Let Love In - A CSX RP

"I'll call after dinner and see, the worst he could do is say no." Said Warrick smiling, maybe they could have a second honeymoon, since their first wasn't that great.
Tina leaned over and kissed him, "I'm glad you got away" and saw their dinner coming and smirked, "Told ya it wouldn't be long"
Greg's lips spred into a proud, almost goofy grin as Sofia commented on him. The kiss that she had planted on his cheek sent the boy's right foot randomly kicking the ground as if he was a six year old. There was an 'aw shucks' look about him as he closed the door behind Sofia. "Come'on." Greg instructed, gathering his composure again as he began to lead the blonde across the parking-lot.


Sara let out an unamused huff as she hung up her phone. What in the world had caused her to say, 'Sure, I'll work again.'? Obviously, she was rather tired, but Grissom needed her...In a profesional kind of way...Again.

{Since my brain shut down, I've forgotten what time frame this RP is in...}
Sofia followed him, then got closer to him, and looped her arm around his, and gave him a bright smile. She liked him.
For a moment, her sudden, not to mention bold, move shocked him. In a way though, it comforted him as well. Greg wasn't nervous around her, probably because of all the time they had spent together. Obviously, Greg liked her as more then a friend, which ment is was nice that they could get close to eachother without nerves playing in on them too much. Free hand digging into his pocket, he let out a breath. The golden light they were reciving from the sun wrapped around them...It was nice.
Sofia blushed lightly to herself, she was glad he didn't push her away and say, Are you crazy or something else along those lines. She could really be herself near him, and she liked it.
Once they arrived at the enterence to the diner, Greg's hand re-emerged from his pocket and grasped onto the handle of the door. Pulling on it, the glass door swung open, allowing them in. "Ladies first." He said, grinning as he did so. Greg might have been a jokester, but he knew how to be polite when it was needed. And on a date with Sofia, it was certainly needed. The man's arm unlooped its' self from hers, so she could easily go ahead of him. Already, the air conditioned diner called for him. It beat the desert heat by a long shot. Greg's eyes scanned over the diner hours and menu on the door he was holding open for her, if only for future reference.