Let's Talk about the Weather - #4

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Today was (believe it or not) kinda cool outside...it wasn't hot but it wasn't cold but it wasn't warm...haha, look at me ramble on abou the weather. It looked like it was going to rain today...but it didn't.
It's been cool for almost 3 weeks here. I actually want it to be 30 c for one day.. and it can be 25 the rest of the days. :) It's like 17c everyday, and sometimes it even looks like fall.
Thunderstorm at the moment - loving it! :D It was quite warm earlier with hardly any clouds in the sky (well where else would they be?) but it changed very suddenly
It's cold, cloudy, and depressing outside. Either than that, it's a terrific day to barbeque. :p ;)

...Even though it's probably around 15-20c outside. I consider that as cold during the summer.
it's raining! :D temp +27C *singing* rain drops hitting my head alalal, because i don't have a roof in my room! :lol:
Hmm, it's sunny outside...I can't tell whether it's warm or not because I haven't actually been outside yet...but I can tell you what the tempature is which gives you the same idea :p Okay, it's 23 degrees, hmm...it's usually hotter in the house when it's thta warm...oh well can't complain.
Quite nice today, the sun is out at the moment and we have a lovely blue sky. It's been a bit weird lately with the weather on and off heavy rain with sunshine. :rolleyes:
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