Let Love In - A CSX RP

"Here we are." He informed her, another small grin spreding across his lips. The man slowed the SUV and pulled into an empty parking space. Though, Greg didn't shut the car off right away, no, he took his time. After a few moments of breathing, he turned the keys and extracted them from the car before placing them in his pocet. Greg looked over at her, that smile still painted on his face.
Sofia loved that smile on him, she could sit and stare at it for hours. She smiled at him, "Nice place" She nodded towards him.
"Sara?" Grissom asked, knowing it was her he continued. "You tired?" He wanted to know if she could work a double without slipping up.

"Okay, does anyone want a refill?"

"Sure." Warrick said, sliding over his glass
Letting out a small chuckle, Greg glanced at the diner. "It's just a diner." He smiled, looking back at her. The man bit his bottom lip slightly as he saw his reflection in her blue eyes. After another moment, Greg pulled himself away and opened up his door. Jumping out, he quickly rushed around and opened Sofia's door in a...gentelman-like way.


Keeping the yawn muffled a bit, Sara shrugged her shoulders. "I guess not." The brunette replied, already knowing what he was going to ask of her. Frankly, Sara didn't mind working a double, she did it alot. Just...the fact that everyone else was out seemed to annoy her a bit.
Tina still had almost a full glass so she shook her head, "No, but I'm good thanks"


Sofia smiled when he opened her door, and she got out and lightly kissed him on the cheek, "Such a gentleman"
"Good," Grissom said "Because we are swampped, meet me in my office." He said, then hung up his phone.

* * *

"Okay, your food will be ready shortly." The waitress said, then walked off.

"In other words, it will be an hour." Warrick said.
Warrick sighed, his wife was quite the optimist, but even she should admit that it wouldn't be out for a while, considering all the people here. "It might."
(Umm...dude, me don't got no ideas, I aciddentally left the cage open when I was feeding those plot bunnies and they have all escaped, so you have to think of something.)

Warrick smiled at his wife, she looked a bit uncomfortable.
"Do you think Griss would let me?" Warrick asked, he would love to, but all things considered, he doubt Griss would.

(Ohh...that would work since I'm Griss)
Tina smiled, "I'm sure he'll let you, you haven't had a day off in awhile, so I'm sure you have some time for you coming up, I know I do"