonna watch it! ^^
I only ever watch MTV for Tila Tequilla or The Hills (cause I'm that cool)

Today while doing a research paper (yawn) with a friend, my friend was sitting there with an enyclopedia and looked up "Lesbianism" and started reading it. It was so funny, it's going on and on about How Women today "Find it nececary to flaunt their lesbianism" I was like "Stupid encyclopedia..."
"Flaunt they lesbianism"? LOL.

I do believe that visibility is important, and I've seen a lot of lesbians who dress flaringly butch, but there are enough women out there who don't feel the need to have the label "lesbian" plastered on their faces.

I sometimes wear my little flag on my bag because it's my way of showing pride but that is far from flaunting...

On an unrelated note, I think my girlfriend and I have merged over night. This morning when I woke up I was just about to hell her that I had a CSI dream in which I was following Brass and Sara when they were searching a house (I only ever dreamed of Sara/Jorja once), however, in teh exact moment I opened my mouth she's like "Whoa, we just followed Jorja around in my dream!"

I was like :eek:
I don't 'flaunt my lesbianism' at all. Not even through PDA. I have a few like buttons, but they don't say 'Hi talk to me, I'm a lesbian'.

Andy and I are on the rocks yet again. Like we're on eggshells around each other, and the egg shells broke. Things are so weird.