Lets rp... LV style

"Well she was there at the playground homicide, she remembers Griss and Sara cos she saw them running to the scene, but heres the clincher- she says she saw a man running from the scene, she says she doesnt know him, but im not so sure" she smiled at him thinking she should say something bout him and sara but she decided against it. "So have you got anything about the mum and the aunt?"
Nick smiled. "what was that look for?" he asked.

Nick sighed. "oh well... and ya. Both of them have been shot at. The mother is dead, but the aunt is just injured." he said looking into the room where gill and the girl were in.
"Its just good to see ya happy again Nicky" she paused noticing that Nick wasnt paying attention to her "Hey. What you lookin at?"
Nick looked back at Cath with an inosent face. "nothing!" he said. "and, what makes you think im so happy all of a sudden? i mean, this is a serious case! the poor girl..." he looked back at her.
Sara thought briefly. "I say we go back to the house, see what turns up." As mich as she hated to admit it, she felt for Olivia. She remembered this fear all too well.
Nick saw sara was upset about something, but shook his head trying to drop it. "ya, that sounds good." he looked back at the girl and sighed, feeling sorry for her.
"Sure, its either that or drowning myself in some more coffee" she smirked to herself knowning that she was probably the only one who found that funny."Ill drive if you want?"
Sara nodded and went around. She wondered if they were too late. Would they have to tell Olivia she'd never see her mommy or auntie again?
(uh, yes! i've already told grissom that her aunt was wounded, and her mom was dead... i thought that mabey police officers had already gone over to checked out the house, and saw that. we could just ignore it if you want...)
(My bad. I must've missed that.)

Sara was torn. She had seen the tears Olivia had already shed in her uncertainty. How would they tell her they'd been too late?