Let Love In - A CSX RP

Tina blushed, and put her head down lightly so he couldn't see.


Sofia was lost into his eyes, she almost forgot what he had asked, mentally kicking herself out of the dreamland, "Yeah, Its fine" giving him a big smile, with a hint of a smirk.
Greg tried his best to keep the smile growing on his face contained, but Sofia made that so hard for him. After a moment of trying to fight it, that grin broke through and showed itself brightly upon his face. "That's good." He replied, trying to remain casual about it. Looking down at his fork, Greg studdied it for a moment, if only to get his mind off of her for a moment. It didn't work, of course, but it was worth a shot. Greg's hand traveled to one of the loose menues that was sitting there, and he looked at it for a moment. "Do you have any idea what you want?" Brown eyes moved back upon the blonde. "I'm buying." Added Greg, that grin still apparent on his face.
Sofia laughed, "Hmm I don't really know, um What are you getting?" She asked him with a smile. She didn't really know what she wanted, maybe getting an idea off of him would get an idea of what she wanted.
Greg's shoulders rose and fell to form a shrug as her question sunk into his mind. He might have had an idea, but the man wasn't exactly sure that it was what he wanted. "Pancakes, maybe?" Greg's tone showed that he wasn't sure of himself at this point. Again, he found himself chewing on the side of his mouth as he looked back at her.
Sofia thought on it for a moment, then it really sounded like a great idea, "Pancakes it is" She smiled at him.
Greg offered her yet another grin as she agreed with his choice of food. "Awsome."

A question had been pressing Greg Sanders, one that he had wanted to ask the right person. Someone who wouldn't give him an untrue answer. Someone he could trust. It wasn't that he couldn't trust Nick or Catherine, it was that he didn't know if they'd just give him the answer he wanted just to be nice. "Sofia..." He began, looking at the table as his right index finger traced invisible lines. "Do you think I'm still funny?"
Sofia looked at him for a minute, and smiled, and ran her hand over his, "Of course your still funny, Greg, why would you think your not?"


Tina smiled into the kiss, and ran her hands down over his.
Greg shrugged yet again, another shiver running down his spine as her flesh met his. "No reason." He said, backtracking far enough to shake the subject. Nobody thought Greg Sanders would ever be one to doubt his humor, especially knowing that he had been gifted with the ability to make even Grissom smile...and that was really something amazing. Only one other person could do that on a ragular basis that he could think of...That memory of Sofia entering the locker room and telling him not to lose his humor flooded his mind again, and a small smile graced the man's face. Maybe she really did care...
Tina smiled, and took one last sip of her drink, and stood up waiting on Warrick.


Sofia watched him, and wondered what made him think he wasn't funny anymore, she sighed, and gave him a light smile, "So.."