Let's Talk Gay #3

Okay no beginning of a marriage yet. As we arrived at the Registry Office and went through the process we found out they were unable to do the Civil Partnership registration there because the place where we live is in a different district. So instead of registering in Lichfield (which is Staffordshire district) we now need to go to Wallsall (which is West Midlands district) and do it there...
We were getting a bit worried cus I am leaving the country next week and we do want it before that.. I need to be in the country for 7 days before I can register (its been 8 days today)
So the Lichfield people got in touch with the Wallsall people and they managed to squeeze us in for Friday :D So we are still going to do the registration :)
I'm so happy! So happy, you have no clue! :D Andy is staying until June! I'm so excited. When she gets back Sunday, I'm going to die of excitment.

My last week has been so not gay. Next week, it's going to be gayer than ever! :D

Chris! I'm so happy for you guys :)
^^Awe, Ashley that's really great to hear :)

Soo...I spent all weekend with my girlfrined :). It was soo nice, we spent Thursday and Friday night together (no classes on Friday)and spent Saturday and part of today together :).It was soo nice, it seems like I barley see her anymore, and to be with her all weekend was amazing :p

But whats everyone else up too in their gay world?
Nothing spectacular happening in my life. I'm just hanging out at home with girlfriend and kitty.

She's busy with Uni a little, as should I be :p it bores me though...

Last friday we wanted to to go to the gay party but I had to get up early the next morning cause I was going home to go shopping with my mother. :rolleyes: She gave me a load of advent calender presents though, so it was worth it ;) She even gave me one for the cat :lol: and also a present for my girlfriend. I had not expected that at all...

Later today we'll go to the Christmas market, maybe buy some presents too... I don't like the season, everything's cold and by the middle of the month I'll be broke. Plus, I have no idea yet what to get my girlfriend for Christmas.

On the upside, we have our one month aniversary coming up, 2 days before Christmas. :D
Awww, that's good Mia!

I haven't been on here in a whlie. I've been basically joined at the hip with Andy. Since Sunday, I haven't spent a night at home. It's really quite unhealthy :p
Aha, me and my girlfriend, when spending every waking moment together, rarley ever get irritated with eachother. Which is probably odd...but ohh well! :lol:

Soo, latley I've had relatives asking if I'm gay as a joke. I never reply with a good answer obviously, it comes out as "noo..." but well, it's weird :p. It's just pretty much because everytime I see a relative, they ask about a boyfriend, I say no, then they ask if I am gay. See if they asked if I had a "significant other" the answer would be yes, which would be the answer they want. :p My relatives are weird and always want me dating someone! I don't know why either...
Straight people rarely ask for a "significant other" it's always boyfriend. Or girlfriend when they ask a boy. It's irritating.

When I was single I'd just say no and leave it at that, but now it feels different. I'm never sure whether to just say no or tell them "no but I have a girlfriend." Depends on who's asking in most cases.
Well...this weekend I didn't do anything with my girlfriend until Sunday. We went Christmas shopping together. For eachother...basically we ran around the mall for an hour, then went off and bought eachother things. Oh! And my girlfriend bought her and I really greasy pizza to share. Ahaa, it was simple, but a lot of fun :).

How was everyone elses weekend?
Oh, that sounds like my parents. They ask frequently if it "isn't the time for a boyfriend", when they ask that question I always shake my head. Then it's like: "Maybe a girlfriend then?" And I'm like: "Ehm..." I don't have the guts to say yes. Though it seems the best opportunity to tell them, I think. xD
My girlfriend is finally home again and she brought 4 boxes of self made cookies :D

We spend the day cuddling, cooking and showering together ;) oh, and we gave each other advent calenders and now we're both really excited to see what we got/made for one another each day :D

@Mitss: Sounds like your parents have a suspicion, usually parents wouldn't ask for a girlfriend just because you don't have a boyfriend. They might not even be surprised if you said yes.
If you don't want to tell them yet you could also just wait until you have a girlfriend you can bring home and then very casually tell them "Mom, Dad, this is my girlfriend"
@Mia: Yeah, maybe you're right. But something restrains me from telling them, I don't know why, but it just is. Somehow I hope they do expect me to be gay, because it will be a lot easier to tell. Oh well, time will tell. I hope. Oh before I forget to tell; I really like your approach. When I have a girlfriend I'll just bring her home and tell my parents she is my girlfriend. :) Thanks.
^^For me its the fact that my family just sucks. They're all like "Why hello, the toaster is a faggot" :lol: Uhh...yeah.


Okay, so, latley my gf has found that people are trying to like, be complete dumb asses and make fun of her. She's finding it humourous, and laughing at the situation, but I feel bad. She thinks its hilarous though, because their threatening to beat her up, only they freak out if she touches them cause their going to "turn into lesbians (mature, hey?) so umm...to beat her up...thier going to have to touch her. Whatever...its pathetic :p

Haha, in the mean time...four of our friends know about us. At first they were total whores about (don't ask, I call everyone a whore) but now thier not being complete bitches. Which is nice...they now just think its cute :).
My girlfriend gave me a really cute book today.

The story is about a little boy looking for a man to hook his mom up with, only to have her date a woman in the end.

It's written from the boy's perspective in a very child-like manner, as it's directed at children, but I loved it. Kept me busy during linguistic class ;)
^^Awe, that's adorable. Sounds like a very interesting book.

So the other day...my girlfriend turned me extra homo...cause she hugged me. Then I screamed really loud "Eww...now I'm a homo" and she's like "you already were..." so now, I am extra homo :lol: People on the street were like "wtf" but it was interesting :p